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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Suggested Changes: -Change the w_class of the AEG to 5. -Give the AEG the 'bothhands' flag similar to the L6 SAW. -Change the max_w_class of the Bag of Holding to 4. Why It's Good For The Game: 1: The AEG is just too good. The moment the first miners return with uranium ore, every laser weapon on-station is instantly outclassed. Let's compare it with the exotic, interesting weapons which are made irrelevant: -The Captain's unique laser gun? Second-tier; it's only got lethals, while the AEG's got full-spectrum shootyness. -Red-ERT Security lasers? No self-charging means the crew is armed better than the Emergency Response Team sent to save 'em. -Sec's own arsenal? Can't self-charge, limited fire options; AEGs are better across the board. Fifteen minutes into the round, most of Security's own Armory is made sub-par at best. The only weapons which keep some limited viability are those which provide a unique capability the AEG can't duplicate, such as X-ray lasers on blobs, immolators on vampires, and ballistics weapons against desword users and cult Juggernauts. However, for everything else the AEG is a no-duh upgrade. A competent R&D team means that Security will be running around with lethals early, because who wants to run back for a recharge when you can carry out a self-charging weapon? It's a no-brainer. This also heavily affects simplemob antagonists, terror spiders in particular. Tspiders depend on their webs, but with R&D printing AEGs like crazy, they can just keep firing the things until entire rooms are cleared of webs. And with AEGs being small and portable, you can easily stack three or four and keep up literally endless laser fire. AEGs are EMP-resistant, they have tasers and disablers on the side, and have no downsides whatsoever to them. 2: My solution is to keep the weapon's advantages (self-charging, lethal and non-lethal modes), but to add some complications to offset them and make other laser weapons viable again. By increasing the AEG size to 5 (huge), equivalent to a combat shotgun or L6 SAW, and adding the 'bothhands' flag, the AEG is turned from "endless AEG laser spam" into a one-off weapon that can be used to complement an arsenal. Instead of an AEG in one hand, a riot shield in the other, and three more in your backpack, you've now got a single weapon that will recharge...in time. Not being able to stow the weapon also puts the AEG at a disadvantage for everyday use, as you can't simply carry the thing in your backpack/armor/belt as you can currently. Sure, you can still haul it, but now even the roundstart laser weapons have a new niche of "everyday carry" that the AEG can't displace them from. 3: The powergamer's solution to this will be, as always, the Bag of Holding. A BoH can hold up to 7 weight-5 weapons such as the combat shotgun, and holding/dragging another BoH lets one move around - and use - absurd numbers of large guns. I understand that Mining would be significantly complicated without having BoHs, so I'm not going to suggest they be removed completely. Instead, I'd like the BoH's max_w_class to be dropped to 4 ("bulky") rather than 5 ("huge"). This will still let the BoH be useful for Mining and other areas, while preventing it from being used to spam heavy weapons as easily as it is today. I recognize that this doesn't stop people from using the bluespace locker, regular lockers, etc. and simply dragging around endless weapons in that, but that's a problem for a separate discussion. For the AEG in particular, I believe the above tweaks would be enough to keep the weapon's utility without making it the /only/ sensible option that it is currently.
    8 points
  2. I agree with every single thing here. Except the two handed thing. I'm not sure, it just feels off for a laser. BOH has always been science powergamer juice. Nerfing it in this way would nerf many strategies that aren't healthy for the game. To give some examples: - one sec officer caring and entire armoury and healing to dunk on whatever antag - one antag carrying an entire armoury to dunk on sec - miners carrying hundreds of eldritch bulkey swords each with the power of wizard items - crew carrying 4000 guns to blast down a blob I do completely agree with making AEGs bulkey. This way crew can only store one at a time in an armour slot. Finally, I'm not convinced aeg + teleshield is all that OP. Especially once tasers are removed. All in all, good suggestion.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. AEGs used to irradiate and incur a small stun. This was back in around 2014ish when radiation also spread to clothes and such, much like it does now (but much better coded). Perhaps something like this would be a good alternati--HEY PUT DOWN THE PITCHFORKS-
    1 point
  5. You're one of my favorite people to see around the station! I'll never forget Melinda starving to death because she didn't get her spesslaw, and then being irate with the paramedics who fed her chicken soup to save her. Can't wait to see more of you c:
    1 point
  6. Aaaand more round art (featuring @SlimeBird and @Woje), doodles from the ragin' mages round where tide got fireballed by a wiz, and when Fiona hauled her off to heal her, Chiki saw a mouse and thought it was Tide, because a different wizard was polymorphing so much of the crew... (we were both on screen watching chiki panic, lol)
    1 point
  7. Renovated the library with my librarian character Lace with help from @Woje and @punkalope! :] (And thank you to Matt for taking the picture as well!)
    1 point
  8. Not gonna lie these railings hit different.
    1 point
  9. Ways to make an engineer main consider delaming an engine number 58
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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