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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Aaaand more round art (featuring @SlimeBird and @Woje), doodles from the ragin' mages round where tide got fireballed by a wiz, and when Fiona hauled her off to heal her, Chiki saw a mouse and thought it was Tide, because a different wizard was polymorphing so much of the crew... (we were both on screen watching chiki panic, lol)
    3 points
  2. Renovated the library with my librarian character Lace with help from @Woje and @punkalope! :] (And thank you to Matt for taking the picture as well!)
    3 points
  3. I just don't get it like. We were standing there. Drawings great as usual :)
    1 point
  4. Name: Haruki Supai Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: AB- General Occupational Role(s): Janitor, Occasional Botanist or Assistant. Biography: He seems pretty normal, if occasionally a little overly suspicious about the "government" or whatnot. [Clearance: Security] Before his employment by Nanotransen, Haruki dedicated his time to activism against the Trans-Solar Federation using the alias “Lapin” and a rabbit mask. Since being brought on board by Nanotransen he’s yet to dig too deep into the company’s past (or present), his protester-tendencies still focused on the Trans-Solar Federation and the occasional acts of minor chaos. As what would happen if he found out, he might join the Syndicate, or start a full blown revolution. Qualifications: Janitorial Knowledge, Basic Robotics Training [Courtesy of Sarah Lancer], Basic Botany/Cooking Knowledge. Employment Records: Has a little history of official work before Nanotransen, originally brought on as an Assistant as to test the waters of his employment on-ship. Threats of demotion tend to curb any excessive chaotic behavior. Has a tendency to create Cleanbots to serve as his “Buddy”. Security Records: Haruki is/was a particularly active anti-Trans-Solar Federation activist under the alias “Lapin”. Be aware and ensure that this mutiny-like behavior does not spread to Nanotrasen. Medical Records: N/A Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Smells faintly of cinnamon. Other Notes: Viva la revolution.
    1 point
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