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  1. Just a Picture from our Bar/Kitchen Renovation.
    6 points
  2. Another one from yesterday. :>
    6 points
  3. Mercy does a little plushie collecting Favorite quote from the round, from Haakar Shar trying to find the anesthetic tank to put on himself before surgery: "HOW DO YOU FIND ANYTHING IN HERE???" "It is meticulously organized."
    5 points
  4. I'm working on a replacement for the current chat UI that should allow optimize some things, including when you get a ton of messages at once
    2 points
  5. I can't decide if I like this idea or not. I do definitely see it being abused to be a total ass, but I also can't deny it's kind of funny. Perhaps the *spin emote could be used to remove it. I know this is a somewhat different topic... but making borgs crew isn't particularly sensible, nor does it change anything. As well, if someone wants to pin a medal on a borg... I mean, yeah, it's weird, but it's not exactly breaking the Geneva convention, space/ time/ physics or even really SoP. There aren't any morale issues to it, either.
    2 points
  6. Basic Information First Name: Gordon Last Name: Whitlock Gender: Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Grungle, Gordie. Age/D.O.B: 30 Place Of Birth: The Intes Cluster, aboard the S.S Terminal. Approximately 12 light years away from Sol and located within an Asteroid belt. Species: Human Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Employee, hired first as apart of the Research Division. Religious Beliefs: Gordon has no true god he worships, but can be seen constantly attempting 'contact' with multiple gods or idols. [Addendum: When asked of the significance of his hair flower, there is reason to believe it was once viewed as a charm, or relic.] Character Biography Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Gordon Whitlock carries himself with a very energetic and upbeat posture, smile lines appear somewhat faded around his cheeks and underneath his eyes. His graying hair has white streaks running from his scalp to the tips of his ponytail. Whitlock's complexion is a pale white, not including the darkened scarred tissue that begins below his elbow and runs to right below his prosthetic left hands wrist, where the flesh ends and the metal begins. His eyes are a soft green, and nestled gently within his somewhat unkempt hair is a flower pin whom's artificial coloring has begun to fade from time. ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! Character Voice: Gordon Whitlock carries a very rugged voice, the tone of which is usually spoken in a sly, smug know-it-all tone in almost any scenario in which he isn't thanking someone. Sarcasm and sass are very apparent in almost every sentence he finishes. (Video is just my interpretation of what Gordon likely, loosely sounds like. Feel free to imagine his voice however you see fit to him :) Personality: Gordon Whitlock is an eccentric and abrasive person with a side of being abhorrently neurotic. Though in the past Gordon had found it difficult to respect authority, recently his outlook has completely mellowed out when in regards to higher ups, and he has generally become a much more passive person. Though Gordon can often panic, it is often never shown on his outer appearance other than a handful of nervous tics that he has. Whitlock has been described by his peers as a 'Mad Scientist'. Medical Record: Character Relations Family: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Faltering Memory Of Faction Relations Allied | Neutral | Dislike | Enemy Other Information I will definitely be adding onto this as Gordon grows as a character, many things are subject to change in this biography. And! If I forgot anyone's character, please do let me know!
    2 points
  7. Doodled some spess characters with character archetypes I think they line up with! Rivera Kirkland Fiona Phillips ft. Tidal Kirkland Chikitita Idunn Raan Kikeri
    1 point
  8. Big shoutout to Woj and Heather for being incredible writers and compelling me to finally get this done. First Name: Anton Last Name: Fasani Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: Often called Fasani, called Anty by a couple close female friends. Picture: https://imgur.com/t/ss13/XWxivq3 Age: 28 Species: Human Blood Type: B- Place of Birth: Unregistered, privately owned asteroid mining outpost formerly located in SolGov frontier space. Location currently unknown. Alignment: Various, mostly Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. Generally cares for others, more than willing to put themselves in harm's way for a stranger. Countered by occasional selfishness, and is not adverse to circumventing law to achieve what he feels is the greater good, or simply something he desires at that moment. Affiliation: 
Nanotrasen: Employee
 (various positions and accreditations) Falco Designs: Associate and “Procurement Specialist”

 Religious Beliefs: Believes in a higher power, but is not “spiritual”

 Childhood: I'm rolling this into history. Adulthood: I'm rolling this into history as well. Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Anton speaks calmly, and has an air of coolness about him. He sounds more or less what you would expect a Californian surfer dude to sound like but in terms of mannerisms and tone of voice, less in West Coast accent. Personality: Medical Records: 
 Employment Records: Security Records: Character Biography Background: Included in History. Family: History: (I am not including all of Anton’s history, as some plot points of his life are ongoing and if you really want to know about him, you should find him and get to know him :)))


(If I forgot you I’m SO SO SORRY there is a lot of people I love to hang around please let me know, this list will likely be edited with time) Faction Relations: Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy 
Miscellaneous Information:

 Favorite drinks: 
As a bartender, Anton enjoys numerous drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, but has specific drinks he prefers on a situational basis:

 Bahama Mama: For the end of a shift, or for a shift where things have hit the fan and he needs to feel grounded.

 Gin Fizz: Standard on-shift drink. Refreshing, and gets the job done. Milkshake: For on-shift jobs that require sobriety (not many) Irish coffee in a flask: Detective shifts. Coffee with cream/sugar in a mug: Security shifts. Favorite Food: 
Anton’s culinary prowess has allowed him to have a varied palette of tastes, but his rough upbringing continues to be reflected in his preference for greasy bar foods. His favorite meals are two of his specialty dishes; Bacon Mac & Cheese Personal Pizza, and for dessert his Deep-Fried Plump Pie. If there is anything you feel is missing PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!
    1 point
  9. This'll be a bit of a long post regarding an idea I had for a new antagonist, so here we go. General Information: They are solo non-conversion antagonist. The amount spawned in the gamemode would be 1 + (num of players / 8) Antagonist mechanics: Knowledge points: This is the equivalent of swarmer points to sorcerers, they have a starting maximum of 100, are obtained through absorbing items and are spent in abilities. Arcane Torch: This is the only ability that sorcerers spawn with, it has no cooldown and it's effect is summoning/unsummoning an ethereal hand that baps items to drain them, and giving the sorcerer X amount of points depending on the item. A specific sorcerer can only absorb one type of item per game, so you cannot absorb a red toolbox twice. Absorbed items are easily recognizable as they are gray, have a special name/description, and are rendered useless. Absorbing an item leaves your fingerprint on it. Here's an example on how absorbing an item looks like: Leveling up: Sorcerers have levels, you start at level 1 and get the ability to level up when you reach your maximum knowledge points (100 for the most part). Leveling up awards the sorcerer with a couple of goodies depending on the level: Every level you level up, you are given a choice between 3 spells, the effect of these spells depend on the effect of the items you absorbed (if you absorb a lot of combat items, you have a higher chance of combat spells, medical items for healing, and so on). Choosing one of these spells grants you the spell. (all of this spell stuff is explained soon). Every two levels you level up (lvl 2, 4, 6...), you are allowed to upgrade one of your spells, the upgrade depends on the spell. Spells: Spells are the sorcerer's abilities, they are gained and upgraded by leveling up, and these are their unique quirks: Not all of your spells are active at once. Each time you level up, you randomly replace your current active spells with 4 random spells from all spells you own. Only active spells can be activated, the rest cannot be seen / used. Spells do not have a cooldown, but they consume knowledge points to activate and charges, each spell has their specific amount of charges, and each time you use a spell, one charge is consumed. Consuming all charges off a spell removes it as an active spell. Here is an example of the active spell mechanic: The one part I have not come up with yet are appropiate objectives, but ideally they'll be revealed to the sorcerer when they level up to a specific level (10, 15?). Posting this to see what the general opinion is, before I continue coding.
    1 point
  10. [Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo has a Crew Record post here. Seeing as that forum is more oriented to official Nanotrasen documents, I thought I'd take time to write a more in-depth bio here as well.] Basic Information Full name: Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo Gender: None (recorded as Female on Nanotrasen records) Pronouns: She/her Species: Drask Height: 7'6" (2.29 m) Age: 49 SolGov years Born: 6-23-2516 (approx.) Homeland: Uuuin-Kvaamm (drask station-colony) Religious views: Vkk-Lllnuuumrr/"Deep Ocean Faith" (branch of Hoorlm Animism) Sexuality: Indeterminate (not hugely important to drask, nor do people usually bring it up) Affiliation: Nanotrasen Supply & Service Division Preferred line of work: Custodial duty Personality Viisk is generally a courteous and patient individual, and happy to converse with the rare crewmate who will bother to strike up a conversation with her. That said, her patience is vulnerable to stress, and too many frustrations without time to decompress can quickly put her on edge. She prefers to keep a dedicated space for herself to relax for exactly this reason, and usually uses her designated workspace to get some privacy during tense shifts; because of this, any intrusion on this space by delinquents or otherwise unwelcome guests is frequently met by a very snippy drask. As a drask, Viisk finds the "human-tolerable" environment of the Cyberiad to be a bizarre and unpleasantly hot one. Though she's adapted fairly well to the cultural oddities of other species, the temperature difference remains a problem, and she frequently searches for ways to keep cool while on the job - whether it be rolled-down jumpsuits and cold packs stuffed in shoes or sneaking into the station's holodeck to lay down on the floor in the "winter field" setting. Moreover, as a fairly devoted follower of traditional drask animism, Viisk believes in the sanctity of life in all forms; she avoids violence and is apalled by the idea that any one being's life could ever be more valuable than another's. This doesn't mean she's a pacifist, of course, but she prefers only to fight if it's necessary to protect herself or others from aggression. Viisk's two key words when it comes to making friends are "politeness" and "communication". She likes to see the good in people, so as long as someone acts respectfully and talks in a way she can make sense of, Viisk will generally get along swimmingly with them. On the other hand, rude, selfish, or aggressive people tend to register as just another annoying aspect of the job. While it's difficult to outright antagonize Viisk, it doesn't take much to be noted as someone for her to steer clear of. Backstory Early life: Leaving home: Mining career: Present day: Relationships Interpersonal Faction alignments Miscellaneous Information Housing: Fun facts:
    1 point
  11. (Years in the making and much procrastination later, and I've finally made this mess of a bio. Still slightly WIP, though that's mostly for recent in-game events.) First Name: Vixx Last Name: Vaxx Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: Vixxkivakay Picture(If Available): Art By Kikeri Age/D.O.B: Biological age of 28. True age unknown due to extended periods between clonings. Place Of Birth: In orbit around Kelune Species: Vox, originally Vulpkanin Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: Unwilling employee of Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: Follower of Technomancy, the belief that ascension can be achieved through science and technology. Believes that the universe is controlled by bluespace ‘gods’ that have ascended beyond mortality. Biography Childhood: Vixx was born a Vulpkanin on his family owned trading ship, though his home is considered to be Kelun. Having parents that worked in the trade industry, he spent most of his time traveling with them from system to system. Although he was able to get most of his education from his parents and remote teaching, he eventually had to return to Kelun during his late teens and attend a boarding school for the remainder of his early education. It was during this time that he developed his interest in the medical sciences. Partially funded by his parents, he was able to attend a Nanotrasen owned college, where he got exposure to many advanced sciences and learned about the various species in the galaxy. Adulthood: After graduating, Vixx returned to working in the same trade company as his parents. He primarily worked as a ship doctor, though would also use his knowledge in robotics and biology for appraising trade goods that fell under these domains. It was at this time that his parents passed away due to health issues. It was heartbreaking for Vixx, but he felt that they had lived happy lives. During his work, he began to grow a distaste for Nanotrasen as he observed how widespread and oppressive the company could be. This came to a head during a contracted supply run for Nanotrasen. A colony under Nanotrasen jurisdiction sent out a distress signal requesting medical aid after a plasma mine explosion. The trade ship Vixx was on had experimental medical supplies that could aid the colony, but were told by Nanotrasen that the supplies were to be delivered to its intended station and not used to aid the colony. Going against this ruling, Vixx stole several crates of these supplies and teleported them to the colony to aid them. It didn’t take long for this act to be discovered, and Vixx was arrested and charged with multiple counts of grand theft. The violations of his contract also lead to a substantial fine being placed on him in addition to the charges, leading to a massive debt being put on him. Unable to pay for the legal fees of his charges, the cost of the stolen supplies, and the fines for violating his contract, Vixx was forced into peonage for the company till his debt is paid. Early Employment: Vixx’s indoctrination into Nanotrasen was rough. He initially was very resistant, leading to altercations with his superiors and occasional demotion. However, avoided committing any crimes in order to avoid additional debt being added to the amount he already owed. Despite this, he still searched for ways to undercut the company or find loopholes that’s potentially get him free of his new contract. One attempt was made to reduce his debt by selling off misplaced, miscounted, or surplus supplies he came across to non-Nanotrasen traders and occasionally black market dealers. These trades lead to him being noticed by the Syndicate, who saw an opportunity in using his debt as a way to persuade him into doing jobs for them. His first official contact with the Syndicate was through a simple offer of a portion of his debt being paid off in exchange for stolen goods. Hesitantly, he performed the requested job, and was surprised to find that they had followed through with their side of the deal and somehow reduced his debt by a fair amount. Emboldened by this, he began actively seeking out the syndicate in hopes of getting more opportunities to work for them. This ended up being a mistake, as he began sticking his nose into the business of several dangerous individuals. His searching led to him getting tangled up with a group of Syndicate pirates, and after being promised information in exchange for goods, led to him being kidnapped. The pirates had no interest in giving Vixx any information, and simply stole the goods that Vixx had collected. As a warning not to actively seek out the Syndicate, the syndicate pirates killed him. His next memory was of him being cloned aboard a Nanotrasen station. He was informed about his body being found in space near the station, and that his body had been completely skinned. Despite having no memory of the event, he was still traumatized by this, along with this being his first ever experience of being cloned. Poor luck seemed to follow Vixx after that day. Multiple encounters with the Syndicate, biohazards, and other malicious entities lead to him being cloned on a fairly frequent basis, sometimes multiple times a month with days or even weeks of memory loss. This began to have an effect on his mental health, often leading to depression, hopelessness, and antisocial behavior. The Syndicate still sent him job opportunities, but rarely would he follow through with any of them. Current History (In-game events): Vixx was eventually assigned a long term position aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Although indifferent at first, having a more permanent workplace when compared to the frequent transfers he previously had showed to be helpful for his mental health. He also found himself enjoying the research aspect of the station’s operations, often partaking in various medical and science projects. His time on the station led to several encounters with creatures, individuals, and anomalies of paranormal and supernatural nature, many of which he found fascinating despite their danger and often malicious intent. Curiosity pushed him to begin delving into the mysteries of bluespace, the theories of redspace, and the possibilities of gods and entities that lie beyond mortal perception. Although very scientific in his approach, this school of thought was often seen as religious by his coworkers. The gods and entities he studies also seemed to be more responsive to religious acts, so he named this school of thought ‘Technomancy’ and registered it as his practiced religion. During his research, he began to develop an interest in genetics and biological modification. The discovery of Stable Mutagen, a chemical that can completely alter an individual’s species, became the primary focus of his research for quite some time. He also saw this as an opportunity to reduce his debt to the company. Using a mix of genetics, chemistry, and medicine, Vixx was able to create a method of altering an individual’s species while maintaining their voice, appearance, and identity (Or at least as close as possible to their original species). Trial runs proved to be successful and Vixx was poised to turn this into a potential business. This was cut short almost immediately. Nanotrasen claimed ownership of his research and banned the production of Stable Mutagen soon after. This caused Vixx’s hatred towards the company to grow, and he began hiding his research from the company to avoid a repeat. With no avenue to reclaim his research, he turned his attention to a new subject. Vox had always been interesting to Vixx, but he had never studied them in depth. He was aware of their bio-engineered nature, but knew next to nothing about their creation, mostly due to the Vox’s secretive nature when it comes to their science and technology. His studies lead to him finding that the Vox tend to hold philosophical views on the subject of the universe similar to his own. He also found the kinship Vox shared with one another to be enviable, due to his struggles to create any strong friendships in the work environment. This has led to him somewhat enjoying the company of Vox more than most other species. Since his work in science was cut short, he moved to more frequently work the medical department aboard the station. His knowledge in biology and medicine allowed him to comfortably work most jobs in the department, but his desire to help others leads to him often working as a doctor and surgeon. Although he enjoys the job for the most part, he still has an interest in research and science, and won’t hesitate to jump on any opportunity to aid or partake in any projects. His interest in Vox one day took a strange turn amidst a shift with a high amount of paranormal activity. There had been many sightings of ghosts, unnatural events, and supernatural happenings. Seeing this as a potential opportunity, he beckoned for the spirits to answer his wish to be able to speak Vox. He got his wish in an unexpected way, as he was suddenly struck by a supernatural force and transformed into a Vox. Since then, Vixx has found himself stuck between two ways of life. That of his old way of living, and that of a vox. Although he has been trying to fit in among the other vox on the station, there's a part of him that always feels like he's an outsider. He's hesitant to explore the vox ways due to the secrecy and hostility towards outsiders, but he's managed to find friends on the station. Detailed Information Appearance: Vixx is a Vox that stands at about 3'6" and is of a fairly thin build. He's dark brown with light brown quills atop his head that he keeps in a swept back style. His eyes are light green and also posesses some almost vulpkanine like physical mannerisms. Old Vulpkanin Appearance: Character Voice: Quiet and gentle, though has a hint of gruffness that most Vulpkanins have. His voice is on the somewhat deep side, much to his surprise when he hears recordings of it. Personality: Vixx is usually friendly and somewhat quiet. Although he doesn’t engage in major social events, he still likes talking with folks and listening to the stories they might have to share. He can also be quite protective, often going out of his way to help others even at the risk of his own life. He’s hard to anger, but can be spiteful against those that cause harm to his friends or those that just act rude in general. Despite his willingness to throw himself in danger at the behalf of his friends, he does his best to avoid physical conflict if he can, as he feels he would be more of a hindrance in a fight than helpful, unless inaction would do more harm than good. Despite his helpful nature, this can work against Vixx as he’s very susceptible to stress. Even a busy shift can be difficult for him to handle, and he’ll sometimes retreat from his work unless it involves someone needing help. He often overworks himself and needs time off for mental recovery. Socializing with close friends is his go-to method for relaxing, though he’ll also read or work on personal projects if he’s on his own. Despite this, he’s always ready to jump in to help others at a moment's notice, sometimes even disregarding his time off if he feels like he’s needed. Background: Vixx was born into a trader family and spent most of his young life traveling and meeting various cultures and species. He grew to enjoy this sort of interaction, and also began to develop an interest in science and medicine. Family: Both parents are deceased. No siblings or close relatives. History: Originally a trader with a love for everything science, Vixx found himself an unwilling employee of Nanotrasen after a moral decision led to him owing a major debt to the company. He’s tried to make the best of it through pursuing his personal interests and taking advantage of the company’s state of the art research facilities, but frequent deaths and clonings, Syndicate involvement, supernatural occurrences, and general distaste for Nanotrasen have made it difficult for him to make any progress on clearing his debt. Faction Relations Nanotrasen - Hate Vixx’s travels have shown him just how far reaching and oppressive Nanotrasen has become. Despite despising them, he’s stuck working for them. The Syndicate - Dislike Vixx’s debt to Nanotrasen is well known by the Syndicate, who often used it as leverage to get him to do their bidding. Vixx doesn’t do work for them any more, though they do on occasion come after him due to unsettled business. The Vulpkanin Assembly - Like Vixx is fond of his own people, seeing them as strong survivors despite the odds they faced in the past. However, he is unhappy with their recent dealings with Nanotrasen and worries the company is on a course to exploit them. The Vox Shoals - Neutral Although curious about the shoals and arkships of the Vox, Vixx has not yet visited any in person. SolGov - Neutral Vixx respects them, but feels they lack the power to have any substantial impact on the galactic community beyond the Sol borders. Other Information Favorite drink is Doctor’s Delight. Favorite food is Eggs Benedict. Terrified of pirates, especially ‘Fur Traders’.
    1 point
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