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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2021 in all areas

  1. A new guy had his mind fucking blown that sentient mice were a thing. We RPed together the rest of the round and I tried to give him little pieces of advice and lore, and we stole some cheese from the kitchen. It was really heart-warming; I play for rounds like that.
    5 points
  2. The actual formula for the transmission is a bit wonky: (DM code) clamp(2 ** (properties["transmittable"] - symptoms.len), BLOOD, AIRBORNE) So written in numbers and more readable pseudo math: between(2^(transmittable - num_symptoms), 4, 64) So it seems the wiki is off by 1. 2^6 = 64 = AIRBORNE. 2^5 = general contact. 2^4 = hands contact. 2^3 = feet contact and below is just blood I'll change it on the wiki page
    4 points
  3. and so we have come full circle. back to where we started
    1 point
  4. Probably a good idea. The issue is Xenos isnt that they have one or two minor things wrong with them. Their entire design is either heavily flawed or overshadowed by Terror Spiders, a midround that has had a lot more time and effort put into making them fun and interesting for both sides. If you want to bring Xenos back as a midround, it's gonna need to go through a HEAVY rework to make it stand out against other midrounds, while still being fun for both the Xenos and Crew to fight.
    1 point
  5. God bless farie and his cocerning knowledge of viro.
    1 point
  6. Ok this is a good thread why was it ded
    1 point
  7. This thingy COI built was really cool.
    1 point
  8. guillotine in front of the bridge causes local IPC to be decapped three times
    1 point
  9. The theatre thing someone's been doing is really nice too. I've seen attempts at plays before and this is the best one I've seen so far. Definitely has inspired me to perhaps one day try and do such a thing myself.
    1 point
  10. Hi. I mainly Play Psychologist as Dr. Parker Thompson so I wanted to bump this. I love the idea of having it to choose for crew members to have certain mental conditions for their characters. Conditions that they can then go to the psychologist for to get treatment, prescriptions and more. You could also include minor addictions as well maybe in such a system? LIke a pre established Nicotine Addiction.
    1 point
  11. Just a small doodle for today!
    1 point
  12. Attempts at Drawing some friends; Bubblegum, Malo and Phoebe Dean!
    1 point
  13. How have I never uploaded this melodramatic culted-Tide art. smh how could i not memorialize Tidal's first shift on this thread
    1 point
  14. Big shoutout to Woj and Heather for being incredible writers and compelling me to finally get this done. First Name: Anton Last Name: Fasani Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: Often called Fasani, called Anty by a couple close female friends. Picture: https://imgur.com/t/ss13/XWxivq3 Age: 28 Species: Human Blood Type: B- Place of Birth: Unregistered, privately owned asteroid mining outpost formerly located in SolGov frontier space. Location currently unknown. Alignment: Various, mostly Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. Generally cares for others, more than willing to put themselves in harm's way for a stranger. Countered by occasional selfishness, and is not adverse to circumventing law to achieve what he feels is the greater good, or simply something he desires at that moment. Affiliation: 
Nanotrasen: Employee
 (various positions and accreditations) Falco Designs: Associate and “Procurement Specialist”

 Religious Beliefs: Believes in a higher power, but is not “spiritual”

 Childhood: I'm rolling this into history. Adulthood: I'm rolling this into history as well. Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Anton speaks calmly, and has an air of coolness about him. He sounds more or less what you would expect a Californian surfer dude to sound like but in terms of mannerisms and tone of voice, less in West Coast accent. Personality: Medical Records: 
 Employment Records: Security Records: Character Biography Background: Included in History. Family: History: (I am not including all of Anton’s history, as some plot points of his life are ongoing and if you really want to know about him, you should find him and get to know him :)))


(If I forgot you I’m SO SO SORRY there is a lot of people I love to hang around please let me know, this list will likely be edited with time) Faction Relations: Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy 
Miscellaneous Information:

 Favorite drinks: 
As a bartender, Anton enjoys numerous drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, but has specific drinks he prefers on a situational basis:

 Bahama Mama: For the end of a shift, or for a shift where things have hit the fan and he needs to feel grounded.

 Gin Fizz: Standard on-shift drink. Refreshing, and gets the job done. Milkshake: For on-shift jobs that require sobriety (not many) Irish coffee in a flask: Detective shifts. Coffee with cream/sugar in a mug: Security shifts. Favorite Food: 
Anton’s culinary prowess has allowed him to have a varied palette of tastes, but his rough upbringing continues to be reflected in his preference for greasy bar foods. His favorite meals are two of his specialty dishes; Bacon Mac & Cheese Personal Pizza, and for dessert his Deep-Fried Plump Pie. If there is anything you feel is missing PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!
    1 point
  15. Personal Relationships Romantic Involvement| Romantic Interest| Close Friend | Respected | Friend | Respected Acquaintance | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Fear | By Xion's own consideration or personal experience, her personal relations are as follows: Xrimqiu Qrxuq - "Aww." James Auchvulf - floof bf Chikitita - Soy latte much? Steve - Best Intern Ever. Qixxiq Xiqqix - "Hey bestie!" B.O.O.P. - Mister Plushie! BRAIN- "Brain says good morning" BEEBO - "BEEBO!" Fiona Philips - "Winners don't do drugs." "I'm not a winner." Bubblegum - "POD TESLA" James Auchvulf Bormac Goobina - "Hai" Llinos Owen Takoyakika - "I's see you at work tomorrow, yaya?" Kikeri - "Xion! Hihi!!!" Letov Tarasovich Praxis Chailer - Disfunctionally Immortal Edgar Cook - Entrepreneur Ryder Hill - IRS Agent C.O.I. - Happy Meal Chef M.O.M.M.Y. - I love you, crew! Krek Piin'gyu David Flufferton - Engineering Mentor Trixy D'Muere Gummy Mihksie ANGELICA NULL Jason Jedd - Jason Jedd's Wild Ride Sizzle Edroy Denidard Jadon Carter Jake Charonic Malo Moi- "Why is an officer using a bat?" Jade Burnwood - Short Joel Laborde Billy Singulo Xion has few known dislikes as far as personnel go; as she usually pays little mind to, and soon forgets them. That being said, she has a fair few notable relationships: Wolf O'Donnell - "You look like a cheap hooker." Novus Lem - Nanotrasen Incarnate [REDACTED] Special Operations Officers Various other greytiders are listed, but the names are mostly unheard of.
    1 point
  16. Time flies. It's been two years and I just recently got more into the community. So well... Heya! I am Manarith, immigrant from CM, some may recognize me (positively i hope ^.^) as Raarel Azzuirhi. Mainly i play security, science and mess around as a Trader being a nuisance to Quartermasters (sorry). Recently i try my best at command roles... maybe this will make me less chaotic. Feel free to say "Hi!" if you see me. I am more than happy to get to know you all. Thank you all for amazing adventures and being awesome. Looking forward to play with you all. See you in Spess!!
    1 point
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