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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2021 in all areas

  1. hihiiiiiiiii i'm still up to my neck in classwork, but i managed to sneak in some art! first up is art I did for @Jabronio's birthday!! feat @JackoMallows and Freya :D here's some art i did of @CourierAsy and @punkalope's characters in the Mayhem (2017) setting! it's too fun to picture Angel and Michael reluctantly teaming up LOL here's Idunn having a blonde moment (bc i clicked the rod prompt before actually asking anyone ingame what it does OOPS) and finally bc im a splatoon superfan first and human second, some art of Freya's original rendition in hype for splatoon 3
    5 points
  2. A passion project I did back in the day that suffered from feature creep and me letting the PR bloat to epic proportions (you'd think I'd have learned the first time with my delta overhaul project). I'm wanting to revive the project this time doing it in much smaller chunks and pieces so it's easier to review, work, and to merge. I'm wanting to see if people are still interested in the beach revamp and if Heads of Staff would greenlight the project considering gateway is a bit divisive among the heads before I start putting in the work once more. Why it'd be good for the game. The Beach gateway is... boring frankly, there's little to do there both for relaxation and adventure. I'm wanting to at the very least improve the relaxation capability of the beach resort section and in later parts of the project bring more adventure and exploration to the map. Here is the original mega PR https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/13122 Roadmap of the project, numbers with letters next to them would be split into different PRs 1a. Add in new buildable lounge chairs and beach chairs 1b. Also buildable brass structures (can't remember if we can build those or not rn) the chairs and brass structures would be separate PRs 2a. Add in some new undead pirates 2b. and a space whale(that would be put underwater in the beach map) 3. Remap the resort section of the gateway and add in the resort hosts. 4a-?. Add in adventure locations one by one in their own separate PRs
    3 points
  3. My personal favourite is hit romance novel, "Obama Golfs in Equestria". Really just a good light novel for the kids at home to sink their teeth into. Just a real story for all ages. A banger, if you will. Timeless classic.
    2 points
  4. So, this is a guide that I worked on with Berkzerk3r (Oss Szzei) back in March. I never decided to post it because I figured that a lot of people understood how to do Toxins. Upon coming back from a break from the server and playing Research Director I've noticed there are quite a few people that do not understand how to do Toxins effectively. This guide is by no means something that I expect to be completely understood, however I am looking for assistance on making it become more legible for the people who are completely new to Toxins. This is simply a guide I use that wrote down myself to figure out how to do Toxins. I don't know all of the specifics but I know a decent amount. 1.Grab two oxygen tanks and a plasma tank from toxins storage. Attach (By wrenching down) the Plasma (Red) Canister to the Northern Gas Mixing connector and an Oxygen (Blue) Canister to the eastern one. Connect the Mixing (Yellow) Canister to the western connector to receive the mixture. Make a mix of 33% Plasma (North), and 66% Oxygen (East). Output Pressure:4500 kPa Node-1:66% Node-2:33% 2.Cool an Oxygen Canister on the freezer to temperature of shockwave for shift: 3.Check the Tachyon-Doppler Array in the room to the right and it should inform you of the radius goal for the shift. Bomb Radiuses! (Temperatures the oxygen must be to achieve the shockwave numbers.) If the shift goal is not one of these numbers try adjusting temperature of oxygen with freezer up or down by five Kelvin if target is missed. (Lower the temp larger the boom.) -84 Celsius = Shockwave of 8 (189K) -94 Celsius = Shockwave of 9 (179K) -100 Celsius = Shockwave of 10 (168K) -107 Celsius = Shockwave of 11 (161K) -110 Celsius = Shockwave of 12 (156K) -119 Celsius = Shockwave of 13 (154K) -123 Celsius = Shockwave of 14 (149K) -126 Celsius = Shockwave of 15 (143K) -134 Celsius = Shockwave of 16 (139K) -139 Celsius = Shockwave of 17 (134K) -141 Celsius = Shockwave of 18 (132K) -145 Celsius = Shockwave of 19 (128K) -149 Celsius = Shockwave of 20 (124K) IF YOU MISS BY ONE ON ANY OF THESE, REMOVE OR ADD THREE K. LARGER NUMBER = SMALLER EXPLOSION SMALLER NUMBER = LARGER EXPLOSION. 4.Then attach the Plasma (Red) Canister to the pipe system and Mixing (Yellow) Canister to the input pipes for the heat chamber. 4.Turn the Pipe up to max pressure and hit the igniter (May require a few ignitions) Once the Plasma goes away your plasma tank should have very high pressure and heat, the number you're aiming for is around (6,500C). Pipe valve to activate. Igniter. The plasma should turn a bluish white and the pressure panel should be blinking if you've done this correctly. the number you're aiming for is around 7,000-10,000. Check this pressure panel to see temperature. This is the number you are looking at. Once the number peaks and begins to drop you want to turn off the valve letting the plasma into the burn chamber as soon as possible, otherwise you lose pressure. Grab Plasma and Oxygen tanks from bin on top right corner of the room, then empty Oxygen tank in air pump to 0 tank pressure. Fill oxygen tank with 650Kpa of cooled oxygen. Then use the Plasma tank on the Plasma canister with max pressure enabled to pressurize and heat it. Then apply your Cold oxygen and hot plasma to a tank assembly, then attach a remote signaler to the assembly. (Make sure to have your PDA open and use the signaler function ready to activate the signaler on the bomb.) Now take the bomb you've made and go to the room to your east and put it on the Mass Driver. Now click the button on the northern wall to send it to the toxin's testing range. Wait about four to five seconds, and then activate the signaler via your PDA. Seven is the maximum number for scientific research you can achieve for toxins, so if you hit seven you did great!
    1 point
  5. Hello yes, I've never been an artsy person but I started drawing back in August and I finally feel like I have stuff I can share, now and hopefully in the future
    1 point
  6. Hi hello, the Vampire rework has been TMed for a while and I would like to hear your balance suggestions for it. All criticism is welcome. If you have a issue/concern, suggestions on how you think it should be best fixed is also a great addition but not necessary. Please don't reeeee "OP", this is for constructive criticism for me to improve the rework. Here is the current spread of what subclasses people have chosen. (very epic graph IK)
    1 point
  7. Suggested Changes: -Change the w_class of the AEG to 5. -Give the AEG the 'bothhands' flag similar to the L6 SAW. -Change the max_w_class of the Bag of Holding to 4. Why It's Good For The Game: 1: The AEG is just too good. The moment the first miners return with uranium ore, every laser weapon on-station is instantly outclassed. Let's compare it with the exotic, interesting weapons which are made irrelevant: -The Captain's unique laser gun? Second-tier; it's only got lethals, while the AEG's got full-spectrum shootyness. -Red-ERT Security lasers? No self-charging means the crew is armed better than the Emergency Response Team sent to save 'em. -Sec's own arsenal? Can't self-charge, limited fire options; AEGs are better across the board. Fifteen minutes into the round, most of Security's own Armory is made sub-par at best. The only weapons which keep some limited viability are those which provide a unique capability the AEG can't duplicate, such as X-ray lasers on blobs, immolators on vampires, and ballistics weapons against desword users and cult Juggernauts. However, for everything else the AEG is a no-duh upgrade. A competent R&D team means that Security will be running around with lethals early, because who wants to run back for a recharge when you can carry out a self-charging weapon? It's a no-brainer. This also heavily affects simplemob antagonists, terror spiders in particular. Tspiders depend on their webs, but with R&D printing AEGs like crazy, they can just keep firing the things until entire rooms are cleared of webs. And with AEGs being small and portable, you can easily stack three or four and keep up literally endless laser fire. AEGs are EMP-resistant, they have tasers and disablers on the side, and have no downsides whatsoever to them. 2: My solution is to keep the weapon's advantages (self-charging, lethal and non-lethal modes), but to add some complications to offset them and make other laser weapons viable again. By increasing the AEG size to 5 (huge), equivalent to a combat shotgun or L6 SAW, and adding the 'bothhands' flag, the AEG is turned from "endless AEG laser spam" into a one-off weapon that can be used to complement an arsenal. Instead of an AEG in one hand, a riot shield in the other, and three more in your backpack, you've now got a single weapon that will recharge...in time. Not being able to stow the weapon also puts the AEG at a disadvantage for everyday use, as you can't simply carry the thing in your backpack/armor/belt as you can currently. Sure, you can still haul it, but now even the roundstart laser weapons have a new niche of "everyday carry" that the AEG can't displace them from. 3: The powergamer's solution to this will be, as always, the Bag of Holding. A BoH can hold up to 7 weight-5 weapons such as the combat shotgun, and holding/dragging another BoH lets one move around - and use - absurd numbers of large guns. I understand that Mining would be significantly complicated without having BoHs, so I'm not going to suggest they be removed completely. Instead, I'd like the BoH's max_w_class to be dropped to 4 ("bulky") rather than 5 ("huge"). This will still let the BoH be useful for Mining and other areas, while preventing it from being used to spam heavy weapons as easily as it is today. I recognize that this doesn't stop people from using the bluespace locker, regular lockers, etc. and simply dragging around endless weapons in that, but that's a problem for a separate discussion. For the AEG in particular, I believe the above tweaks would be enough to keep the weapon's utility without making it the /only/ sensible option that it is currently.
    1 point
  8. I figure it would be better to allow you to fire it inacuratly using only one hand. The reactor recharging it is heavy and makes it unwieldy, but as a laser weapon, it has no recoil that would fuck up your hand to holding it incorrectly.
    1 point
  9. I remember seeing this circulating around back when I was being used as a guinea pig for some test runs of DBSS Sigma. I'm totally for this (not that my opinion matters all too much) and think that gateways need some love. I know that general higher-up consensus is mostly negative against the addition of more stuff to the gateway and hope that turns around eventually. It's a crying shame to see such an intriguing part of the SS13 experience have it's penultimate experience be trying to rush through the spider station with lasers as fast as possible.
    1 point
  10. Ah man this thread had me in stitches. Here's my submission to the pile, hope you like it!
    1 point
  11. I did sorta expect umbrae to be up there, but gargantua being so unpopular's honestly a bit of a surprise. Makes sense, though, since most people can't or don't want to pull unga off. From what I've personally seen, vampires are really fun currently, and a marked improvement over the old vampire antag. Assuming the gargantua and hemomancer changes I wanted to see (blood swell chunky fingers and hemomancer AoE ability nerfs) are already in, I am rather happy with them.
    1 point
  12. I'd love to see it! The beach has a lot of potential, it'd be great to see it realized! Just read through the pr comments and I think the general vibe from people (as someone who never saw it before) was that people liked it, it just needed a bunch of tweaking :)
    1 point
  13. Do you have a games controlled plugged into your PC?
    1 point
  14. I would very much like to see the beach revamped!
    1 point
  15. I would love to see this added as the current beach gateway is kind of boring and empty
    1 point
  16. I do like this PR. Beach is a nice place to offload some greytiders into on highpop.
    1 point
  17. I'd love a BoH nerf, preferably even removal. Bag space exists for a reason, and it'd be nice to balance AEG around that without the "lmao infinite space" bag. I like it already
    1 point
  18. I agree with every single thing here. Except the two handed thing. I'm not sure, it just feels off for a laser. BOH has always been science powergamer juice. Nerfing it in this way would nerf many strategies that aren't healthy for the game. To give some examples: - one sec officer caring and entire armoury and healing to dunk on whatever antag - one antag carrying an entire armoury to dunk on sec - miners carrying hundreds of eldritch bulkey swords each with the power of wizard items - crew carrying 4000 guns to blast down a blob I do completely agree with making AEGs bulkey. This way crew can only store one at a time in an armour slot. Finally, I'm not convinced aeg + teleshield is all that OP. Especially once tasers are removed. All in all, good suggestion.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Where are her marbles we must help her find them :]
    1 point
  21. I could see this idea working to a limited degree: as it stands, permabrig tends to be treated as a form of extended death row—it's not a matter of "if" a permabrig prisoner escapes, it's a matter of "when", and security tends to treat them like that. A 'prisoner' role who has no malevolent intent towards the crew but is still in custody would encourage officers to be less spiteful towards everyone in perma. That said, there's a lot that would need to change with how perma exists before the prisoner role would make sense: This may sound strange, but roundstart prisoners would need permission to help their inmates escape and to potentially undermine security if they get the chance. Their role shouldn't be restricted to snitching on imprisoned EoCs. Permabrig would need to be expanded and sensibly-built. Firstly, permabrig itself would need to be relocated entirely so that escaping it takes actual preparation. At present, a prisoner in permabrig with no gear, no outside help, no incompetent sec to loot, and no preparation can still break out just using the stuff inside the permabrig itself. Basically the process is to use the permabrig stools to shatter a window, use the window debris to break some other things inside perma and eventually a prisoner can accumulate enough gear to make a spear to break through the airlocks without electrifying themselves on the window grilles. This is to say nothing of how laughably easy it is to break into perma from space and get the perma detainees safely into maintenance without needing to offer them any internals or EVA gear of their own. If EVA is somehow too much effort, someone from the outside need only falsewall or thermite their way into the execution wing. At present, the only way to keep someone in perma is if they want to be in perma. The brig does not have enough starting equipment to support any more than 5 perma detainees—and even that is pushing it. A high pop traitor round can have as many as fifteen traitors, and yet the brig only has enough uniforms and space to properly put 5 people in perma. Permanent sentences can also be done using the gulag (very risky to put any more than 3 people into permanent labor, since the gulag is designed so that officers have to exit the shuttle in single-file where the prisoners can set up a choke point on the other end), or exile (all it takes is 2 prisoners and a surgery kit and they can remove their exile implants. Gateway explorers will also help exile prisoners for free because sEcUrItY bAd.) During a round of traitors, security will start out in a position where they don't have enough space or equipment to manage any more than 5 detainees, and giving them perma prisoners to manage right from the offset would further reduce that number. If these issues were fixed, then I would be supportive of a dedicated 'prisoner' role.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
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