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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi! It's been a while! I've started classes up again, so it's been a challenge to find time to draw, let alone play space @__@ either way, I've gotten some art done! here's the final image I did for Idunn's backstory timelapse: here's also Freya's ref, finally finished after four months in wip file limbo! I plan to make her a crew record and character bio post soon! here's a few doodles featuring @Woje, @punkalope, @JackoMallows and @SlimeBird! finally, an art I did with Fiona and @Jabronio gaming! it was a lot of fun to draw Anton and Fiona :]
    5 points
  2. Unofficial Lore and Headcanon Thread This thread is for the community to share and discuss Paradise Station's Space Station 13 lore, headcanon, and other community-made legends (including stories, encyclopedias, and more). All lore posts will be linked to the original post (this message) for easier and more organized viewing. The purpose of this thread is for the community to share each other's materials and take inspiration from others to craft their better-written characters for a higher quality of roleplay and immersion. #Unofficial Lore Thread is also a discord thread under #spacestation_13, join the conversation there! Universe Lore https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159844 Cyberiad (& Tajaran) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zUxgIDzY-YrqxlQFwur1rAGgzSRTemC87CWpzoX7XjM/edit Jäger Heavy Industries Species https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159806 Vox Arks https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159843 Vulpkanin (& Cyberiad) https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159829 Vampires & Their Soul https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159842 Cabal Vampires https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159820 Abductor Miscellaneous https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?tab=comments#comment-159796 Species, Factions, (& Misc) Be respectful to each other; enjoy literary work, story writing; and have fun!
    4 points
  3. Just a small doodle for today!
    4 points
  4. I really can't think of a way to make BSA more useful to the station. It's just a big gun. It's not gonna have any real use because we don't have anything big to shoot every round. (And making it more effective vs Lavaland mobs would open a bad can of worms). As cool as everything about it is, it's not really practical as a regular station goal. BSH has potential, but needs more tweaking. Its rewards are lackluster and there arent enough options to power it except for a TEG. If the BSA and Station Shields werent also station goals, BSH would be a nice "Engineering/Atmos" focused goal with some adjustments. I have nothing new to add to the DNA Vault discussion except to add "Tough Skin" to the list of useless DNA vault powers. You take a little less brute damage, but you're also completely unable to be injected with hyposprays or syringes. Doctors hate him! Having station goals that involved more than just engineering is always nice. An example: Station Goal: Neural Education Organism A station goal that requires the joint efforts of medical. Nanotrasen would like the Cyberiad to experiment with the forefront of their "Education" program. The Neural Education Organism has been pre-loaded with Nanotrasen endorsed knowledge and ideals, and would like you to build a machine that can transfer it directly into another's brain. Unfortunately, ensuring compatibility with both the machine and subject is a violent process. Extensive medical attention will be required for both the preparation and attuning process. The cargo crate contains a cube containing the test organism, random cybernetic augments/limbs/organs that must be installed, a list of additional organs from randomly selected species to be transplanted, and the machine board. Once the test organism is set up and machine is built, the attuning process can begin. The organism must be attuned to three different species of sentient humanoids before it is complete. Unfortunately the attuning process is long and extremely violent. Both the organism and the subject will take large amounts of brute, burn, oxy, and toxin damage throughout the procedure, but must be kept alive for the two minute attuning process to complete. If either dies, the attuning process fails and must be restarted. Once this is successfully done three times, station goal is complete, and people can enter the machine for a quick blast of education. NanoTrasen-Educated individuals can understand all humanoid languages, have access to a special crafting menu (what you can craft is yet to be determined), and feel a bit more loyal to NT (just fluff). The organism must stay alive in the machine for it to continue working. It can be defibbed, but not cloned. If you lose it, you'll have to start from scratch with another one from cargo.
    3 points
  5. Will add on to this assuming I draw again!
    2 points
  6. Narrators Voice: No, no he could not.
    2 points
  7. Just a Picture from our Bar/Kitchen Renovation.
    2 points
  8. What it says on the tin. Xenobiology as a subdepartment is valuable when it wants to be, creating many quite unique and useful things, but at the same time, it is not really related to anything else going on in science. What follows is that there's a certain subset of xenobiology mains who refuse to do R&D, and scientists who have no care for Xenobiology. This causes some friction, because there can be too many people who wanted to be a xenobiologist but did not get to, or - especially on low pop - the only active scientists might not be interested in R&D. By splitting xenobio off (two slots?) and reducing science slots, a lot of this could be avoided. It becomes more clear what isn't being done for latejoiners, as well. Also reduces Scientists' powergaming potential by making it harder to access every single part of the research department with just one ID.
    1 point
  9. Can you beat the Robust Squisher 9000?!
    1 point
  10. That encourages people to do it. A punishment is supposed to be a punishment.
    1 point
  11. BSA: Perhaps an option to scale the blast, or make it more practical would be good, like said mentioned grenades. Station shields: Underwhelming, yes, but it actually makes sense as a station goal, and would logically be something NT would want the crew to have on any station. It is simple, but simple isn't necessarily bad. If anything, some improvements could be make more sats needed, and slightly increase the range on them to make them more usefull. It is simple yes, but it does not really need to be complex. Maybe make departments have to work on it, maybe make the sats need quality stock parts / larger cells. Maybe a power relay to power the sats. DNA vault: A nice hard changeable, multiple departments, but with quite the broken rewards. Some scaling down on stim / arm / stun may be good, while maybe buffing toxin to be something other than plasma and virus immunity. BSA. Sounds nice, but you almost never get any rewards of it, crew has a habit of cheesing it with belts / disposals, and the only way to power it in a practical method is TEG, which could really use a tweak. In short, it needs to generate more points with less power, but also spawn the portals on station, rather than just in the room it is in perhaps, to prevent cheesing it. The spawn rate should also be tweaked, having 1 point over the limit is a 1% chance to shut it down each cycle, which is admittedly way to common.
    1 point
  12. @Drakeven's Mikah and her pet Oats as an Imperial Inspector, an art trade.
    1 point
  13. I'm working on a replacement for the current chat UI that should allow optimize some things, including when you get a ton of messages at once
    1 point
  14. Ichor the Padawan about three days before order 66 happens. Dominic the Wild Magic Sorcerer and his trusty familiar
    1 point
  15. top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster. @Peak
    1 point
  16. I'm double posting and you can't stop me.
    1 point
  17. Oh, apparently I forgot to post this one!
    1 point
  18. Preface: This is not really a "suggestion" as of such, more a problem the community is concerned about. Since there is no real place for such a public discussion about this specific topic, I have stolen the suggestion forum for it. I want to make it crystal clear right here that this is NOT intended to bring up any ill-will towards the staff team, and we all agree that the work they do as volunteers is massively appreciated. Everyone has a life, we don't expect you to full-time care for Paradise. However, some of these points do involve asking hard questions to staff, and we want a civil but open discussion about them. The issue at hand: So, what's this all about? Why am I reading this forum thread? Well, if you mosey on over to the Paradise github, you will notice we are sat at about 200 active PRs. This number has been slowly climbing over the past few months and is starting to reach an unmanageable backlog. Why is this a problem? Surely 200 PRs is good since people are actively contributing! Well, yes and no. It's great to see active development and people taking part, but unfortunately we currently have more active development going on than staff are handling, leading to the increase in PRs that are sat there stale. We have a LARGE number of PRs that have been sat stale (or unmerged) for many months, and a handful over a year old! This puts people off contributing, it makes it stressful to have to maintain months old PRs with no feedback on where/why they are not moving anywhere, and quite franlky means the game is not getting as much love as it should from a coding standpoint. What is the cause of the problem? Well, quite frankly, this is what this thread is here to discuss. It's not entirely clear why things are the way they are, or why they are not being resolved. Factors we are aware of: Heads of Staff currently have to actively approve any non-fix/refactor PR. If a PR gets overlooked or no votes, it just sits there forever. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15139) Unfortunately, it has become clear that heads are not really able to give the time to sort through our massive PR backlog, with approvals being sporadic at best. Now yes, headmins are busy and we appreciate all the work they do in other sections, but with this issue ongoing for over 6 months, it's clear the situation is NOT going to resolve itself by being left as-is. "Stale" review requests. These happen when a code change is suggested by a maintainer, implemented, but the maintainer does not re-review the code. This issue sort of ties into the lack of active maintainers, with @AffectedArc07 literally carrying the maint role singlehandedly for all intents and purposes. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15404) PR limbo. PR limbo happens when a PR is objected to by one person, but does not get any further approvals. This is also linked to both above issues. PRs like this just drift towards the back page and are not tackled or looked at. So they just sit there. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15445) Stale PRs. Stale PRs are ones that have not been updated in a long time, and are just sat there. Other codebases handle these by allowing maints to close them at their discresion, however we seem to just let them sit there forever. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15442) So, how do we fix it? Well, this is the difficult part. It requires a lot of change somewhere, and I'm not sure where to start tackling it. This is why an open discussion with the community regarding WHY these issues have been allowed to creep up, and HOW the staff heads are planning to resolve the issues. Things I can think of that might alleviate the issues somewhat: More ACTIVE maintainers. We appreciate the work put in by all our maintainers, and we don't want them to feel this is an attack. But currently, AA is the only maint actually doing anything remotely maint-like. He is doing everything and it is, no offense to him, too much for one person to stay sane and handle. Allow heads to object, but remove the requirement for their explicit approval on feature PRs. Let the good judgement of the maintainers (people who are familiar with the game and have a good sense of what will help or not) carry the code, and the heads can step in if they feel something is going to cause issues. Be more aggressive in closing stale PRs. Add a time-limit to review requests, if someone has been requested for a review and has not done so in months, their review should no longer be a hard requirement. Be more active in discussions regarding PRs in PR limbo, try to actively resolve them instead of just sweeping it under the rug and letting them accumulate in the background. These are just a few solutions I can think of. Please, community, share anything you feel is relevant. Lastly, we just need MORE involvement from the heads in the current system, and we should not let stale reviews/objections hold up the whole PR system. @Kyet @necaladun @Dumbdumn5 I'm pinging you three here specifically, because I want each of you to please share with us your thoughts on why things have gone the way they have, and how you feel we can solve the issues.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I appreciate that I have kept my head low enough that I have managed to keep my true alignment hidden
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Your insults simply bounce off my rotund frame and return from whence they came.
    0 points
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