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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2021 in all areas

  1. THE ULTIMATE COURSE FOR YOUR CULINARY NEEDS This guide will completely cover everything you need to chef. From aubergine to zucchini. Included is: a tutorial from brand new shiny chefs, advanced tips, a roleplaying guide, a basic CQC tutorial, a tier guide, and some gimmick kitchens you can setup. Dig in and enjoy!
    6 points
  2. Hi I Have A Lot Here Oh God. Oh God Spoilered because of how many there are.
    6 points
  3. Chikitita nightmare sequence
    5 points
  4. How easy is it to walk onto a NanoTrasen station with no equipment and walk off with a large amount of sensitive data and items? Apparently, very. All tech disks were obtained at level seven minus illegals (which was at 2) and alien (which was not obtained), botanical and xenobiological samples were obtained, as well as Lazarus technology and anomalous materials. An unfairly written employment contract was swiped, and a contraband 10mm pistol was acquired. However, the true treasure of this corporate espionage was the photos. Pictured: The Head of Personnel's personal use Guardian The incredibly stable Supermatter Crystal A local of Ligure, an "Ash Walker" being detained on-station by security personnel And lastly, a little something for blackmail - the Captain's ass
    4 points
  5. Big girls need big text bubbles.
    4 points
  6. Pretty straightforward here: Sign language would be pretty cool for deaf, mute, or otherwise unable to talk/hear characters. That being said, sign language as a secondary language (and available to any species) would need some code fuckery since it would have to check for line of sight rather than actual ability to hear
    3 points
  7. 3 points
  8. When you take IPC as a race, you have to come to terms with their downsides. One of those is potentially being at the hands of a roboticist who isn't sure on how to fix you, or people bringing you to medical without thinking too much on it. I'd rather not streamline IPCs into medical. Roboticists, unless you're like me and enjoy RP in between work, already suffer from a lack of things to do during a round. I'd rather not take away one of their biggest responsibilities.
    3 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I've been bandying this idea around a bit, I know similar ideas have come up in terms of a one-time-event, but I thought it'd be worth fleshing out into a station goal: The basic Idea is that the goal requires the creation of as much food/drink as possible, of any kind. The intent is to have a station goal that changes things up, and doesn't require engineers (though they can help, of course!), and involves more of the crew: namely botany, chef, bartender, and even greytide going ham on the garden, maint pizzeria, etc. Humanitarian Mission A relatively nearby planet is experiencing drought and crop failure, and thus is having a major food shortage: NT will be sending a special refrigerated cargo shuttle to the station for the crew to load down with as much food and drink as they can prepare. The people of the planet will be sending back local goods as thank you (the more food, the more goods! Similar loot to a Sol Trader, minus any food or beverage things of course). It will dock at the public docks, not the cargo bay, and the shuttle will take scheduled trips (so you can play around with the loot you get, and can join in even later round). Variations: Refrigerated shuttle too much of a pain to code? Instead CC sends (via cargo, like the other station goals) a simple to set up teleporter device that transports the food and drink where its needed, and in return generates points that can be spent on rewards from CC, or it could allow for packages sent from the planet with drought and crop failure containing goods along the lines of the Sol Trader goods as said above. Rewards could also include things like rare seeds or powerful plant data discs, or even unique crop seeds from said alien world (I have a whole bunch of ideas of random special plants that could be created, unique to this goal's rewards)
    1 point
  11. This is absolutely fantastic. Hilarious, informative and super creative read.
    1 point
  12. As far as i know, we have most stuff needed for it in the code already. The problem is more how it ends up. Most stuff that would mute or deafen someone won't do it for sign language. Got flashbanged and deafened due to it? Still can talk in sign language to someone. Having problems breathing, and such can only gasps? Keep signing on. Want to talk to someone in space through a window without other people hearing it on the radio? Just use sign language, instead of attempting to mime what's needed. Having (a) sign language(s) may be flavourful, but mechanically, it's just a straight upgrade to have it, especially compared to the other secondary languages. If you can talk to someone in tradeband, you can also talk to that someone in common. There is no real advantage to have one secondary language over another, or even have one at all, but sign language would break that. There is an old attempt at it, which was closed for this problem and seems some other: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/8299 If all issues brought up there can be addressed and fixed, or think the problems aren't problems anymore, could give it a try, but I'm not confident in it.
    1 point
  13. Chaplain had spider cult, and i joined in, and in luck we were, it was terror round. We had EN with radio working as mobile radio transmitter, and i kept saying cultish things over radio. Best part, it worked! Spiders didn't attack us, and played along with the cult.
    1 point
  14. We already have stuff that checks for whether you can see it, and we already have a language that requires hands free. This could probably be done.
    1 point
  15. Oh I have not seen blushie Idunn she is cute :) A lot of these are really nice (all of them actually)
    1 point
  16. As the title states, I had an idea for a karma costing job that could be part of medical or a sub-division of robotics whose purposes are to repair and maintain IPC and People with Implants, as well as provide prosthetics and implants to medical. For this purpose I was thinking they could have a lathe that can only print cybernetic organs and prosthetics/IPC parts. I understand that this might take away work form robotics but.. it really does suck when every mid-round antag blows up robotics and IPC's just.. get shafted due to no place to repair at. Plus it helps medical not have to trek back and forth to robotics every time they need a new prosthetic. As for the area, I was thinking it could use a part of the mech-bay or the offshoot in front of the paramedic in the front section of lobby, across from chemistry. Atleast on the Cyberiad, as for the other two stations I'm a bit clueless. Thoughts on this would be very much appreciated. Suggested Job Titles: Mechanic or Synthetic Technician.
    1 point
  17. I feel the last thing any of us truly wants is Robotics having more time to mass produce combat mechs. The issue with this idea is that when roboticists may need to be called due to it not being part of their standard duties they'll likely either not know how to do it or not be as proficient. It's not really that out of place when you think about the fact that they do borgings and IPC repair. This doesn't work for genetics. I don't see why it would work for this idea. The issue for this isn't IPCs not getting repaired fast enough. I think their initial issue was "Man it sucks that robotics gets blown up so often." As an IPC you kinda just have to accept your lot in life in this regard.
    1 point
  18. Here's a thought - remove the surgery table and operating table from robotics. Anything that requires actual surgery, like IPC repair, implants, and borging, gets moved over to the repair bay and/or med bay, handled by trained cybernetic techs. If there are no cybernetic techs available, the roboticist might need to be called upon to assist in IPC repairs, when necessary, but this would not be his primary job. Regular roboticists would be responsible for making or repairing bots, borgs, and mechs, instead of being half-surgeons. And the repair bay could be located next to medbay for easy access .... and offer extra surgery space when times are hard and lots of crew are broken. It might even encourage MedChem to make a few medicines for IPCs. I don't see this as a bad change, personally. The little surgery corner in Robotics has always felt weirdly out of place to me. It isn't even sectioned off from the rest of the room. I think the cybernetic technicians should have robotics access (but no access to other parts of Science) along with limited medbay access. This would let them bridge the two depts and help IPC crew get back on their feet faster.
    1 point
  19. The mining shuttle and the airlocks for getting to it have a handful of problems. 1. It is incredibly easy to be spaced from the dock when a crew member is on the same tile as the external airlock just as the mining shuttle leaves. This happens pretty regularly, and usually at the beginning of the shift which is obnoxious at best and leads to unnecessary crew death or drifting to another Z-level at worst. 2. If a crew member is in the dock when the shuttle leaves, they are trapped in there until the shuttle returns or the AI lets them out. 3. The mining shuttle allows its destination to be changed mid-flight with its console. This is arguably a miner (heh) annoyance compared to the above but it is still an annoyance, inducing frustration when arguably there doesn't need to be. If you've ever tried to take the shuttle while people on the station and/or in Lavaland and/or the person on the shuttle and/or the AI are fighting to control it, you know how obnoxious this is. The above are exacerbated if the circumstances aren't just "I'm trying to get on the shuttle". Piloting a Ripley onto the shuttle, moving crates out of it, or transporting an injured crew member etc. become exercises in frustration when combined with the above. I'm approaching this with the idea that not only do these issues cause player annoyance, but Nanotrasen probably would not want the airlocks to function in this way, especially considering the normal station EVA airlocks are outfitted with airlock controllers. In my ideal world: 1. In the same way that the supply shuttle can't depart if there are crew members on it, the mining shuttle would prevent departure under certain conditions. It might be exploitable to prevent departure if the airlocks are obstructed, but not departing if there are crew members still in the dock might be a good idea. 2. If that is unwieldy, I would want the dock to contain an airlock controller similarly to station EVAs and the dock between the mining station and Lavaland. This way someone trapped in the dock can get themselves back out without assistance. 3. At bare minimum, if the above active measures can't be taken, then having a preventative measure: providing the same shuttle countdown displays as the supply and escape shuttles, so that people are more aware of when it's safe to enter the dock. Thanks for reading EDIT: Oh also the delay between the shuttle console's announcement that it is departing and the actual departure is like... 1.5 seconds. Increasing that time would probably help.
    1 point
  20. I think most of this would be resolved by simply making the shuttle one row wider with more seats. I've seen way too many miners dogpile into the shuttle like one of those crowded Japanese trains and it's quite frankly a bit ridiculous; maybe we should have a "professional pusher" job.
    1 point
  21. Some of the mixed adventures of Todd Rutabaga, the loveable idiot HoP. The one where he accidentally confuses one grey with another, leading to being called racist. A great job interview with a potential miner! A tough interview with a potential Cargo Worker! And the Fax sent to CentComm when he was tricked out of his whole life savings but had a shot at making it big with a clever investment!
    1 point
  22. Very often, traitors are easily recognised by their character, hair, and other distinguishing characteristics, which makes it harder to hide. This is a bigger issue for well established characters, where almost everyone knows how they look, making identifying them easy peasy even if they wear disguises. This item would allow to bring up the mirror menu anywhere (i guess its worth 1tc? also non contraband? Probably would be a good item to add to maint loot tables too), allowing to edit the hair and color, just like in any other mirror. This doesn't force the antagonist to go to a very exposed and dangerous locations like the barber shop, and helps keeping up the disguise.
    1 point
  23. Anything to do with Asclepius should have enforced pacifism IMO. That being said, and instant-heal is kinda nuts and EXTREMELY hard to balance around, so I doubt that would survive the approval process.
    1 point
  24. I quite like this, but I agree with @Charliminator, have it also include x amount of basic medicine, so: x pills of y salbutamol, x bags of y saline, etc. That feels a bit more humanitarian aid-y and it includes more departments. All in all, great idea though.
    1 point
  25. all ideas here are good except the drink idea. drinks can just be printed for basically nothing and, I doubt people would want cocktails mid famine. Instead, I suggest providing medicine. All the basic stuff and maybe a couple of specialised chems, perhaps the chems required/amounts should be semi random, pulling from a list of all possibilities, to keep the goal fresh.
    1 point
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