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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Addition: October 9th, 2021 The following TA's have been promoted to Game Admin: @CornMyCob @Exavere @GamblerZ @Leanfrog @McRamon @Meow19 @Rythen @Sirryan2002 // Additions october: Spacemanspark has retired from adminship. Jayfeather has retired from adminship. Breenland has retired from adminship.
    3 points
  2. He gets paid to clean, and clean he will.
    2 points
  3. Arbotzki Military Leader, Yekaterina Petrov, or Keziah but neo-russian only
    1 point
  4. During that shift an false Arbotzki Diplomat arrived and was shot by Nirsk Anegovych alongside his Arbotzki Military leader
    1 point
  5. this doesn't do increasing damage. its just every consecutive punch does increased damage. this can also stun, and multiple people from a range. by kicking a corpse into someone. useful for running away.
    1 point
  6. In concept, not a bad idea - If you could find ways/ideas to involve and reward more than one crew per item, and avoid self antagging things like the .357 as mentionned prior, it could be a solid addition. Think of the asceiplus rod for the kind of rewards that, imo, would be more fitting. Absolutely love the no-slip one, though, KEEP RUNNING AND NOBODY EXPL- loses their feet??
    1 point
  7. Not sure whether to bring them holy water or run away.
    1 point
  8. Realized the room directly south which also uses the same APC is the maint arcade, and improved the design once again, this time by adding an arcade bar to it. I think this is the limit of what can be done, though.
    1 point
  9. Happy "draw characters I haven't drawn before instead of drawing Chiki" day! I wanted to draw some folks I've seen around & interacted with but haven't gotten the chance to draw. And then there's still a Chiki in the corner anyway because I do really like drawing her. lmao Technically Jade is cheating a little bit but I've only drawn funny slime changeling Jade before OK don't sue me Sticky Bomb - @Krossarn Gordon Whitlock - @Ninjawaha Teufel Eckzahn - @Threes Yikaya - @Franziska Synth Tee - @SynthTee Jade Burnwood - @dearmochi
    1 point
  10. I laughed harder than I should've
    1 point
  11. Have you ever wanted to tape an item to a borg, but then be utterly disappointed because you couldn't? I too have felt this disappointment, which is why we should have items able to be taped to borgs. It would allow for more interaction with borgs, such as giving them medals, and would generally be a good addition.
    1 point
  12. Goal - Send X amount of power back to CC Setup method Clear a large area on lavaland. And place down drills a distance apart from each other, and activate them. These drills could be orderable from cargo or the machine boards orderable and require science to build them? These drills would then start a timer until they complete. During this time, they would disturb the local wildlife. Hoards of lavaland fauna would attempt to attack the drills, and destroy them. It would be the miners and engineers jobs to keep the machines defended and repaired with nanopaste. After the drills have completed drilling, pumps would be placed over the drill holes. These pumps would pump plasma deep underground superheating it, and producing power. This power would be routed into a “power beamer” of sorts, which would blast this concentrated energy back to CC for cargo points. The power beamer’s machine board would be ordered from CC then constructed using high tier science parts. Balancing The more holes you drill, the more power you make, at the cost of disturbing the wildlife each time. Drilling a new hole creates a massive surge of mobs to fight, maintaining a power plant would create a small trickle of mobs. This means that a few powerplants are easy to maintain, however they will complete the goal slowly. Setting up lots of power plants produces more power however you might get overwhelmed with mobs. New lavaland fauna The burrower. A snake like creature that lives underground. Rarely surfaces, unless there is an earthquake or a disturbance in the ground… such as drilling into it. They don’t “move” instead they pop up out of the ground then dig back under, getting slowly closer to their target. They do high damage, however they have low health so you have to shoot them in the brief periods in which they surface. Why is it good for the game? It adds more variety to rounds, giving miners and engineers more to do. Also, @AffectedArc07 wants his argent. Rewards and such are up for discussion.
    1 point
  13. This is mostly for head approval and for anything else to drop glaring issues(not things you only disagree with). Artistic Toolbox is listed as Class-S which I'm guessing is supposed to be His grace since the artistic toolbox isn't really a thing anymore I'd like to just change it to "His Grace" I would like to alter the Class-C Chameleon contraband to include all chameleon clothing except the SecHuds and leave the other chameleon utility items(flag, projector, etc) as Class S. Make cult items under Class C take up two columns(for readability and formatting) Include the Nuke as an example under Grand Theft I wanted to move syndie docs out of contraband, but the more I think about it, withholding syndie docs from command/security def warrants a perma sentence IC wise. Also, should we consider donksoft long arms like the LMG and SMGs to be considered Class C
    1 point
  14. Likely because you can also get them from the clown ruin on lavaland.
    1 point
  15. Basically what the lid says. Re-enable the heirophant ruin in the config. Heirophant is a fun fight and it is a shame it was disabled. It being disabled was the right option at the time however. The staff was just too strong. However, now the staff only works on lavaland, so its basically only useful for strip mining. More mining loot that is good for actually mining is a good thing. Imo there is no reason for heirophant to be disabled anymore because its unga bunga kill all nukies staff has been nerfed to a state in which it has no offensive abilities on station.
    1 point
  16. So they run out of charge if you use them too long, and then you need to replace their batteries. It sorta doesn't make sense that flashlights have infinite charge. Where is the power coming from? I dunno how long a standard battery should last however. maybe like, 30 minutes? make it give some tells as your battery is running low like "your flashlight flickers" *should* be fairly easy to code. Famous last words. I wanna know what you guys think.
    1 point
  17. paranoia. Imagine walking through maints.... then you light flickers off.... you are alone in the dark... Interdepartmental Co-operation. Science can upgrade peoples batteries or fully negate the need for replacing them with yellow slimes. We have many mechanics like this that require you to do things to maintain something. Food is a prime example of this. It also gives cells more of a use. Cells get used for primarily 4 things. Stunbatons/prods , mechs, cyborgs and APCs. surely cells could be used for more things right? IDK if I am fully commited to the idea. I just wanted to hear what people think first.
    1 point
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