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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2021 in all areas

  1. As the title implies, I am resigning from Maintainer, as I need to focus more on IRL things, hosting, and my own mental health. I wont go into too many details, but this is the way forward for me to preserve what remains of my sanity. FAQ Are you staying as Host? Yes. I dont plan to resign from Host any time soon. Believe it or not, its a lot calmer than Maintainer for a fair few reasons. Do you have a successor? No. Nobody at the moment has the required skills or etiquette to be a Maintainer. Can we ping you yet? No.
    30 points
  2. What I would like to suggest is a new traitor item for cargo techs and the QM, it would ideally come in the form of a 1 use implanter (like the adrenal implanter for example) and when injected into someone they get the set mail tag verb allowing them to at a whim set a mail tag for delivery to a specified location on the station. Effectively letting them mail themselves to anywhere on the list of mailing locations from any disposal access. I feel like this would work very well in terms of being a cargo themed tot item, while being more versatile than their single current option of the poison pen. The internal mail tag is already used on the server by maint drones and saboteur module syndicate cyborgs, and since its being used by the syndicate for their borgs, it seems reasonable that they would supply something similar for their agents. I think it would overall be a nice boon for cargo tots, since after null crates got removed cargo doesn't really have a notable item that the syndicate agents use, with the poison pen being mostly that thing you got in a surplus and even then it probably wouldn't be used by anyone.
    5 points
  3. The griffin secret cave is now open for the public, come visit his collection of evil crimes! CAW
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Archived changes wanted from the discord Yes (Things ill be in favour of) Conversion of ingame browser UIs to TGUI NOTE: This does NOT apply to admin UIs, as they must stay as regular browser UI, not TGUI Conversion of /New() to /Initialize() [Please be confident in ability to do this, dont just do it willy nilly] More unit tests Cleanup of old legacy module code for stuff we dont even use (IE: Appearance bans) Someone needs to go over the DB schema (specifically the characters table), and make columns that are meant to null (Autohiss, alt head, etc etc) actually accept NULL instead of just empty strings (""). Also remove cuiPropAdjust and cuiReason from customuseritems. Remove /obj/random and make it a subtype of /obj/effect [Map Edit Required] Make the end round auto reconnect not send to AFK players Make TGS testmerges log to the database via feedback so we can see what TMs are on what round [Port how TG does this] Have highpop jobs load before job selection instead of post roundstart Maybe (Please run details of these by me) TBD No (Things I will likely object to) Buffs to terror spiders Adding entire new Z-levels for singular things Dogborgs (no) Adding in extra admin verbs for stuff we can already do just for the sake of bloat (The verb panels are bloated enough) Nanites (good fucking god no) Anything which complicates the codebase build workflow (EG: Having to install node or docker, migration to tgstation/common-build-tool, etc) Migration of TGUI to TS from JS (If you do this I will impale you on a railroad spike) Changes to the IPC box items (they aren’t getting an instant welder and cable. No.)
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. don't believe i've posted this one. from a round where fiona was killed, cut into several pieces, and tossed into space. the pieces of her body were recovered, and tide was left with uh. "a little something"
    1 point
  8. So much for quarantine, eh? Fun round, @Hostail is a champ.
    1 point
  9. First Name: Esforikakiti Last Name: N/A Gender: N/A, goes by they/them Orientation: N/A, they are a Vox Nicknames/Alias: Esfor Pictures: (Art by Octus/Tokorizo) Age/D.O.B: 18 years Place Of Birth: Vox Arkship "Refuge of Lost Souls Searching the Stars" Species: Vox Primalis Blood Type: A- Alignment: True Neutral. Esfor will do what they need to do, and try to protect themselves and those around them Affiliation: Employed by Nanotrasen, sold by their Arkship. Holds minor loyalty to the "Refuge" Religious Beliefs: Follows no spiritual beliefs, but feels that machines, especially ships, are as alive as they are. Childhood: Esforikakiti spent the entirety of their childhood aboard the Vox Arkship "Refuge of Lost Souls Searching the Stars", or just "Refuge". As vox society aboard this particular Ark was heavily stratified, Esfor was designated as one of the lowest aboard, and often found themselves fulfilling duties at the closest points to the outer hull, a dangerous place of metal and other Primalis much like them. They were trained for engineering from the moment they could wield a tool, and their small size allowed them to accomplish dangerous tasks that other vox could not, such as delving into reactor vents and weapons systems aboard the "Refuge" Adulthood: Unlike most Vox, Esfor never served aboard a raiding Skipjack, or found a place among a raiding crew. They were seen as too small and weak to accomplish anything, often ridiculed for this. Not long after they reached adulthood, their Arkship found a better use for them: Esfor was traded off to NT to be employed by the research megacorporation, in return for ship parts and weaponry needed by the "Refuge". While this might sound a bit rough for the Vox, they found relief in it, as they soon found a purpose in the engineering and maintenance teams of Nanotrasen, and eventually, others they could call friends. They continue to have trouble relating to other Vox, and is often made fun of for their short height, resulting in Esfor being rather quiet and immersed in their work. Detailed Information Appearance: Esfor is noticably short, even for a Vox, standing at a height of about 2'9". They are darkly colored throughout their form, with a dark grey body and long, spiny quills shaded a near-black. Their eyes stand out strikingly, a bright and intelligent blue, though these are often covered by the Meson scanners needed for their work. They are very rarely seen without two things: a Vox-customized welding helmet, regardless of work, a precaution in the mind of the paranoid Vox, accompanied by a faded wrap that hangs loosely over their shoulders, with a symbol barely visible on the lower part; the symbol of their Arkship, and the only thing they have from it. Character Voice: Esfor is soft spoken and not particularly talkative, and tend to speak Common better than the average Vox, a result of their training prior to being given over to NT. Personality: They are very quiet and withdrawn, sticking to their task more often then not. While they rarely engage with others, they do work well in a team, finding particular success in the Cyberiad's engineering department. They tend to get along a little better with the other Vox aboard the station, but even then, they are often seen rushing from one job to the other, always trying to stay busy, only take breaks in between work to enjoy their favorite food: vended noodles from the Mr. Chang vendors on board. Medical Record: Esfor does not have much of a medical record with NT, having not been employed for longer than a year. The only marked incident was the loss of their right foot during a catastrophic meteor storm, where they now sport a hastily made set of robotic talons. Character Biography Background: Almost entirely dedicated to engineering work aboard the Cyberiad, there are few who know the ins and outs of the station better than Esfor. Some crew report them talking to the station while working on repairs, showing what could be dedication, or mild insanity. Family: Doesn't really have anyone that they can call "Family". They have fond memories of a few Vox they left behind on the "Refuge", but other than that, no known relatives. History: Esforikakiti is what the Vox on-station refer to as a "Shinystack", used to describe a vox that has yet to have their stack moved from one body to the next, and as such, has only lived the one life, with a Stack age of 18 years. Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen: Neutral. Esfor was sold to them, and while they aren't technically paid for their work, they enjoy it well enough, and don't feel strongly about the company either way. Syndicate: Dislike. While Esfor can understand their goals, they think that they go about them entirely the wrong way, and regards how they operate as incredibly wasteful and reckless. USSP: Neutral. Esfor has had practically no contact with the Reds, and only knows little rumours from things crewmembers have said. SolGov: Dislike. Has similar feelings to them as they do to the Syndicate, especially to the stranglehold they keep on their holdings. Other Information Is VERY sensitive about their height, and often gets into disagreements with other Vox over it, leading Esfor to think they aren't really liked.
    1 point
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