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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2021 in all areas

  1. i think something is wrong with chiki's transparency slider
    7 points
  2. @CourierAsy @Woje @punkalope @JackoMallows
    5 points
  3. Edgar is a very formal person generally. A bit quiet sometime as well. These are his civilian wear, I will post what else Edgars wears for warden, IAA, etc. You generally won't find him without dress shoes and cheap sunglasses. From Left to Right. On Business, edgar always wears this when he's performing administrative work General Wear, Edgar loves his purple suit jacket and like to roll with a soft yellowish brown jumpsuit(and blue tie) with the leather book bag. Investigative/Contract Work, whenever Edgar is working for an agency, doing detective work, or just in general being in the field outside of running business this is what he will wear, heavily inspired by the blues brothers. Chef's Wear, whenever Edgar is cooking at one of his franchises he always dons laborers overalls and a chef's hat, he'll occasionally have a utility apron as well.
    4 points
  4. This is a suggestion thread, open to the public to input their opinions on. I gave my opinion on it. Kindly stop being so hostile to me.
    4 points
  5. The newest line in Cook's Franchises: Cyberiad Subs (9 different condiments as well!)
    2 points
  6. You dont dictate how the repo operates, please stop acting like it. Now onto the question itself at hand. This one I think is fine since its just a big cleanup of existing stuff, not an actual big change in how the underlying code works. I also asked another maintainer how they feel about this, and they agree its fine to put up the PR, so feel free to open it whenever.
    2 points
  7. Y'all drip posting without me? Shame Here's some random things I have saved Anton's standard outfit. Posh, but still okay in chill moments. Starring Jacob Bartender, Camo pants, raggedy band t-shirt and armor. Also bandana with a badass skujj on it. Mechanic is a good way to find drip; this is a chameleon jumpsuit made to look like A TSF General suit, under armor. I have a lot of miner outfits I love, here's an older one. Complete with pet Goliath Flower pin is underused and totally acceptable for men and dont let anyone tell you otherwise Dunno about this one, but a sword makes everything look cooler. Sec drip, nothing else need be said My only gripe with the white captain suit is that you cant armor holster guns in it like the other captain exosuits. Still snazzy. Pretend operative Mantle > Labcoat. Fight me Very based photo that made it to the front page of ss13 >>>>reddit Magistrate attire, and straightened hair which everyone hated.
    2 points
  8. Are there any admins who would benefit/use https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15801 If implemented it would only be an admin smite ability and not the genetics or preference option. I am also a new coder so there's no guarantee I'll be able to figure it out, but I'll give it my best shot, I just wanted to gage interest.
    1 point
  9. That much is undeniable; Poly is, in fact, balling.
    1 point
  10. GOD part 2 hit like a brick.
    1 point
  11. Thank you to Tourte for snapping me a pic of this bar setup I did with @JackoMallows :)
    1 point
  12. Can we take a second to appreciate LITERALLY everything in this thread being top quality??
    1 point
  13. Watched the fear street trilogy with friends (amazing movies, can't recommend enough), made me wanna draw some spess weapons and murder idunn (botany hatchet, cult dagger, and dental drill)
    1 point
  14. oh oh me too me too Standard sprite ignoring that the nurse dresses are RNG so it's different every round Casual outfit I like to imagine she wears off-shift (has gotten me tazed before) Rev outfit from when I was sad nobody suspected me and tried to look as suspicious as possible (still failed, people just thought it was cute) Dress I switch to in the week leading up to Christmas A normal, tailless biped that is certainly not a vox and finally, a vox can dream.
    1 point
  15. My name is Nirsk Anegovych, Arbotzki diplomat, i have come in a diplomat mission to improve relations and to create great trade and research agreements! During this shift i managed to acquire the solid plasma technology alongside its trade with NT to supply our great nation and to stop those terrible radiation accidents! With the second agreement being the reactive teleport armour prototype as a first step for our scientists to learn about bluespace technology! First time i managed to complete the objective while doing this diplomat gimmick (inspired by another diplomat traitor from unknown country that failed because of red text command) having almost suceeded other rounds if not for the station chaos or lack of time to conclude negotiations.
    1 point
  16. What it says on the tin. Xenobiology as a subdepartment is valuable when it wants to be, creating many quite unique and useful things, but at the same time, it is not really related to anything else going on in science. What follows is that there's a certain subset of xenobiology mains who refuse to do R&D, and scientists who have no care for Xenobiology. This causes some friction, because there can be too many people who wanted to be a xenobiologist but did not get to, or - especially on low pop - the only active scientists might not be interested in R&D. By splitting xenobio off (two slots?) and reducing science slots, a lot of this could be avoided. It becomes more clear what isn't being done for latejoiners, as well. Also reduces Scientists' powergaming potential by making it harder to access every single part of the research department with just one ID.
    1 point
  17. Two fragments of vamp lore I need opinions on, both with very different tones. The first is more cold, and I suppose is a piece of a TSF report or something. The second is a very brief, more dramatic blurb, something I'd probably put on the wiki one day if it can be made to fit the style. Need thoughts on things like names. A name for the vampire organization is still needed, I'm using "Cabal" and 'Sanguine Collective" as placeholders. Also generally I'm open to literally any suggestion, I am not a writer.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Hi! It's been a while! I've started classes up again, so it's been a challenge to find time to draw, let alone play space @__@ either way, I've gotten some art done! here's the final image I did for Idunn's backstory timelapse: here's also Freya's ref, finally finished after four months in wip file limbo! I plan to make her a crew record and character bio post soon! here's a few doodles featuring @Woje, @punkalope, @JackoMallows and @SlimeBird! finally, an art I did with Fiona and @Jabronio gaming! it was a lot of fun to draw Anton and Fiona :]
    1 point
  20. That's called atmospheric technician, sir.
    1 point
  21. Thank you Matt for this thread as I have WAY too many different looks for Tetra. As one of my friends mockingly said to me once "You like dressing up your characters in video games the same way a little girl enjoys playing with dolls"...a very true statement...so here we go: From Left to Right: Pod Pilot in EVA, Pod Pilot non EVA, Warden, Head of Security, Captain, Clown (Tetris Vegan...yes really), Chemist/Doctor/Paramedic Ghetto Brig Doc/Mechanic/Engineer, Security Officer, Blueshield, Magistrate, Civilian/Casual, Mime (Smokie), Shower (no peeking!) You can only see it on a few of these outfits but she has a Turquoise Snowflake tattoo on her right bicep :honk: Countless packs of Robusts were harmed in the making of this screenshot...
    1 point
  22. The discussion was clearly closed for a reason. If they want the discussion closed, it wont be discussed. Not on the github, the discord or on here. "Internal discussion" means a discussion between staff. So the headmins, maints, community managers? Admins? Not sure on the last two. Talked it over and deemed it fitting. Please dont discuss this for the reasons stated.
    1 point
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