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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2021 in all areas

  1. several people gave me the idea of Chikitita picking up streaming and Fiona abusing the donations. and a grimmer doodle. I think chikitita has nightmares about dying at work and waking up centuries later after all her organic/non-vox friends have passed away. spoilered for light surgical gore!
    7 points
  2. Marketable Tide plushie. Doodled while my wrist has been recovering. :']
    4 points
  3. My first try on renovating something. I got hooked so expect alot of my "creations" on the station. Can't promise they will look well.
    4 points
  4. I will likely do this one again with some improvements. Not gonna run a whole fashion show (probably) but I do like when people dress their 32x32 barbie dolls up.
    3 points
  5. You liked art, so here is some more! Again by talented Pixie on Fiverr. Crossover of two cataclysm dda characters, 32, and Ruth. Figured they fit right in.
    3 points
  6. Brigbay is always more fun when fancied up :3 I love making it looks pretty like this and like its a tiny medbay
    2 points
  7. Especially if you're drake or meow.
    2 points
  8. Hi hello, the Vampire rework has been TMed for a while and I would like to hear your balance suggestions for it. All criticism is welcome. If you have a issue/concern, suggestions on how you think it should be best fixed is also a great addition but not necessary. Please don't reeeee "OP", this is for constructive criticism for me to improve the rework. Here is the current spread of what subclasses people have chosen. (very epic graph IK)
    1 point
  9. I'd like to begin with an apology should this feature already be in the game, though I've asked some mentors and it seems that it's not. When being a librarian stocking shelves can take some time; I feel like this task could be seriously sped-up should the delay on the library terminal be able to get removed, or seriously delayed — perhaps allowing you to order all books within the open page in batch? That way one could scoop the bundle of books in their bookbag and stock the shelves much like a chemist would stock the fridge.
    1 point
  10. We got another one ladies and gentlemen. Might as well post another.
    1 point
  11. I'd love to see a simple system where each book has a number score and librarians can upvote or downvote them. Add in a button to show books ordered by score, and a button that just orders them randomly (so you can find books that haven't gotten a lot of votes yet), and you've suddenly incentivized the librarian to seek out cool books and for players to write cool books.
    1 point
  12. oh god they turned angel into floppa oh god oh shit
    1 point
  13. What would love to see is a way to organize books by "collections" that can be updated and saved for later, so you can print a bunch of good books to create different styles or library themes. It can take a lot of searching to find good books and then it is easy to forget or lose track of them by the next time you play as a librarian. Printing all the books on an open page will get you a lot of books, but many won't be worth printing, in my experience.
    1 point
  14. Love all of these so much!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Gargantua: Overwhelming force now prevents the vampire from being pushed or pulled when it is active. Unbrae: cloak of darkness increases the burn damage the user takes when it is active.
    1 point
  17. Hi I Have A Lot Here Oh God. Oh God Spoilered because of how many there are.
    1 point
  18. For Fiona's detailed records, go here. First Name: Fiona Last Name: Phillips Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Most people call her Fio, Fi, or Fifi (though she hates that last one) Picture(If Available) i'm poor and can't afford that right now, here's some heroforge models to give you an idea leave me alone aah https://imgur.com/a/hnh8xgh Age/D.O.B: Exact DoB unclear, 24 years old Species: Human, genetically modified for deep space habitation. Blood Type: B+ Place Of Birth: A mining colony on G1618-X1634, a planetoid located in the debris field around Groombridge 1618, about 16 ly away from Sol Alignment: Are we really doing DnD alignments? I guess Chaotic Neutral. She is egoistic, but not actively malicious, and while she understands the value of order, she will only obey rules as long as it's convenient for her. Affiliation: Nanotrasen - Employee Cybersun Industries - Former employee Religious Beliefs: Agnostic Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Fiona's voice is quite deep and sometimes slighly raspy, partially due to her smoking habits. Her accent is somewhat odd and hard to place, though it does suggest she speaks Gutter as her first language. Personality: Medical Records: Employment Records: Security Records: Character Biography Family: As the colony she hails from is now defunct, its atmospherics system fully broken, it is unlikely that she has any surviving family members. She does, however, consider one person her sibling. Background: Personal Relationships Faction Relations Other Information Place of habitation: Favorite drink: Fiona drinks mostly water when exercising, but is a big fan of milk and other dairy products, as well as sodas, coke in particular. Her favorite alcoholic drink is Fernet Cola, followed closely by White Russian. She also likes Thirteen Loko quite a lot. She usually drinks her coffee black, though she is a big fan of Mocha, as she fondly remembers mixing instant coffee with cocoa powder found in military rations. Favorite food: Fiona does not have any favorite food. Her palate is a crime against humanity due to having eaten bland food for most of her life. She thus subsists on TV dinners, takeout food, and protein shakes. Fiona often adds hot sauce to things - she had eaten mostly nutrient paste for most of her life, before being exposed to "real food" for the first time in a cafeteria while working for Cybersun. What follows is that her bar for food has always been very low, which caused her to become amazed by hot sauce packets found in rations consumed by her during her combat training. Enlighten me as to what else I should put here
    1 point
  19. Not sure if this counts as an in-game screenshot but this gave me a good chuckle.
    1 point
  20. Was brought to my attention I haven't technically drawn Chikitita smiling in ages prior to the mug doodle, amended this with a sweet moment from a maint convo
    1 point
  21. Ah man this thread had me in stitches. Here's my submission to the pile, hope you like it!
    1 point
  22. 1 point
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