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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2021 in all areas

  1. yes, mimes are allowed to be cute
    4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. lucina in a corgi kigurumi. we need those in-game badly
    4 points
  4. master class chef bade jurnwood
    4 points
  5. En Avant ! (Forwards !) with @rapaskoti
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. not sure how long this'll actually keep up but thanks. (yes, i did waste my time drawing this for a response)
    2 points
  8. Aleister Dorkwood (@Chapitito)
    2 points
  9. I've been bandying this idea around a bit, I know similar ideas have come up in terms of a one-time-event, but I thought it'd be worth fleshing out into a station goal: The basic Idea is that the goal requires the creation of as much food/drink as possible, of any kind. The intent is to have a station goal that changes things up, and doesn't require engineers (though they can help, of course!), and involves more of the crew: namely botany, chef, bartender, and even greytide going ham on the garden, maint pizzeria, etc. Humanitarian Mission A relatively nearby planet is experiencing drought and crop failure, and thus is having a major food shortage: NT will be sending a special refrigerated cargo shuttle to the station for the crew to load down with as much food and drink as they can prepare. The people of the planet will be sending back local goods as thank you (the more food, the more goods! Similar loot to a Sol Trader, minus any food or beverage things of course). It will dock at the public docks, not the cargo bay, and the shuttle will take scheduled trips (so you can play around with the loot you get, and can join in even later round). Variations: Refrigerated shuttle too much of a pain to code? Instead CC sends (via cargo, like the other station goals) a simple to set up teleporter device that transports the food and drink where its needed, and in return generates points that can be spent on rewards from CC, or it could allow for packages sent from the planet with drought and crop failure containing goods along the lines of the Sol Trader goods as said above. Rewards could also include things like rare seeds or powerful plant data discs, or even unique crop seeds from said alien world (I have a whole bunch of ideas of random special plants that could be created, unique to this goal's rewards)
    1 point
  10. Sample Text Bottom Text
    1 point
  11. Hello yes, I've never been an artsy person but I started drawing back in August and I finally feel like I have stuff I can share, now and hopefully in the future
    1 point
  12. Hey everyone! Good work this month. The more people can tackle the revision requests list, the better. Just keep knocking em out! It's hard work but the positive effects are long lasting! This opens up our contributors time to really focus on new content and improving the wiki whollistically. What needs to be done on the Wiki: Apparel needs to be rewritten(in progress, please help) Special Event Roles needs to be rewritten (details on the page) it also needs some kind of Gif Icon uploaded Starters Guide to Admin Tools needs to be updated (more admin stuff) Containers still needs to be expanded, see the Needs revision description on page Cyborg should have more explanation regarding cyborg UI and have a mention of the diagnostic menu. Random Events has lots of outdated info and its styling needs to be brought up to speed Template:Species needs to receive a styling makeover sooner or later Telecommunications images need a once-over/fix Vendors still needs the rest of the departmental apparel vendors added Detective is lackluster as a page and should be rewritten EMP effects could use stylistic improvements Guide for beginners needs a once-over Guide to Regex needs to be expanded upon Nuclear Agent still needs images uploaded for it Singularity Engine is missing images and could do with a rewrite These Pages need to be written: Guide to Cleaning Guide to Command/Leadership Service Items Derelict Researcher Courtroom needs to be filled out Electrical Maintenance Needs to be filled out Meta and Delta location need to filled out and added(image files that is) other shit I can't be bothered to add or has been added since time of writing, see: Maintenance Panel September Change Log: ERT needs to be rewritten. I'm currently working on that right now(getting close to completion) After being on my needed revisions for 8 months, Engineering items has been cleaned up and fully updated Implants has been cleaned up thanks to @Spook Medical Items has been updated thanks to @Woje Telecommunications now has info about user filtering thanks to @Keppler Guide to Atmospherics -> heat exchangers are now included thanks to @Krossarn New Console Sprites and Types added explanatory material added to vendors Tesla engine has finally been updated :))) Icons added to Swarmer Guide to Hydroponics updated to reflect new PR changes Guide to Virology has had incorrect info fixed thanks to @farie82 Traitor sections on job pages standardized thanks to @Imic Changeling updated to reflect new PR changes Assemblies was expanded a bit Old Telecoms added to archive Cyborg has had sec modules removed Vendors has a few new vendors added to it thanks to @Threesand others This Months Contributors that I haven't recognized yet: @SteelSlayer @SabreML @LiberatedWaveMan @PopeDaveThe3th @Longpipe23 @Meow19 @botka4aet @FizzTheBanana @PacifistDalek Good work guys, consistent progress is good. What I really need help with is tackling the articles with big problems in them. There's quite a few articles building up that need to be rewritten and gone over by our expert players. I can keep us up to date with PR's and any kind of maintenance/organization work that needs to be done, however I cannot knock out entire article reworks. I just need some people to commit to rewriting stuff. if you were @'d on this post it means that you contributed meaningfully to our wiki in some aspect and I'd hope you are willing to stay around another month to keep doing so. If you want to get involved with editing the wiki and don't know how, @ me on the discord and I'll happily sit down and teach you stuff when I get the chance. I hope to continue doing this every month. Here is a syntax guide for those who are curious As always, thanks for the hard work everyone!
    1 point
  13. Aleister has the kind of face that would say "I never asked for this" easily, only missing some augments, but I guess Robotics could handle that...
    1 point
  14. Oh hey! I saw one of these in a World War 1 Museum. Except that one had a giant hole through it.
    1 point
  15. Open letter; To anyone that want to read it in the paradise community - regarding Metagrudging and issues OOCly Hello! Thank you for taking your time to read this. The community meeting on the 25th of September 2021 raised some pointers to me, regarding metagrudging and people struggling OOC due to some aspects of the community or gameplay. This is a nice community, a place that people come to for different reasons. Some people are here for hardcore gaming, some people are here to meet new friends and people, some people are here because they can be whoever they want here, some people are here because IRL is a struggle, and this is their safeplace. There are numerous of reasons to why you chose to be a part of this community and play this game, and all of these reasons are okay - what is not okay though, is to be here to make someone else feel bad - but sadly, it does happen from time to time. Metagrudging or causing someone else issues out of character, due to IC relations is never okay, but it does exist - this phenomenon exist all over the internet, and aswell here in our lovely paradise and community. To any players that feel uncomfortable, having issues with another player IC or OOC, to the extent it makes you feel bad - know that there are people in the community, aswell as in the staffteam, that are willing to take time and listen to what you have to say. There are lots of good guys in this community, and it might be scary or difficult - but do reach out for a hand. Either to one of the Community Managers, or to someone that you interact with well IC. Even just talking about it and getting someone elses perspective on the situation might make you feel better. And if it has come to the extent that there is a reason to ping admins about someones behaviour, you should trust that admins will do something about it - look into it and see what the issue could be and how it could be solved. It is not wrong to feel bad, always remember that you are entitled to your own feelings - it is not your fault. I have personal experiences with have being taken seriously by people in the staffteam, when it comes to these kind of issues - I do hope and I do believe, that the people in the staffteam want what's best for the players, and if someone is actively feeling miserable due to a player, they'd like to know so it can be looked into and solved. It is not your fault for being a victim of metagrudgeing - there are bad people here too, aswell as everywhere. There are people that take advtantages of other people for own benefits, there are people who get a kick out of being rude to other people, there are real life greytiders, even on paradise.. But I personally believe that the good outweight the bad around here - for every bad person, there are a bunch of good ones too! I want to state that there's a difference between not getting along with someone and being metagrudged and harrassed. We're all different people, everyone cannot like everyone. Most of us knows this, we meet someone we don't get along with, and then we move on with our lives. But when it comes to activley being seeked out by someone who wanna play rudely, bother you, harrassing you IC or OOCly, that's when it becomes a problem. And do dare, do dare to talk to someone if this has happened or actively is happening to you. You're not suppose to feel bad or have a bad, uncomfortable experience due to one certain person or player. We're all here for a good time, we're here to get a good experience - if that's playing it hardcore, just roleplaying, getting away from reality for a while or a mix of everything. You gotta have a good time, to create a good time for others. There are so many good people on this server. People have met friends that they will keep forever on this server, people have met new inspiring people that make them feel good - make them feel better, people have met the love of their lives here. There has been creations of unbreakable bonds between people, just due to this communitys existance. There are so many good people here, and I can't stress that enough. .. and with that again, know that there are a bunch of people that have open hearts, that are willing to listen, that are willing to talk. It's never ever okay to harass someone else OOCly for IC relations. OOC and IC are two different things. Sometimes we all need to remember that in the end, this is a game we're playing. A game with the benefit that you can meet alot of new, inspiring people here. Do dare to reach out, do dare to ask how someone else is doing, it could change alot. Stay awesome, paradisers <3 -Autumn, paradiser since 2014
    1 point
  16. This is an idea I've had in the back of my head for a while (and one I'd be willing to code). What: Whenever a mob spawner pops up in game, terrors/swarmers/blob, it always has a popup icon in the top right of the screen indicating that the mob/antag is available. What I'm proposing is to add that same feature to karma giving and server polls (escape shuttle, next map). With the server poll icon showing up for 30 seconds upon a poll being opened and the karma giving icon show up upon the shuttle leaving or the round end(as with blob/nukies gamemodes). When you click on the popup, it opens up the menu to give karma or opens up the voting menu for a server poll. Why: It is extremely easy to forget to give karma at the end of the round. While I don't think it is absolutely necessary to give out karma each round it probably should be given out a bit more than it is. This may also help people get into the habit of giving karma as they'll become more aware of their ability to give it out. This also will help spread out karma to players who may not often(or ever) be in the central purview of deadchat during a round. As for server polls. Chatlog spams can happen. As an admin it's extraordinarily bad if I don't turn my attack log preferences down and the sever poll option is on my screen for perhaps a couple seconds. Similarly, if someone is in combat(as is common at round end), the option to choose the next map or call the transfer shuttle is easily sent into the abyss that is combat chatspam.
    1 point
  17. Hecc yeah, Mochi art thread!!
    1 point
  18. From an admin pov, my main concern with psych is the fact that a good chunk of the time, it is played by players who are absolutely bald, and decide to kidnap someone, straightjacket them, and force-feed them drugs. Because that's what they think is appropriate for a psych. I've had to ban more people from psych/medical for this than I care to remember. As such, any mechanic which psychs can abuse to detain people for long periods of time, or really at all, is probably not a good mechanic. If we're going to give psych a mechanic, something they can use to make the job more interesting/relevant, then I would suggest: something detection-based, like the ability to use an item to scan for abnormal brainwaves, which could reveal things like vampire thralling, mindslave implants, etc. This would require a unique neural scanner, them to hold still for 30-60 seconds, or something like that. Enough constraints that the psych can't mass-test everyone. something to do with curing psych abnormalities, like for example reversing abductor programming, or effectively giving someone a mindslave implant that makes them loyal to NT (OOCly, this is a reward for traitors, who get to be released 'on parole' rather than sitting out the rest of the round, as such this implant would be extremely limited supply, only one is available and only the psych can use it). have a system where people can opt to give their character mental disabilities, not just physical ones, during char creation (e.g. syndicate-induced PTSD) and have the psych able to dispense unique drugs to help with these... and have a unique HUD that lets them identify people whose medical records show they have these conditions (basically make it easier for them to find rp partners) Really, we should consider just removing the straightjacket from the psych, and giving it to sec's medical wing. Psych is meant to be treating patients on a voluntary basis. Patients sent to the psych against their will should come exclusively from security - not something the psych should be able to engineer themselves.
    1 point
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