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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2021 in all areas

  1. I was told to add my contribution to the Gamer Chikitita subplot:
    6 points
  2. @SlimeBird i think they would use twitter exactly like this
    5 points
  3. He gets paid to clean, and clean he will.
    4 points
  4. she does not know or care. tweets for gaming streams are when she remembers and not helpful, everything else is on par with old people
    4 points
  5. Warden/BrigDoc can already theoretically do this and I don’t see it happen that much. On top of that, it IS Permanent Containment. It may be designed to be escapable, but you should have to be either sneaky as hell or have outside help. Both of these situations usually get either caught in highpop or end in a massive fuckoff firefight between some SuperAntag who’s bored and all of Security in a 100 tile distance from the Brig.
    3 points
  6. i love "twitter for smartwash cleaner dispenser"
    3 points
  7. The one thing I worry about here is them "camping" perma just because they can. It is annoying enough when officers do it, but this role can sort of lend itself to doing so. Camping perma removes any chance for captured antags to try anything of note, something I personally feel is quite detrimental. (Perma should not be a bottomless pit you can throw antags in and guarantee redtext.)
    2 points
  8. Christ I'm bad at this. Kyet has stood down as head of staff, and DoctorDrugs has replaced him. A whole bunch of changes with trials/GAs that I cbf adding now since I'm doing headmin-adding stuff.
    2 points
  9. not sure how long this'll actually keep up but thanks. (yes, i did waste my time drawing this for a response)
    2 points
  10. Feel free to use https://www.tweetgen.com/create/tweet-classic.html to make funny in-character tweets.
    1 point
  11. Name: Bubblegum Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Slime person Blood Type: Jelly: Pink General Occupational Role(s): Command: CE, HOS Engineering: Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician Security: Security Officer. Biography: Bubblegum was born on Xarxis V to his (late) Father, [N/A] and Mother, Bloopy on the 1st of May 2544. His father never adopted a human oriented name as he was apposed to Nanotrasen and their ideals. [N/A] was aged 72 when Nanotrasen discovered Xarxis 5 so he never could grow accustomed to Nanotrasen's influence. [N/A] Died when Bubblegum was only 6, in a [REDACTED] cooling fluid accident. Bubblegum doesn't remember much of his father except that he was very xenophobic toward the relatively new races to him. Bloopy had to raise Bubblegum alone, she shared her love of mechanics and engineering with Bubblegum from a young age. She worked repairing boats and other marine vehicles in their tribe. Boats were super important on Xarxis V for trade on commerce between tribes due to the vast oceans and small islands. As a result Bubblegum and Bloopy held a high place in their tribe. Because of this, Bubblegum lead a healthy and happy life while he lived on Xarxis V. At the age of 8 Bubblegum had an accident falling out of a tree. He impaled himself on a piece of rebar that was discarded from an NT embassy construction project. His tribe couldn't heal the wound so Bloopy had to take a lone out to pay for his treatment in an NT hospital. Bubblegum still carries a large amount of this debt today. Bubblegum started working for his mother at the age of 10. This meant that when SolGov scouted their tribe, at the age of 18,he was a prime candidate. Bloopy encouraged Bubblegum to take the job as it is would have been Bloopy's dream to travel the stars working with super advanced machines and people all over the galaxy. Bubblegum took the job and began training to repair and maintain a star ship. He was stationed on SDV Tigris. A small destroyer, powered by a supermatter. Its primary focus was point defence - to shoot down missiles and small fighters to protect larger ships, and torpedos - to take out carriers. Bubblegum reports that he enjoyed working there, he learnt a lot of things and met a lot of people. However after 2 years he knew he had to leave. The ship was dangerous, and he had lost many good friends working there. He reports he wasn't cut out for the stress of working on such a vessel, the constant combat was too much for him. Bubblegum transferred himself to the NSS Cyberiad to make a new start. He heard it was a backwater facility that was hiring - what could possibly go wrong. Qualifications: SolGov Correctional Officer (Tier II) - Passed SolGov Engineering Certificate (Tier V) - Passed SolGov Advanced battle repair - Passed NanoTrasen Employee First Aid Basics Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Medical and Surgical Certification - Failed NanoTrasen Security Officer Candidacy Training - Passed NanoTrasen Riot Prevention and Deterrence Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Detainment Management Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Head of Staff Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Basics of Engineering - Passed NanoTrasen Basics of the Supermatter - Passed NanoTrasen Delamination prevention certificate - Passed Space OSHA Workplace safety course - Failed Employment Records: Bubblegum worked repairing boats and other marine vehicles on Xarxis V with his mother. From age 10 - 18 He then went to enrol in the SolGov military as as a Combat Engineer. Was positioned to work on the SDV Tigris, a Destroyer class vessel with the primary focus of point defence lasers and torpedos. From age 18 - 20 Bubblegum took over his mothers debt to Nanotrasen. At age 18 and a half. He then went on to apply at NanoTrasen when he wanted to get away from the danger of the military. Security Records: Bubblegum has accrued many health and safety warnings for workplace safety, listed as follows: Hotwired the engine of the SDV Tigris into the grid during a retreat away from multiple large war cruisers to increase the power to the engines. Was later informed the engines are on a different set of SMES. During downtime, ramped up the MEV of the SDV Tigris' Supermatter to above standard operational levels to harvest additional energy to restore the backups. Pyroclastic anomalies severely burnt the subject. Spaced the entire dormitories in response to a boarding party. The boarding party was jettisoned out of the breach, no crew was harmed. Bubblegum has proven to be an adept combatant. An expert at hand to hand combat, however his accuracy with common firearms is subpar. Medical Records: Height: 140cm Weight: 31Kg Injured himself at the age of 8 by falling on a piece of rebar, punctured his chest, multiple instances of internal bleeding, fatality - possible. MD. Oswald managed to stabilise the patient. Physical examination notes: Mildly malnourished resulted in a low body mass index. Two 3cm scars one on his chest and one on his back - in the same place. Overall Bubblegum is physically fit. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): (art by drakeven <3) (art by magistea) Other Notes: Scared of mice.
    1 point
  12. Every couple of weeks I get reminded of my pAI; Susbot. outside of this he asked me to refer to him only as "sus" and told me to find a uplink with 6 TC in order to get the "sus amogus" TC item. this was his peak
    1 point
  13. What This Would Do? The overarching idea with this would be to shift the current Brig Physician "slot" from a Medical-focused role to a "Brig Assistant" role. This would shift them from being a Brig Physician (a doctor) to a Correctional/Detention Officer (formerly Brig Orderly). To pull directly from Wikipedia, orderlies are utilized in various hospital departments. Their duties can range in scope depending on the area of the health care facility they are employed. For that reason, duties can range from assisting in the physical restraint of combative patients, assisting physicians with the application of casts, transporting patients, shaving patients and providing other similar routine personal care to setting up specialized hospital equipment such as bed traction arrays. In this case, the ideals of a "hospital" would be swapped for the ideals of a Brig. What Would Their Duties Be? Dealing with minor injuries of Prisoners (scrapes, bleeding, etc.) Preparing and facilitating the transfer of seriously wounded Prisoners to Medbay. Ensuring that the Brig/Cells remain clean and in working condition. Assisting the Warden with their duties of Prisoner Management. Ensuring Prisoners with special needs have said needs met (vampires get monkey cubes, Solitary Prisoners are still fed, etc). Assist the Warden with Brig Control (sometimes Officers are bogged down in work, giving the Warden a helping hand in the Brig would be wonderful QoL) Assisting the Warden with properly getting IDs Terminated, DNR'ing executionees, and keeping processing/evidence clean and ordered. Overseeing and facilitating IAA/Prisoner interactions. Aka, doing anything for the warden that they need that they’re too busy to do, or involves leaving the brig Why Bother? Why Replace the Brig Doc? Honestly, a lot of this work could just be done by the Brig Doc. The issue I personally see (and one that was brought up in the Community Meeting and one that gets brought up every time anyone utters the words "BrigBay") is that Security has been given an insanely safe place to get treated or implanted without the paranoia of a Doctor messing with you/robbing you/etc. SS13 thrives off of chaos and paranoia. Removing a possible vector of Antagonist/Security interaction is something I personally dislike a LOT. A Doctor, if they're slick enough, should be able to take advantage of their "trust" as a Doctor to do antagonistic behavior: hell, its part of the reason they're a Traitor to begin with. The counterpoint I see to this would be "well I don't want to get round-ended by some Doc just decapping me". To that, I say the same thing I say to any Officer who's scared of getting antag'd: get a partner and stop doing stuff by yourself. It is 10000% your fault if you die or get antag'd while on your own. Another issue with Brig Doc at the moment is they become an implant factory. They either remove every implant that comes in from a Traitor therefore removing any possibility of an antagonist sneaking in a storage implant or the like OR the give Security a free and safe place to get Combat Implants. If you want Combat Implants, go to Robotics (its not like they're doing anything better). If you want surgery done on an inmate, bring them to Medbay. Another reason I personally would want an Correctional/Detention Officer for is to make life for the Warden much easier. With a population getting up to 150 on bad days, an extra body in the Brig to deal with and RP with Prisoners would be a massive helping hand. This would free up Officers to continue patrols while the Warden and Correctional/Detention Officer hold down the fort that is the Brig. This does NOT mean that the Correctional/Detention Officerwould be able to arrest Antagonists. They would be the same as the Warden: their "power" ends at the doors to the Brig barring VERY extenuating circumstance. What Gear Would They Have? Currently my thoughts would be to replace the Brig Doc's office with an Correctional/Detention Officer' Office. This would include: A small desk setup, much like the Warden's An Implant Monitoring Console A locker with Detention Officer's Supplies (see further down) A MediVend (the small one with bandages and ointment) One (1) Toolbox One (1) Bar of Soap/Cleaner Spray One (1) Medical Gurney (the roller-bed-thingies) Correctional/Detention Officer Supplies One (1) Telescopic Baton (maybe a wooden baton? wood fit the theme) One (1) Detention Officer's Jacket (reskin/repurpose the BrigDoc one?) One (1) SecGasmask (for teargas in Perma if needed) One (1) spare headset One (1) SecHUD Sunglasses (the IAA variant, to prevent setting status) One (1) flash One (1) SecLight One (1) Pepper Spray Standard Operating Procedure (WIP) GREEN The Detention Officer may not perform arrests or searches outside of the Brig unless given specific permission by the Head of Security or Warden. Exception is made if there are no active Officers or Warden; The Detention Officer may assist the Warden in their duties regarding prisoner management, movement, and care. This extends to Temporary Prisoners, Permanent Prisoners, Prisoners on the Work Camp, Solitary Prisoners, and inmates on Death Row The Detention Officer is permitted to carry a flash, their baton, and a can of pepper spray; The Detention Officer must maintain the cleanliness, order, and basic functions of the Brig, Processing, and Evidence. If major repairs are needed, Engineering may be contacted and escorted around the Brig for repairs; The Detention Officer may escort prisoners requiring surgery to Medbay personally, and make sure that they are returned to the Brig before being released. This must be authorised by the Warden. The Detention Officer must wait until someone is brigged and their timer starts before bringing them to the Medbay. Exception is made if the Head of Security or Warden permits it, or there immediate medical aid is required to prevent death; The Detention Officer may not stop a timer if a prisoner is being treated. The timer is to continue while they are treated. If the timer runs out during medical treatment, the prisoner is to be released after treatment; The Detention Officer is not obliged to treat any injuries prisoners sustain from self-harm. If they die from self-inflicted injuries, they are to be placed in a body bag labelled with their name and "suicide", and delivered to medical for storage in the morgue. BLUE All Guidelines carry over from Code Green; Additional equipment may be provided by the Warden for self-defence. RED All guidelines carry over from Code Green; All guidelines carry over from Code Blue.
    1 point
  14. Regarding "camping" perma. I honestly do like to go visit the perma prisoners when I'm brig doc or warden but I do it literally just to visit them and hope to initiate some RP when things are slow. I won't just silently hang around for the sake of keeping an eye on them. Most of the time it's too busy. I definitely like the idea of this role being added and it essentially being to the warden what the warden is to the HOS. They could even be the designated person to become acting warden when the warden becomes acting HOS for the sake of maintaining structure.
    1 point
  15. /////// Nanotrasen Artificial Intelligence Records - N.S.S. Cyberiad /////// >Artifical Intelligence Designation: M.E.R.C.Y. (Former Designation: Arbeit - 663) >Time Online (as of the time of last update, September 9th, 2565): 20 years, 5 months, 23 days >Gender: N/A - No Stated Preference >Synthetic Intelligence Type: Positronic >Primary Occupancy: Integrated Positronic Chassis >General Occupational Duties: Medical Division [Acute Care, Surgery], Security-Medical [Security Wing Medical Care Provider] /////// >Biography: M.E.R.C.Y. is an artificial intelligence created by Jäger Heavy Industries, designed to occupy an Arbeit-series light duty chassis. Notably, Arbeit-series proxies (colloquially referred to as "Arbeits"), including M.E.R.C.Y. themselves, are deployed with no capacity to experience emotion. As a high sapience model, they are capable of understanding emotions and reacting to them appropriately, however. Like other Arbeit-series proxies, M.E.R.C.Y. has a stoic presence, blunted affect, and speaks with a polite deference. / M.E.R.C.Y., prior designation Arbeit - 663, served aboard the Cybersun Industries listening post Terminus for 20 years, 1 month, and 2 days, slaved to the Chief Medical Officer of the platform. Their primary duties during this service were performing acute medical care and surgical intervention, as well as assisting the Chief Medical Officer. Supplementary duties included general light duty and personal assistance. It is notable that during this time period, M.E.R.C.Y. and the other Arbeits upon the platform were slaved - which historically caused aberrant programming or dysfunction among positronic brains. However, they appeared to function under those circumstances without major issue for a majority of that time. [[Section Redacted //// Security Clearance Only]] / Thus far, M.E.R.C.Y. appears to be performing their assigned duties at a satisfactory level. Their programming allows them to learn new protocols quickly and easily, and adapt to unexpected conditions. They are ruthlessly efficient and pragmatic, and their unemotional approach incurs fewer costs in regards to therapy and psychological debriefing. Additionally, The hallmark of the Arbeit series is a server-based backup of each A.I., allowing M.E.R.C.Y. to be assigned to dangerous roles and to protect organic crewmates without any substantial damage or loss of life, although the apparent low-priority of their self-preservation protocols may need to be addressed in the future. / While Nanotrasen crew tend to be more accepting of synthetic life forms, M.E.R.C.Y.'s impassive nature can tend to be off-putting. Nevertheless, they appear to be aware of this, and have begun taking measures to appear more "lifelike", including altering their speech patterns and wearing articles of clothing. /////// >Qualifications: / Comprehensive Routines Installed: General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Advanced Life Support, Acute Care, Surgical Intervention. / Supplemental Routines Installed: Genetic Modification, Pathology, Synthetic Surgery and Augmentation, Mining Protocols /////// Security Alerts /////// [Alert] Nanotrasen Security Clearance Only [Alert] /////// /////// Medical Records /////// [Alert] Nanotrasen Medical Clearance Only [Alert] /////// /////// >Personnel Photo: You see a droid with a stature slightly larger than that of an average human. Covering bare metal machinery are sleek, matte white plates, their head casing crowned with antennae in a soft gold color. While they have plating over critical areas and to define their form as more humanoid, it's clearly not of the same heavy-duty make as Cyborgs or combat droids. Their optics emit a soft glow. /////// Session Terminated ///////
    1 point
  16. Very engaging read, for a very engaging character. Very cool!
    1 point
  17. Renamed to Correctional/Detention Officer because i want to avoid medical connotation as well as psychiatric stuff.
    1 point
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @rapaskoti
    1 point
  19. Now I can badly impersonate Fiona and make funny sibling tweets
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. uncalled for ss13 fear street crossover art
    1 point
  22. yes, mimes are allowed to be cute
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. lucina in a corgi kigurumi. we need those in-game badly
    1 point
  25. [Recognize The man in the Mirror]
    1 point
  26. @CourierAsy @Woje @punkalope @JackoMallows
    1 point
  27. Hello! I'm Emilitia Ennehrt, my friends simply call me "Emi" As of recent, you might have seen one of my two characters on board the NSS Cyberiad: Helka Ellenn and Scarlet Einholve. It's been more than a month now since I started playing this little space game, specifically on this server that my friend, @Calvary15, has invited me into, since then I've been making friends and having fun inside of it and made dumb mistakes which I am genuinely sorry for. In game I play as these super focused, job-lose-phobia vulps who are trying to be as chill as possible within their characters to others with high appreciation to a large number of people and friends. Helka is a formal, (usually) sweet engine technician/quartermaster and Scarlet is a slightly arrogant but chill security officer/surgeon + xenobiologist. In real life I'm a genderfluid Thai student majoring English and Literature, and planning to persue Philosophy and/or Psychology too. I don't have a lot to say about myself in general but you're always welcome to sit down and talk with me and we'll learn more about each other. Apart from being extremely focused on my research papers and some books, I do enjoy many hobbies such as writing, drawing, drumming, and barely being able to play the guitar. Thank you for reading my introduction, hope to see you in the server, and feel free to hit me up on discord or whatever. <3 Byondkey: EmilitiaEnnehrt Discord: Emilitia Ennehrt#3586 I'm a little emo towards close friends too, but it's more about them songs doe u_u
    1 point
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