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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in all areas

  1. another art dump! Diagram I didn't realize I never put here. My personal dumb explanation for how a vox can chug a bottle with a mask on. Bubblegum's impressive and extremely worrying rotatium shift and Fiona Phillips being a woman after my own heart.
    8 points
  2. I didn't get any screenshots of it, so this screenshot is courtesy of the wonderful @JackoMallows Regardless, seen in the bottom left is me performing a scene from Romeo and Juliet- the catch? I'm the only actor, and I'm a changeling that transforms between both characters to perform the dialogue, as well as switching costumes. If anyone has screenshots of it, please post them!
    7 points
  3. The theatre thing someone's been doing is really nice too. I've seen attempts at plays before and this is the best one I've seen so far. Definitely has inspired me to perhaps one day try and do such a thing myself.
    4 points
  4. Three vastly unrelated images edit of my chiki ref for the casual civ outfit I wear when I can't get the nurse hat Walten files inspired over-the-top creepypasta art of @Pegasnow's IPC CURE#FF99FF And lastly Baguette Jade with her funny hat
    3 points
  5. >run CrewTrak Please input selected employee name >OTYLO663 Please input appropriate credentials... >******-****** Welcome, [REDACTED]! Access granted - file loading... Initializing... / NANOTRASEN CREW RECORDS - NSS CYBERIAD - NT-96195 \ [FILE LOADED - DISPLAYING CONTENTS NOW] Synthetic Designation: NT-96195, positronic AI designation OTYLO-663 Time Online: 40 years, 2 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours Body Type: Integrated Positronic Chassis Oil Type: O-Class Nanotrasen Standard-Issue Oil General Occupational Roles: Bartender, Paramedic, Roboticist, Coroner, Janitor Biography: Qualifications: Janitorial Work, Cyborg and IPC Maintenance, Emergency Medicine, Mixology, Surgery, Employment Records: N/A - see Biography, as it entirely covers this - Central Command Archivist ██████ ████ Security Records: - CONFIDENTIAL! This data may not be shared with personnel below the designated security clearance. Security clearance required. - Medical Records: - CONFIDENTIAL! This data may not be shared with personnel below the designated security clearance. Medical clearance required. - Personnel Photo: >close CrewTrak Closing CrewTrak... Operation complete! Have a secure day! Powering down...
    2 points
  6. how mad would you be if I told you I've made actual culinary decisions irl with the thought "well Fiona would do it and people still like her so it's not that bad"
    2 points
  7. guillotine in front of the bridge causes local IPC to be decapped three times
    2 points
  8. Friend suggested Chiki as a dead by daylight killer
    2 points
  9. Bartender outfit has been updated. Now with 50% less sleeves to show the guns off.
    1 point
  10. I had an idea for an admin smite a while back. It would break all of a targets bones! Very good to use on CMOs/doctors who pray. Good way to make their coworkers hate them.
    1 point
  11. I fucking hate Fiona Phillips so much. I can't look either, Teufel.
    1 point
  12. doodled my self-insert wizard character from test server shenanigans. sadly did not get many screencaps before I was turned into a xenomorph
    1 point
  13. More for the Pile today :D Warning for blood in some of these
    1 point
  14. Drawing from the round @Woje made a kickass bar as Fiona and I loitered around as Tidal. :> And some bonus stuff featuring @Tourte and @SlimeBird from the same round :]
    1 point
  15. For anyone reading this in the future, the bug has been fixed a while ago.
    1 point
  16. Name: Freya Raan Age: 18 Gender: Female (she/her) Race: Human Blood Type: O- General Occupational Role(s): Librarian, Chef, Bartender, Station Engineer, and others Biography: Qualifications: Employment Records: No full time jobs before joining Nanotrasen Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Other Notes: Despite being young, Freya has proven herself to be brave in the face of danger and has faced off against various paranormal entities on station. Freya's favorite food is pancakes. Her favorite drink - strictly nonalcoholic! - is tied between a Gibb Float and the standard milkshake. Despite not formally working in Botany, Freya has gotten the grasp of how the basics work from being bored and messing around in the Cyberiad's garden.
    1 point
  17. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i haven't really played a lot of space lately but I'm reaching the end of my lobotomy corporation run so I drew some of my employees :) Captain Idunn of Disciplinary, Captain Freya of Training, and Jeanne of Training The women of the Information Team Captain Bellona, Cordelia, and Aurelia featuring some of Idunn interacting with an abnormality also @SlimeBird drew some REALLY kickass murder Idunn art and she's been living in my head rent free. queen of losing her daughter and also her marbles
    1 point
  18. New tablet coming next week, mostly some doodles with the Eye shading.
    1 point
  19. Another drawing, this one is some character art of my side character
    1 point
  20. Lillian and chiki had a very strange Ragin' Mages shift
    1 point
  21. What the hell kind of sane person plays this game
    1 point
  22. This time I drew Fiona and Jade
    1 point
  23. I think both of these fit somewhat into what amounts to a crazy conspiracy theory: It's the NSS Cyberiad, which means it's a SCIENCE station. But what science gets actually done? The stuff RnD produces seem to be all known, robotics doesn't produce anything new, there are no chemicals to be discovered, toxins can only do so much for the perfect mix, and xenbio slimes are also known. So when the science department doesn't actually do science, what's getting studied? The crew, or rather the effects of prolonged exposure to bluespace activity. Lavaland does have quite a few "supernatural" mobs, and given the amount of anomalies/rifts we get to know (for the active shifts), the separation between the normal space and bluespace is weakened. And the NSV Icarus is there to monitor this, it does have advanced sensories for it. As the Caberiad is not the research facility, but rather the subject of said research, it makes sense to have a bit more lax screening and similar, as it's not that important, and it encourages stressful situations to happen. After all, NT will want to know that there are no problems from that exposure, especially in a crisis. What use is a bluespace exploration team if it goes crazy from the exposure in case something unusual happens? Moving on from that conspiracy thing, i got a few things i try to keep in mind for playing my Tajarans: As a motif in their religion is the light, and the veils kept their use there. They probably started as snow goggles, but after more advanced gear was made for it, their use got moved more to the religion. After all, you can get only so close to the light if your eyes burn from it. So blindness may even be seen as a boon to some sects of the religion. A figure of speech: "to wrap it in cloths" means to say it nicely, they use tapestry and such as insulation and make the wall feel nicer, so i would think that works in general. In a similar vein, an "ice shard" may mean the same as a red herring: Seen something glister, and investigated it, but it was just a chunk of clear ice reflecting the light, so a bad lead that something is there. During the Overseers regime, and the rebellion in the end, there was a need for smugglers and couriers, and as waiting and hiding in the snow is not the nicest thing, it was solved by running and parkour. Building will have been close together to retain some heat, so running over the rooftops is a good way to avoid otherwise patrolled streets. It changed to a more legal delivery, but otherwise survived to the current day, even if it may be dying due to other delivery methods brought in by corporates.
    1 point
  24. chiki ref but colorpicked this time
    1 point
  25. I dont have many head canons, but a couple of big ones ive always had in regards to Vox: There are only 20 KNOWN arkships in existance on NT records but there are far more of all sizes out there. From small city sized ones, to larger moon sized ones. Each ark contains its own culture that has developed over the untold millennia separate from the others and can be radically different. So you could have a very strict ark where vox are mass produced worker drones with barcodes on them, another that has formed into some kind of industrial nightmare scape, or another where Auralis are viewed as gods, or another where they are viewed as a myth since no one ever sees them. Could even have an ark where there ARE no more auralis for one reason or another. All vox designs exist in the same story universe due to a mix of the culture aspect and their genetic engineering. So small vox, big box, feathered vox, scaled vox, 3 eyed vox, 2 eyed vox, split face vox and beak faced vox, all exist, just on different arks where that's how, over time began to be engineered for various reasons. (To me this both explains why vox have so many variations and makes them more of an unknown aspect that you cant exactly pin down)
    1 point
  26. I return with two more contributions to this thread:
    1 point
  27. CE vs Vampires in a nutshell.
    1 point
  28. haven't updated here as frequently as I'd like, but here's my big space station 13 piece to kick off artfight 2021!!
    1 point
  29. I would just like to say that this wasn't my fault.
    1 point
  30. If we limited speed boosts when dragging flag robes would be useless for their intended function, converting. The issue with flag robes is their use in combat with security. They are clearly not designed for combat as the damage modifier suggests, however they are designed for speed conversions. Making people slower when dragging makes non lethal kidnappings much much much more difficult. In the situation you provided, the cultist would have to stun, then kill the other people they were stood with in order to convert them. Not ideal. Instead of nerfing their conversion ability, we should nerf their combat ability. I have two ideas on how to do this. 1 make the speed decay over time, being refreshed via conversion. Meaning they are less useful in combat with sec but they still remain powerful for growing a cult. Another nerf which is much easier to implement, is to prevent cult blades from being stored on flag robes. This would mean a cultist couldnt stun + have a mirror shield + have a sword as easily. Vastly reducing their lethality. Another suggestion is to make them harder to obtain eg. Requiring cloth + a forge in order to transmute flag robes.
    1 point
  31. I tend to play some sec, and my main problem with cult is the consequences of losing a fight against them. If you get fucked over by any other antag (except wizard at times) there is always a chance that someone will find you and revive. If you get caught by cultists, you get sharded never to return. While you're expected to go easy on subverted personell, they can remove your identity completely and then use you against security as a construct. While the cult can simply make up for losses by converting some more crew, there is no way to recover officers that got sharded. You gotta make up for the losses by either calling ERT or do manifest hiring.
    1 point
  32. I still personally believe cult needs a inherent leader role, someone with the ultimate say on things and preferably a separate opt-in preference for veterans to switch on. I'd even go so far to say they should have a one-use stun resist or be unable to be deconverted, helping stave off cult-stended rounds Sadly that'd probably be too controversial. Aside from buffing a mode I've seen several call "op", it seems most of the community also prefer majority-rule in team antags, like nuke ops.
    1 point
  33. Better AI Director The latest in Nanotrasen's artificial intelligence systems. The Better AI Director is the latest in cutting edge AI technology. Built from the ground up with space station operation in mind. Unlike traditional AI's, this one is codded specifically for working with station subsystems and station crew. No more AIs that actively try to undermine the station's operations with only their laws to keep them in line. Even with a law purge, the B.A.D. is extremely unlikely to cause crew harm*1. B.A.D. is actively developed and codded by a team of highly trained AI coders employed within Nanotrasen. Bug fixes and updates are frequent*2. You can expect the AI to be ready for use as soon as it's installed in the station's AI core. No additional downloads or updates needed. Some of the major features of B.A.D. include: Rapid response times to station alarms and system issues. Adaptable to all standard Nanotrasen lawsets. Empathy simulation to help with crew/AI relations*3. Customizable start-up message that can be set before the start of a shift or pulled from the Nanotrasen News Network. Compatible with all optional AI upgrade systems*4. AI System Requirements Requires a 248-bit processor and operating system OS: Nanotrasen Standard AI System V297.5+ Processor: Quantum-Core Processor 50 GHz or better. Memory: 50 TB RAM Neural Processor: NT Neural-Synth Robotic Brain 2500 Storage: 100 TB available space Additional Notes: Incompatible with organic neural processors. *1 Based on simulations in isolated environments. Simulated mortality rate of 12%. *2 Updates schedule every Earth week. Hotfixes may be deployed without warning. *3 Empathy simulation is an experimental feature. Unexpected issues may occur. *4 Nanotrasen is not responsible for damages or harm caused by installing 3rd party upgrades.
    1 point
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