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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2021 in all areas

  1. I would not mind personally going through books and wiping shitty ones. You know which ones are serious and which authors put effort in it, and who do not. I also agree with spark. Forcing an overhaul like that, and the late fees thing .. it would be best to actually stick with the librarian role, I just want people to actually use and visit the library more often. It's really a good place to hang out, roleplay, read actual books people put effort into. It's just that a large group of players do not have the same values as a select few who utilize the library now. I think the play2win mentality, the focus on greentext, etc, eats away on RP, which is, quite frankly, disappointing. Fun isn't just muh greentext. In my opinion, roleplay is more valuable than anything else. But that's just me.
    3 points
  2. A passion project I did back in the day that suffered from feature creep and me letting the PR bloat to epic proportions (you'd think I'd have learned the first time with my delta overhaul project). I'm wanting to revive the project this time doing it in much smaller chunks and pieces so it's easier to review, work, and to merge. I'm wanting to see if people are still interested in the beach revamp and if Heads of Staff would greenlight the project considering gateway is a bit divisive among the heads before I start putting in the work once more. Why it'd be good for the game. The Beach gateway is... boring frankly, there's little to do there both for relaxation and adventure. I'm wanting to at the very least improve the relaxation capability of the beach resort section and in later parts of the project bring more adventure and exploration to the map. Here is the original mega PR https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/13122 Roadmap of the project, numbers with letters next to them would be split into different PRs 1a. Add in new buildable lounge chairs and beach chairs 1b. Also buildable brass structures (can't remember if we can build those or not rn) the chairs and brass structures would be separate PRs 2a. Add in some new undead pirates 2b. and a space whale(that would be put underwater in the beach map) 3. Remap the resort section of the gateway and add in the resort hosts. 4a-?. Add in adventure locations one by one in their own separate PRs
    2 points
  3. But everyone has been a joy to play with and I feel the robustness rubbing off on me. Much love everyone, pleased to properly meet ya!
    2 points
  4. There are three types of people
    2 points
  5. My personal favourite is hit romance novel, "Obama Golfs in Equestria". Really just a good light novel for the kids at home to sink their teeth into. Just a real story for all ages. A banger, if you will. Timeless classic.
    1 point
  6. I think if any overhaul happens to the librarian, we need to root through a good chunk of books (or hell, wipe them all [with warning so people can copy their own books first]) because currently there's a ton of dumb things like Naruto fanfictions. Onto the actual librarian, I also think that while an overhaul may be beneficial, forcing it onto players and characters isn't the way to go about it. IE forcing a character to have a 'late turn in' where their character may not even be interested in books in the first place is a bit jarring, for example. It should ideally not breach character agency.
    1 point
  7. I wouldn't want the librarian role replaced/removed. There just needs to be more incentive for people to visit the library. Currently, the library is often only visited by a select few players who like to RP and chill and renovate the library. But it IS an important part of the game imo, for some people. Also there are some really good books there.
    1 point
  8. From a balance perspective, this seems absolutely ludicrous. Solving a fucking cypher in exchange for one of the strongest genetic mutations in the entire game or a wizard item(s) is completely unfathomable. Cult stuff is fine, just seems like a trash item to bemoan instead of getting the other one. At the very least with miners they have to kill something and its mildly difficult. With telekinesis you either have to slog through genetics RNG garbage or do Russian Station - both are jokes to complete and incredibly easy, but still, you have to complete some kind of skill-based challenge. Even in both respective cases the community is still irked by it and its not balanced in the slightest. You also run the issue of librarians just not solving the cypher and still "not doing anything", or the polar opposite where they just do that one thing the entire round as opposed to manning the library, both are bad. The same thing happens with miners where they just don't do their job and run around with their fancy gadgets on station. All things aside, despite the scathing criticism, I think the idea is definitely there. Having the librarian go on a fun little scavenger hunt is a very interesting concept and I look forward to whatever modifications you'll make to this concept in the future, assuming you intend to do so. Perhaps giving them some kind of communal bonus whilst people are in the library? Maybe if they finish the book people can come curl up in the library and gain some kind of mild passive bonus as opposed to some fancy do-hickey they have to put away anyways. That way it would stick more to the original idea of what a Paradise librarian is supposed to be: a nerd den.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Right, I’d say I’ll keep this short and sweet, but it’s gonna take more than a few words to say what I mean. Over the course of the past 7 months, I’ve had the great pleasure of playing SS13 on this server, and being a member of the discord just as long. And with that being said, I’d like to thank everyone. I’d like to thank the maintainers and contributors who work to fix and improve the game every day, who work to make gorgeous sprites for us to see each time we play, and making all those old pop-up menus into TGUI (Sorry BrowserUI, I found a real man.) I’d like to thank the admins for being so patient with me despite my shortcomings, for hilarity in gimmicks and adminbus, for objective changes and foolishness galore. Thank you to the mentors who have taught me the things I never realized, for guiding me through gimmicks, antag opportunities and the little details I never would have noticed; the non-mentors who went out of their way to teach me a thing or two and gave me leeway to learn new jobs. And I want to thank all of you, every player here, for your wild gimmicks, well-planned schemes, comedic genius, RP, hangouts, and so much more. Thank you to everyone; discord, in-game, forums, past, future, and present; thank you for allowing me to be myself.
    1 point
  11. I'm a sentimental person so I'm probably prone to this, but to me SS13 and this server in particular is a game of moments. Fleeting and ephemeral. Awkward moments of social interaction. Conflicting interests and misunderstandings. Bravery, cowardice, and malice. Mentorship and menace. When the round is over its all gone forever. Mostly. You had to be there. I'm not adding anything new here, just dropping a note of thanks for rounds well played. Hope I dropped it in the right place. I also hope in the long run I can keep up. Big thanks to those of you who have helped me acclimate.
    1 point
  12. Yyyyup, i mean how do i even begin to explain how everything got to this point: Two survivors of a stationwide disaster, riding away into space with a giant red bird. In the end, you just had to have been there.
    1 point
  13. Countless COUNTLESS rounds that are literally just this. You can't explain them. They just happen and you had to be there. Theres just nothing else like it.
    1 point
  14. My name is Rhys Dallows. Starting as a simple Janitor, I moved my way up to Botany, then Genetics. Be warned all who wish to pursue a career where I am now; she is a sadistic temptress. She'll inflate your ego, believe you are God, decide who shall be ascended and who shall be lowly mortals on a whim, only to take your newfound hubris and crush you with it. Such as what will happen in this cautionary tale. Having put two monkeys through Hell and mapping the entire genome of defects and powers alike, I decided to show off the abilities I chose for myself during my lunch break. "Watch this," I said to onlookers in the hallway, before igniting myself on fire. They gasped, one woman screamed for a fire extinguisher, only to be dazzled by my coming out unscathed - thanks to my Heat Resistance. Many were amazed, some were amused, some even chastised me for provoking such panic. But one reaction immediately grabbed my attention. A hulking monolith of rock ran right up to me, sheer childlike wonder in his eyes. "CAN YOU IGNITE ME?" he gleefully asked. The catalyst for my own tale of Icarus. "Sure," I replied, ignorant, cocky. After all, manipulation of the genome had become as tedious and simple as... well, checking boxes, at this point. Of course I could make this rock a firey God. A simple trip to Genetics and an injection, and he would be giggling up and down the hallways, a literal trail blazer. Or so I thought. I let him into my lab, the smell of radioactive monkey skeletons not at all phasing either of us. He was too excited, and I was too used to it. I isolated the block with Thermal Combustion and put it into the syringe, with neither the respect nor the grace that this artistry demanded, and injected it into him. Surely, I would see a rock burst into flames, then thank me, O Mighty Master of the Genome, for allowing him such a gift, and be on his merry way. "IT DOESN'T WORK," My heart did not yet sink, for I could not be faulted, surely! I scoffed, with only a small hint of nervousness, to myself. Surely he had done something wrong, I thought, how much brain power could a rock have? I double checked the list - yes, this block gives Thermal Combustion. "Did you do it right?" I asked, re-instructing him how to use the abilities I had gifted him. Now, I thought, he would realise his mistake, whatever it was, and do it correctly. "NO, DOESN'T WORK," I felt dizzy, and I ended up leaning against my desk, the alternative was to collapse in my chair! This could not be! I was correct, my taming of the genome was correct! This rock was supposed to ignite himself! Both he and I were becoming increasingly destressed over the road block encountered. Could his DNA really be incompatible...? Was there nothing I could do? No, surely not. An idea formed, a desperate attempt to make him compatible. I humanised a fresh monkey and prepared the gene for Polymoprh. I warned him that this was irreversible, that he would no longer be the rock man I admit I had grown accustomed to. "I DON'T CARE. LET'S DO IT," His desperation was paramount. And at that point, I didn't care either. For my own pride, this had to work. I injected him with Polymorph and instructed him to target the monkey. "I CAN'T. IT DOESN'T WORK," Ok, no problem. I would simply have to shove him in the chamber and scan his structure, block by block, until- And then it came. The announcement that the shuttle was on its way. I felt sick to my stomach. I was good, but not good enough to change this man in 5 measly minutes. I had failed. This man had given me a task I deemed so simple, and I had failed him. We both sadly trundled to Departures, and sat, waiting. I tried to rationalise with myself, with him, as we waited. "For what it's worth, I really did try to help you," I mumbled. "But I guess, the technology isn't there yet," It was an excuse, and I knew it. I had grown too complacent in my job, and now it cost me. And then, something happened. We embraced. And he said the first, and only thing that he hadn't excitedly yelled at me since I had flagrantly shown off my undeserved powers in that hallway:
    1 point
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