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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2021 in all areas

  1. don't believe i've posted this one. from a round where fiona was killed, cut into several pieces, and tossed into space. the pieces of her body were recovered, and tide was left with uh. "a little something"
    4 points
  2. Careful, if you look too closely you'll realize half of mining loot is basically only useful to antags.
    4 points
  3. I didn't see this mentioned anywhere yet, but currently Umbrae are able to cloak while on fire, and it cloaks the fire as well. I'm assuming this is because it just cloaks their sprite, and the fire is an overlay, so I didn't make a bug report over it. Since fire gives off light and is the direct counter to vamps (more or less) it seems like they should not be able to safely cloak and extinguish themselves while on fire.
    2 points
  4. Hello! I am suggesting a change or overhaul to the current telepathy system that Greys use. This is entirely up for coders and staff to decide as to how it should be implemented, as I am by no means a coder, so I don't know what would or wouldn't work. As it is, ignoring the trade of water for acid and lowlight vision for eye sensitivity, the Grey's biggest trait is trading 25% extra brute damage in exchange for telepathy, which is a hefty trade. And I am fine with that, as the lore of Greys being a fragile race of psionic intellects is very interesting. The problem is that the telepathy system they have is very poor, obtuse, and somewhat lazy. To my knowledge, the Grey telepathy is simply the telepathy power from genetics, which offers a fairly poor system to begin with. This power works through two commands: Project Mind and Scan Mind. Project Mind brings up a menu of possible targets within 14 tiles of your character, allowing you to send them a single message. Fairly simple. A bit annoying to use, given the menus you have to pass through, but what's difficult about it is the lack of a pop-up when someone receives a message. I've used this power many times only to receive no acknowledgement because the person in question didn't realize they were being spoken to. The biggest problem with this system though, in my opinion, lies in Scan Mind. This ability is what allows the receiving party to respond. How this works though is by using the command and selecting a person, which offers them a command in their chat box to reply once. This command itself expires very quickly as well. And so if one wished to have a conversation through telepathy, they would have to spam this ability, both to allow someone to actually respond without being limited to only one entry and then getting stuck, and because the offers themselves might expire before they can be used. Not to mention that they might even expire before someone realizes a telepathic offer was given. And of course, this entire system does not allow any form of group communication. It only works for one on one conversations, and incredibly poorly at that. Greys do have their own language which functions as a radio channel for their species only, but that is a separate system. The actual telepathy system, which allows for one on one conversation through psionics, is incredibly obtuse and needs a rework. I'm unsure what fancy things could be done, such as creating chat rooms or even giving greys some other nifty tricks, but at least, I would like the following done to make the ability bearable: Give the people who are communicated to with telepathy a ping or a more obvious pop-up that they've been spoken to. And for scan mind, don't give a duration or use counter on replies. Instead, maybe just have it cancel once the person who's offered the scan mind leaves the 14 tile distance. Although there's many other neat things that could be done, I feel like those two things are the simplest solution. And like I said at the beginning, feel free to offer any advice or suggestions on how this suggestion might be changed or altered! Thank you for reading all the way through, if you did.
    1 point
  5. I dont think i need to say too much, im just mainly wondering why this even exists in the first place. Its miner loot that being a huge ass fiery cluster nade has absolutely no purpose other then griefing and hijack and really should not be loot crew can get, at best its a useless item that gets thrown away or very rarely found by a hijacker and used properly and at worst a griefing implement. Miner loot should be fun and interesting while having some use for it, this really is just a big fuck you cluster nade that should not have a place there.
    1 point
  6. @Sweaterkittensshould be fixed. getting ignited should also make you auto refresh your cloak so there is no weird delay were you aren't cloaked.
    1 point
  7. I've heard of this happening from another person. I think Charlie already knows though cause he's been screaming about Umbrae and lighting for the past few days.
    1 point
  8. So, here I am becoming an "I ded plz nerf" idiot about Umbrae, something I didnt think was an issue the first few times I ran across it. Well, now that people have gotten some time to play the new Vamp, theyre learning how to combine its abilities with other skills. Hemo is very combat focused, so you dont NEED to steal weapons/arm up/etc etc. You can zap someone with glare, blood claws, and youre done. Worst case they step once and you catch up to them because theyre the same speed as you. Gargan still doesnt get used that much from what I can see. Maybe its the lack of people wanting to grug smash? No idea. I literally havent seen this one work yet to be honest. Umbral seems to be the best "synthesis" class for Vampires. Your powers arent great for direct combat, but its all buffs. Very good buffs at that. Ones you get passively for free too. If anything, your "skill" at being a basic antag is compounded exponentially as Umbral compared to a multiplier as Hemo/Gargan. I am a big hater of feeling the need to lethal the hell out of antags for using their basic kit. Umbral Vampires have now fallen into the "Im going to laser you to death the second I catch you" category now. If you cuff them, they shadowstep then sprint off invisible. If you tase them, they rejuv, step, and sprint off. If step is down, they have a point-and-click teleport. So that leaves lethaling. And thats not a particularly healthy place to be in my personal opinion. And as much as I dont want to suggest to literally every officer to grab a laser and blast all invisible bloodsuckers, it seems that the "balance" for this vamp is just that: shoot them with burn-y things. If that's the intended gameplay loop (lethal them and revive after), then I suppose you can ignore this. Im unsure of wha to do to dissuade this method of dealing with vamps, but honestly arming up with an immolator and shooting to kill is really going to be the go-to for dealing with the headache until some better way is shown.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. There are three types of people
    1 point
  11. and so we have come full circle. back to where we started
    1 point
  12. it's like being a piss person (mentor) but i'm green, so...
    1 point
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