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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Swarmers as they are now while an interesting concept really aren't fun to play against at all or even play as in some cases, it boils down to basically just going to a lone room, eating that whole room then burrowing into maints to eat all of the walls there and replicating all the while then eating a bunch of important structures with the sole goal of being really annoying. For the most part this will be co-opting the lavaland swarmer "megafauna" to overhaul the antagonist. My proposal is this, make swarmers into a full proper midround event in tandem with these changes. The swarmer event starts with a "prime" swarmer which bears a unique sprite and is capable of converting itself into a swarmer beacon which will then function like a swarmer AI with various abilities powered by harvested resources. The new beacon will then immediately spit out 3 swarmers one of each color, these will be offered to the ghosts to control, if one is destroyed after a brief period the beacon will produce a new swarmer of the destroyed type. The beacon AI will have access to various upgrades accessible via deposited resources, the primary upgrades available will increase the passive production limit of swarmers getting progressively more expensive with each upgrade, once a critical threshold of swarmers is reached the beacon will gain access to create a biological recycler breaking down bodies into resources while extracting the brain or whatever equivalent for a "later" use as dictated by their programming, their win condition is consuming the crew. Additional upgrades can be purchased enhancing the stats of individual types of swarmers such as health and resource capacity and new structures beyond what they have currently. All swarmers barring the prime swarmer will lack the ability to ventcrawl with the intended purpose of locking down one area then expanding outwards The blue swarmers function as a support type and will largely function as they are now as well as being the only type capable of building swarmer structures, however they will no longer be able to produce new swarmers individually instead they will act as resource ferries with the goal of balancing feeding resources to the beacon to manufacture additional swarmers and upgrades and producing defensive structures. Yellow swarmers will function as a robust melee variant without their traditional instant stun but rather dealing moderate amounts of burn and stamina damage with a weak overshield capable of blocking 1-2 hits(this includes EMPs), these will have a small resource capacity so in lulled times they can function as a lesser blue swarmer. Red swarmers will be the fragile ranged type with a potent laser weapon, upgrades will increase the projectile speed and add an incendiary, and EMP function to their weapon, resource capacity will be minimal with essentially the sole purpose of being able to preform repairs in the event they get damaged. New structures will include swarmer "tiles" which grants a defensive boost to swarmers on it while hampering the movement of crew, these can be pried up with a simple crowbar. They will also gain access to a simple disabler turret with a high resource cost as well as a matter compiler capable of breaking down resources that normally can't be deconstructed into resources for the beacon and, of course the aforementioned biological recycler. I'd like to hear your input and ideas down below so feel free to discuss things.
    5 points
  2. Gargantua: Overwhelming force now prevents the vampire from being pushed or pulled when it is active. Unbrae: cloak of darkness increases the burn damage the user takes when it is active.
    5 points
  3. Especially if you're drake or meow.
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. Love the fact they are space lube *pills*. Adds to the absurdity
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. THE ULTIMATE COURSE FOR YOUR CULINARY NEEDS This guide will completely cover everything you need to chef. From aubergine to zucchini. Included is: a tutorial from brand new shiny chefs, advanced tips, a roleplaying guide, a basic CQC tutorial, a tier guide, and some gimmick kitchens you can setup. Dig in and enjoy!
    1 point
  8. Pretty straightforward here: Sign language would be pretty cool for deaf, mute, or otherwise unable to talk/hear characters. That being said, sign language as a secondary language (and available to any species) would need some code fuckery since it would have to check for line of sight rather than actual ability to hear
    1 point
  9. This is absolutely fantastic. Hilarious, informative and super creative read.
    1 point
  10. From another round, who said terror spiders have no sense of humor.
    1 point
  11. Chaplain had spider cult, and i joined in, and in luck we were, it was terror round. We had EN with radio working as mobile radio transmitter, and i kept saying cultish things over radio. Best part, it worked! Spiders didn't attack us, and played along with the cult.
    1 point
  12. As the title states, I had an idea for a karma costing job that could be part of medical or a sub-division of robotics whose purposes are to repair and maintain IPC and People with Implants, as well as provide prosthetics and implants to medical. For this purpose I was thinking they could have a lathe that can only print cybernetic organs and prosthetics/IPC parts. I understand that this might take away work form robotics but.. it really does suck when every mid-round antag blows up robotics and IPC's just.. get shafted due to no place to repair at. Plus it helps medical not have to trek back and forth to robotics every time they need a new prosthetic. As for the area, I was thinking it could use a part of the mech-bay or the offshoot in front of the paramedic in the front section of lobby, across from chemistry. Atleast on the Cyberiad, as for the other two stations I'm a bit clueless. Thoughts on this would be very much appreciated. Suggested Job Titles: Mechanic or Synthetic Technician.
    1 point
  13. When you take IPC as a race, you have to come to terms with their downsides. One of those is potentially being at the hands of a roboticist who isn't sure on how to fix you, or people bringing you to medical without thinking too much on it. I'd rather not streamline IPCs into medical. Roboticists, unless you're like me and enjoy RP in between work, already suffer from a lack of things to do during a round. I'd rather not take away one of their biggest responsibilities.
    1 point
  14. Hi I Have A Lot Here Oh God. Oh God Spoilered because of how many there are.
    1 point
  15. So, I think that the vampire options are decently good and incredibly well balanced. So, in the famous words of Jumpman Mario, "Letsa go!" MINOR CHANGES 200 unit blood cap: I think this is really good. I'm honestly surprised this wasn't implemented earlier. My favourite bit is that they are drainable post clone. Fire & Space: I think this is really cool, /vg/ had a similar system where the sun would come out and you'd have to duck into closets or coffins to avoid sunlight and you'd gradually build up an immunity and sparkle like a twilight vampire. Full Power & New Vampiric Vision: Honestly, I'm not too sure why vampires had x-ray to begin with, and I think that this is a good hand-hold, especially when you can essentially just get the x-ray with mesons. I like that full power is now 1000 I think that you could maybe suffice with 800, but It's really not big of an issue. I saw a lot of people complaining that the fact that vampires needed to drain more blood was a bad thing, because more people would be drained and have to wait out medbay; me personally, I believe this complaint is completely without merit especially when you consider how many vampires redtext roundstart. Rejuvenate & Glare: Huge changes IMO, glare behaving like a /tg/ flash was a super obvious decision that I'm surprised I hadn't made when discussing V A M P I R E "balance". Rejuvenate getting stamina healing is a nice touch too. Code Improvement: Honestly the least sung praises of this update are the code improvements. I'm very happy it's been streamlined for future morons (like yours truly) to be able to read through the moon runes with less difficulty. GARGANTUA Not much to say here honestly, I am definitely biased seeing as this is my favourite class, but I think it's a little too one-note. Giving the gargantua a little bit more versatility would be a much needed and welcome change in my opinion: perhaps built in insulation, flash resistance would be nice, or some harder to break bones? Perhaps give them stun but not stamina crit immunity? HEMOMANCER Not a fan of this one, just the atmosphere feels off-- I really can't explain it. Blood bender bampire just feels... uninspired? It just feels like the valley girl of vampire options. Balance wise? I think these are fine, I guess. There's nothing I can really complain about. I just think they should be able to make more things with blood. Maybe give them blood walls that can be deconned with buckets, cleaned, or walked through slowly. Maybe give them a spear that they can yote at people. Maybe a bola... blood bola, alliteration, YEAAAH. UMBRAE Umbrae is cool, it's just a better version of old vampire. Not too much to say here. You kind of just made a lame Strahd. I see a lot of people complaining about the speed in darkness for some reason, I'm not too sure why (I am sure why, I DED PLES NERF). There's plenty of shit in game that just gives you the same amount of speed for no detriment without a readily available counter. I think that extinguish should cost a tiny bit of blood, maybe 5, but become free when you hit full power. I think they could use an extra passive ability, not too sure what that'd be... maybe just cold immunity; but then again slime person buff bad.
    1 point
  16. As many of you know, it really isn't a secret, staff place a phrase within our rules which we use to verify that a user has read the rules entirely. If you didn't know, then surprise! There's a phrase we've hidden there to do that. What most of you don't know, even though it is a bit of common sense, is why we use this method of verification when its rather easy to by-pass. All you have to do is go to the appeals section and read a few to find the phrase pretty easily, saves time on reading right? Well here's why its a very bad idea to do so. It cheats you, not us. People may think they're pulling one over on us by not reading the rules and providing a phrase from an appeal however, all it does is make things more difficult for the individual. When they break the rules next, which they will, and they're back in the appeals section asking for another chance, we're gonna ask why they'd broken the rules despite having read them (Especially damning if the offense happens close to a recently accepted appeal). If they say they've read them, then we think the individual is unwilling to follow the rules which tanks their appeal. If they said they haven't despite providing the phrase, they lied to us in their previous appeal, also tanking the chances of them getting the next appeal accepted. Either way, it just serves to screw them over and not staff. Anyone caught in a lie can tell you how difficult it is to regain trust afterwards and Staff are naturally suspicious when it comes to individuals who violate the rules, lying to us is just a surefire way of making sure you don't play here. We also will, from time to time, change this phrase in the rules, not only to ensure they're read but to also make sure that individuals who slip up from time to time (Hey it happens to all of us, we're human after all) will refresh themselves on the rules. So don't take the easy way out. Read our rules fully. The easy way is just going to screw you over later and we want you to play here and have fun, not forced to sit outside the party because you were too lazy to read.
    1 point
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