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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Chikitita nightmare sequence
    4 points
  2. Details: Files changed: 260 Line insertions: 811 Line deletions: 811 Potential labels: Grammar and Formatting, Tweak/Fix I've gone through every file I could find in the code with name = "Uppercase Name" and replaced every instance (where needed) with either a lowercase version, or added an \improper so that it displays correctly in-game. This regex was used to search, but each replacement was done manually to avoid false positives: \tname\s*=\s*"\s*[A-Z].*" Now obviously this is a lot of changes to go through at once, so my current plan (assuming there's no objections) is to slowly post all of this in multiple smaller 'themed' PRs rather than in one massive one. That way I can go through everything in the 'Weapons' or 'Machinery' categories for example, and double check that I didn't make a mistake somewhere. Most importantly, this would also have the benefit of making the PRs actually possible to review, because while each change is very easy to check individually, 811 of them at once is not. Alternatively I could just split this into 130-file chunks, but atomising it seems like the best way to go. Examples: (Before/After) ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PRs: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/16897 https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/16906
    3 points
  3. I hope so because mass regex replacements are a gateway to "no thanks" Please do this TLDR: Approved, but you have to split this to manageable chunks, or its getting shot.
    3 points
  4. Was brought to my attention I haven't technically drawn Chikitita smiling in ages prior to the mug doodle, amended this with a sweet moment from a maint convo
    3 points
  5. I've been bandying this idea around a bit, I know similar ideas have come up in terms of a one-time-event, but I thought it'd be worth fleshing out into a station goal: The basic Idea is that the goal requires the creation of as much food/drink as possible, of any kind. The intent is to have a station goal that changes things up, and doesn't require engineers (though they can help, of course!), and involves more of the crew: namely botany, chef, bartender, and even greytide going ham on the garden, maint pizzeria, etc. Humanitarian Mission A relatively nearby planet is experiencing drought and crop failure, and thus is having a major food shortage: NT will be sending a special refrigerated cargo shuttle to the station for the crew to load down with as much food and drink as they can prepare. The people of the planet will be sending back local goods as thank you (the more food, the more goods! Similar loot to a Sol Trader, minus any food or beverage things of course). It will dock at the public docks, not the cargo bay, and the shuttle will take scheduled trips (so you can play around with the loot you get, and can join in even later round). Variations: Refrigerated shuttle too much of a pain to code? Instead CC sends (via cargo, like the other station goals) a simple to set up teleporter device that transports the food and drink where its needed, and in return generates points that can be spent on rewards from CC, or it could allow for packages sent from the planet with drought and crop failure containing goods along the lines of the Sol Trader goods as said above. Rewards could also include things like rare seeds or powerful plant data discs, or even unique crop seeds from said alien world (I have a whole bunch of ideas of random special plants that could be created, unique to this goal's rewards)
    2 points
  6. Hi I Have A Lot Here Oh God. Oh God Spoilered because of how many there are.
    1 point
  7. The main reason why Heirophant, from what I've been told has been due to balance and cheesiness. The staff has already been disabled so that's been resolved but the crusher trophy is still seen as something too "cheesy" so here's a simple suggestion that might fix things. From playing in TG I've seen that fights with the ash drake is far more lethal than that of the colossus for one simple reason- The projectile actually goes through the barrier. So my idea is that, if we make it so that the death bolts go through the barrier, it would mitigate a lot of it's cheesiness in the fight. If that isn't enough, maybe simply allowing megafauna to trample through or pass through the barrier could work too. I personally believe this is good for the game because it reintroduces content that is actually pretty fun. The Heirophant fight itself is honestly a joy. As a sidenote: I think that the Heirophant also needs to do more damage simply due to the fact that we have newcrit in the server, otherwise the fight can just be cheesed by face-tanking. So buffing the damage from 15-25 when it hits 50% health or something along those lines would be nice.
    1 point
  8. hey, names valourcium. i play IPCs alot because breathing oxygen is over-rated, and the lore is quite an interesting one in my opinion. you've probably seen me around recently as C.O.B.A.L.T and Donovan Stange as a research director, civillian, quartermaster or engie. that outta the way i dont really have much other to say then; atmos is scary and i can never wrap my head around it, despite me being an engineering main other then that yeah, thats it have a good one, whomever is reading this
    1 point
  9. maybe by limiting its effects to only work in chapel? Like Chef has CQC in kitchen?
    1 point
  10. Some of the mixed adventures of Todd Rutabaga, the loveable idiot HoP. The one where he accidentally confuses one grey with another, leading to being called racist. A great job interview with a potential miner! A tough interview with a potential Cargo Worker! And the Fax sent to CentComm when he was tricked out of his whole life savings but had a shot at making it big with a clever investment!
    1 point
  11. Not sure if this counts as an in-game screenshot but this gave me a good chuckle.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
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