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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2021 in all areas

  1. Drawing from the round @Woje made a kickass bar as Fiona and I loitered around as Tidal. :> And some bonus stuff featuring @Tourte and @SlimeBird from the same round :]
    8 points
  2. But do note. Never Remove the floor tile next to the window.
    2 points
  3. Chat screenie, still manages to make me chuckle every time I see it HOS was good that round I swear
    1 point
  4. For anyone reading this in the future, the bug has been fixed a while ago.
    1 point
  5. ^ angel, who stands on my post and shouts confusing things or something hello!! I'm Tea ^^ iiiii am not exactly new at this point but I figured since my friends made threads I should too, so hi!! hello!! hai i started playing a little bit back in err... december ish? I think? And have only become more active in the past few months. I don't play too often since I tend to get too scared sometimes and just observe spend most of my time drawing or playing other games, but I always try to play over the weekends ! i am kind of baby 'cause of that, forgive me ive been roleplaying for a pretty long time (i have an embarrassingly long list of places i have roleplayed on as a kid to teen), took a break in my mid teens and para finally got me into it again and i've been having fun! i have a few characters, but i mostly play Angel Anide & sometimes Malibu Acheflow. I dooonn't know many jobs so I kinda just blink and end up in medchem all the time, but I wanna push through my anxiety and try new things eventually!!!! i tend to draw like, a lot, cause rp makes my brain go brrr so i have an art thread too if you wanna check it out ! SO UH YEAH!! sorry for the rambles but hai!!!!!!!! ^__^
    1 point
  6. Hi guys I just found this server and I am enjoying my time here!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, yeah, I remembered this is a thing so might aswell. Hi, am Woj. I'm from Poland. I play pretty much only Fiona Phillips, though I do take breaks from her, but still that's the character you've probably seen me play. I've been here since, I wanna say, May of last year? Time flies. I play this game mostly for roleplay, though in absence of people willing to do so, I like to greytide, 'cause who doesn't. As far as my spessmen experience goes, I've played a bit of ss13 under different ckeys in 2015-2016, then kinda stopped, and made a new BYOND account in 2020 to play here (because a friend from outside ss13, @Jabronio, asked me to), since I obviously did not remember my login information for pretty much throwaway accounts I made five years ago for a random 2D spessmen game. Pretty much had to re-learn the game, but I think I'm pretty ok now. Even got a cool orange name. I like playing security, command, and engineering, though I prefer roles within those departments where the workload isn't too big, so I actually get to roleplay. HMU icly if you like to roleplay we'll have a good time. Hobbies, uh, I have a decade of experience with roleplaying, mostly in the form of Pathfinder (a D&D clone) and D&D 3.5e, I've played a slew of other tabletop games aswell, but Pathfinder's the one I play consistently. I love worldbuilding and have my own fantasy setting I use for my campaigns - I am my group's designated eternal GM, since only I can navigate the absolute maze of a system that Pathfinder is. So if you ever wondered why my characters' records are walls of text, yeah, here's why - I'm a nerd who likes to write lore. Other than that, I enjoy cooking. Dunno what to say about cooking. Food tasty. I like all of it as long as it's prepared well. Except bananas fuck bananas. Outside of spessmen and hobbies I'm currently doing a masters in biotechnology, my thesis is about kale (I am pretty much specialized in plants, even more so in specifically in vitro plant tissue cultures). Eat kale, it's good for you, and only tastes bad if you don't know what to do with it, otherwise it's actually pretty great. My undergrad thesis was about lemons so uh, when life gives you lemons amirite? As you can see from the utter chaos of this post, I am not a very organized person.
    1 point
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