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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2021 in all areas

  1. I wanted to write/share a few of my own headcanons, hopefully they don't directly go against canon aha. Though they're all kinda small things, so. I took a bit to write these down cause I have quite a few, and some aren't 100% mine I think (or I got the idea from a convo) so I'll tag appropriately (Sorry if something doesn't make sense, I'll probably make edits later when I'm not about to pass out) Because Vulps have big families and Tajara are very community-oriented, the two species throw really good parties. (came up with @JackoMallows) Vulps are known for having really loud, extravagant parties, while Tajara are more known for elegant and fancy ones. These are both stereotypes. Tajara parties are ESPECIALLY important to their culture. Vox display affection by holding tails or bumping beaks. (also came up with this while talking to @SlimeBird) Tajara are stereotypically a little snobby when it comes to appearance, which came about during their artistic renaissance. They are literally pretty kitties. Tajara have big beauty pageants and fashion shows to show off their fur coats or fashions. Tajara musicals are very popular across the galaxy. Tajaran kittens are sometimes given claw caps when misbehaving, though they've also become a fashion statement. USSP planets/colonies/stations/ect being "cheap & poorly ran" is mostly SolGov propaganda. While it's not entirely false - there are plenty that are - more and more planets have become autonomous zones. These planets still group themselves with the USSP, but are 100% self-ran and are the result of the USSP not being a very strong government force. There are a few groups scattered across the galaxy dedicated to helping victims of The Syndicate, and some who try to fight The Syndicate directly (though are unfortunately unsuccessful) Similarly, however, there are also groups who pretend to help victims. The Syndicate themselves have had people fake these groups to lure more people in. "Syndicate Scams" aren't uncommon, but aren't easy to find either. People actively seeking The Syndicate out are more likely to get scammed. Modern medicine has made people more accident-prone since many figure they can be fixed easier than they could hundreds of years ago. This is all I can remember from the top of my head, but I know I probably have more I'm forgetting ^^
    8 points
  2. Unofficial Lore and Headcanon Thread This thread is for the community to share and discuss Paradise Station's Space Station 13 lore, headcanon, and other community-made legends (including stories, encyclopedias, and more). All lore posts will be linked to the original post (this message) for easier and more organized viewing. The purpose of this thread is for the community to share each other's materials and take inspiration from others to craft their better-written characters for a higher quality of roleplay and immersion. #Unofficial Lore Thread is also a discord thread under #spacestation_13, join the conversation there! Universe Lore https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159844 Cyberiad (& Tajaran) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zUxgIDzY-YrqxlQFwur1rAGgzSRTemC87CWpzoX7XjM/edit Jäger Heavy Industries Species https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159806 Vox Arks https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159843 Vulpkanin (& Cyberiad) https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159829 Vampires & Their Soul https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159842 Cabal Vampires https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?do=findComment&comment=159820 Abductor Miscellaneous https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/21432-unofficial-lore-thread/?tab=comments#comment-159796 Species, Factions, (& Misc) Be respectful to each other; enjoy literary work, story writing; and have fun!
    6 points
  3. Based Letov driving the cult away with harsh words.
    4 points
  4. Editing is scuffed but this one surprised me so much I had to post it
    4 points
  5. Hi! It's been a while! I've started classes up again, so it's been a challenge to find time to draw, let alone play space @__@ either way, I've gotten some art done! here's the final image I did for Idunn's backstory timelapse: here's also Freya's ref, finally finished after four months in wip file limbo! I plan to make her a crew record and character bio post soon! here's a few doodles featuring @Woje, @punkalope, @JackoMallows and @SlimeBird! finally, an art I did with Fiona and @Jabronio gaming! it was a lot of fun to draw Anton and Fiona :]
    4 points
  6. Rare traditional art. Very rough sketch of Rivera from fitness club.
    3 points
  7. hi :D i have a whole pile today Spoilered as usual cause theres a lot
    2 points
  8. Shining a flashlight at the head of a player with less than 10 hours in the game blinds everyone around them. get it because they're bald
    2 points
  9. Mercy does a little plushie collecting Favorite quote from the round, from Haakar Shar trying to find the anesthetic tank to put on himself before surgery: "HOW DO YOU FIND ANYTHING IN HERE???" "It is meticulously organized."
    2 points
  10. Will add on to this assuming I draw again!
    1 point
  11. What it says on the tin. Xenobiology as a subdepartment is valuable when it wants to be, creating many quite unique and useful things, but at the same time, it is not really related to anything else going on in science. What follows is that there's a certain subset of xenobiology mains who refuse to do R&D, and scientists who have no care for Xenobiology. This causes some friction, because there can be too many people who wanted to be a xenobiologist but did not get to, or - especially on low pop - the only active scientists might not be interested in R&D. By splitting xenobio off (two slots?) and reducing science slots, a lot of this could be avoided. It becomes more clear what isn't being done for latejoiners, as well. Also reduces Scientists' powergaming potential by making it harder to access every single part of the research department with just one ID.
    1 point
  12. I dont have many head canons, but a couple of big ones ive always had in regards to Vox: There are only 20 KNOWN arkships in existance on NT records but there are far more of all sizes out there. From small city sized ones, to larger moon sized ones. Each ark contains its own culture that has developed over the untold millennia separate from the others and can be radically different. So you could have a very strict ark where vox are mass produced worker drones with barcodes on them, another that has formed into some kind of industrial nightmare scape, or another where Auralis are viewed as gods, or another where they are viewed as a myth since no one ever sees them. Could even have an ark where there ARE no more auralis for one reason or another. All vox designs exist in the same story universe due to a mix of the culture aspect and their genetic engineering. So small vox, big box, feathered vox, scaled vox, 3 eyed vox, 2 eyed vox, split face vox and beak faced vox, all exist, just on different arks where that's how, over time began to be engineered for various reasons. (To me this both explains why vox have so many variations and makes them more of an unknown aspect that you cant exactly pin down)
    1 point
  13. Medbay 2 aka the submedbay, a smaller but functional medbay below the main one that I built on a slow shift. With more time it would have been fun to add a janky chemistry room and morgue (with wooden caskets), but that's for future building endeavors!~
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Just a small doodle for today!
    1 point
  16. top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster. @Peak
    1 point
  17. Everyone starts with a microbomb implant. The perfect way to end any round. Nukie put you into stam crit? Blow up while they step over your body. Traitor need your hypospray? Fuck you, I'm taking it with me to hell. AI Malf? Send greytiders into to suicide bomb turrets and borgs. Being checked for implants? Confirm their suspicions by blowing off their hands. Slipped by the clown? Hide your shame by obliterating yourself from existence.
    1 point
  18. I do like this idea, but I feel like it would be better suited for a ghost role of sorts. Perhaps a prison complex in space, with guard roles that can be there or not, and rules that don't allow prisoners to leave the complex itself, but allow escape and to kill any visitors, if there are any. This would address all the issues MarsMond brought up, but still allow for escapes without effecting the rest of the round and its antagonists.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. New Gamemode: Shitsec In this gamemode the roles are reversed, and the entire security team are antagonists. Initially the goals starts small - trashing the bar, threatening civvies, and general corruption, but eventually evolves into open corruption, siphoning resources and funds from departments like cargo and RnD, and martial law. The traitors are the good guys, with the goal to create an underground resistance force and fight back against security, rallying the populace to eventually overthrow the corrupt security force, or die trying. Bonus points for every kill performed via guillotine.
    1 point
  21. this is my magnum opus of space station 13 art i think this was originally made as an art fight attack! though six of the included characters were added simply because i wanted to add them. this was sort of intended to be a nod toward the great times i've had in medbay, though it evolved to be a little more than just characters from medbay. but either way, thanks for all the good times! based on this ridiculous image. i love it so much In no particular order, characters belong to: Me: Rivera Kirkland, Tidal Kirkland Chikitita: @SlimeBird @angelictacticsIdunn Raan: Angel Anide: @punkalope Kikeri: @gangelwaefre Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo: @Sappholopod Fiona Phillips: @Woje Jacob Pearls: @Sixzma S.E.A.G.U.L.L.: @rwn Cure #FF99FF: @Pegasnow Qixxiq Xiqqix: @Wilkson Scarlet Einholve: @EmilitiaEnnehrt Gikikigi: @Drakeven aand a couple others (Embrace Of Destiny Under A Lonesome Sun and Anton Fasani), not sure if their players a forum account. (Apologies for all the pings! There's a lot of characters here so I wanted to make sure their players got to see this. :] )
    1 point
  22. I just realized I never put this classic here, either
    1 point
  23. Whoever told you this is having a laugh, this may just be me but you aren't some scary eldritch horror that will consume whoever PMs them. You are approachable to anyone that can take a straight answer in their stride. <3 Do we want these people in our community? If this happened in-game they would most likely face administrative action. While speaking out against staff should never be the sole reason for someone being restricted in the community, extreme toxicity very much should be dealt with. Hopefully the team will be able to more confidently deal with these then the repository code of conduct is merged. I think this here is a key point. The word harassment gets thrown about a lot, and it has become a little murky. What a lot of players want is to "change the opinion" of whoever objects. As you said its natural to want agreement. The issue is when everyone PMs regarding their PR, it's just one PM for the user but 173 for the maint/head. I personally feel that conversations regarding objections should always be held in public, say on the PR itself, as opposed to in DMs. This lets the community clearly see both sides of any discussion that does happen, and would reduce any cases of harassment as people on a public forum are much less likely to be toxic. Perhaps the heads/maints could have an "autoreply" template asking people to host discussions over objections in the PR comments? It's becoming clear that this topic as a whole is an extremely complicated one to resolve, and I appreciate the communication from staff to the community regarding it.
    1 point
  24. Hey, good thread. I've only just starting getting involved on the contributing side of Paradise, but I quickly noticed the backlog. Whenever I would ask on the discord what's up, the answer from others has always been some variation of "heads aren't approving things." which it seems is not the full story based on this thread. I wonder if more transparency in the process would help. As a new contributor, it would be nice to know: 1. What the process actually is. I had to learn about the github approval process by asking around and I'm still not totally clear on how it works. I understand that heads vote to approve features, but I don't know much beyond that. As far as I know the github merge policy isn't actually documented anywhere? 2. Transparency on the head votes/approvals. I often see Kyet on github very helpfully approve or object in a comment, but I am never sure what that means. Is that him voting for it? Does that mean it's approved to be merged by all the heads? What else needs to be done? Do the other heads need to vote as well? 3. A clear indicator of when the baton has been passed to the next stage. Maybe this can be accomplished with PR tags or comments, but its not clear to me who "has the baton" on most PRs. Is it awaiting head review? Is approved and awaiting code review? Does it need changes? Has it been objected to? It would be nice to know clearly what stage a PR is in. Sometimes github comments show this, but other times I hear through discord that the story is different on certain PRs. For example, I got a PM from Neca saying he voted for one of my PRs (thank you!), but based on what's in github I don't know what the other heads think, if it has been approved, if they need something more from me, etc. 4. Is it okay to PM people about github stuff? I imagine staff get pinged all the time about random stuff. I don't want to add unnecessarily to the noise, but I'd also like to know how staff/heads/maintainers feel about discord PMs on github issues. Is it okay to ask what the status is or would you guys prefer we keep things in github comments? Is there already too much noise for you guys or is it okay? The impression I get from discord is that many contributors feel their work is being ignored, but maybe that's not the case. Some of the suggestions above might help people see "Hey, we're looking at it, we just haven't been able to move it forward yet." Or, at least it will help people understand what stage their PR is in. Related to maintainers: Like I said, I'm new to the contributor side of things but I've already seen what a madman AA07 is and the work he puts in. A big thank you to everyone who contributes and maintains the github. It's often thankless work and I'm sorry you guys have had to deal with any abuse at all. You make the game possible and we players really appreciate it! It's unfortunate that angry players are usually louder. I don't know what the process is for this, but is there any way we can make it easier for maintainers? Are there any PR reviewers that can step into the role of trial maintainer? Are there any contributors that are ready to step into the PR reviewer role? Is there anything the average player/contributor can do to make their lives easier? Lastly, big thank you to the staff here. Paradise is a really amazing server and the work you guys put in has made something special in SS13 history IMO.
    1 point
  25. So as far as head approval goes - not an issue. We've approved about 100 or so. That's not an issue at all. Really, there's one perfect solution to this: We chain up the maints in a basement on an IV drip of Amphetamines. But supposedly that's 'illegal' and 'unethical'. It worked great with Ponies tbh. Look, frankly I'd love for the maints to be more active. I'd love more hours out of them. If you read this - please be more active and do more work for 0 pay and negative respect. But in the end, this is a volunteer project. The biggest thing that they've told me would help with this, is for the contributors and community to stop treating them like shit. Every. Single. Maint. Ever. Has complained to me about how toxic the github is, and how much they hate 'the communities' reaction to them moving rapidly. If you want more shit done, give us the permission to do move quickly on things without the abuse, toxicity, and general bullshit we have to endure from it.
    1 point
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