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  1. Note: This guide is more oriented to Box Station (NSS Cyberiad), there may be some differences on the other map (Most notably, locations and pictures) Note 2: This guide will not be covering a Traitor AI (or as people like to call it by their incorrect name: Malf AI) Have you been thinking of becoming the AI or has become the AI but don't know what you are doing? Very well, I hope this guide will be useful to you, as there are various things that is not very much covered in the wiki, but can only be learned from past experience and might be hard to grasp in one single round. Starting as the AI If you have yet to do so, you should take a look at the server's rules regarding synthetics, they may be different from other servers. https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Advanced_Rules#Silicon_and_Drone_Policy Welcome to your sattelite, AI unit! Seems you have been selected by Nanotrasen to be assigned as the station's AI. First thing after joining, like cyborgs, you will be prompted to name yourself or stay with what you were given (You can ask an admin to help fix your name if you wrote it wrong, though there are some limitation to what the admins can do such as numbers). After giving yourself a name, you will see lots of buttons on your screen. Your screen and on-screen buttons: These buttons not all the things you can do yourself, there's more. See the status on the top right screen? Well, if you switch your tab to "AI Commands" You will see a bunch more. The AI Commands tab: The Status Tab allows you to see various information about your borgs and also your health: Cyborgs that are linked to you will show up on the status tab. Linked cyborgs are under your control, you can ask them to do things as if you were their head of staff (because you basically are). Cyborgs are also walking cameras, wherever they go, you can see them. You have 5 types of cyborgs available, each with different tools: First thing into the round, It is mostly your job to set telecommunicatons up or be asked later on not even 5 minutes into the shift to do so. So you should learn how it works or atleast how to set it up. Telecommunication Hub: Now that you (should) have set the telecomms up. Let's get you started with what you will get to do for the next two hours. Your most common tasks will likely include the following: Opening doors/ Adjusting Door settings/ Bolting Doors etc. Tracking People/ Reporting their location/ Reporting their identity Commanding Borgs Using machines/ computers Checking alerts Reporting things you see Relaying information from a department to an another or basically, anything the crew wants you to do. Your radio channels, incase you didn't know: Your rights and duty to open doors... and do other things Let's get started with a few common devices you will likely get to use on your AI round. You can interact with way more items than what is written here. I suggest you learn them through by playing as an AI/Borgs. Remember, your powers are limited by power, and sight. Where there is no power, you can't control things. Where you can't see, you can't control. Airlocks (Doors): APCs (Area Power Controllers): Air alarms: Holopads: Robots: Robotics Control Console < This one (In the Research Director's office) Your Laws are Your Masters No matter what time of day it is, who the captain is, how much you hate the crew on that round. Your lawset is your master. Follow them. Follow them. As per the silicons policy of Paradise, Laws are to be followed according to their priority, if there are any laws conflict, follow the law higher in the list. Example: How to change the AI laws, For Beginner AI who has never been in command edition Your sattelite, an arsernal that requires commanding Most new AIs forgets the defenses that the AI sattelite is already fitted with, of course it can't protect you from everything but it can protect you from most things. There's two things that is required for you to live 1. Your core or 2. your APC < Keep the core AND APC safe , (If you aren't supposed to protect yourself then don't, follow your laws) If your APC is destroyed or disabled or discharged, you will slowly lose integrity (This is on the status tab). Your AI core will automatically attempt to open the APC interface it takes about a minute for the APC interface to open. In the meantime, you can use your binary chat to tell your borgs that you are in the processing of dying. A detailed text on how to defend your core: Okay, telecomms went out for these "Ionospheric Anomalies" what do I do? don't worry, the telecomms will return in about 5 minutes. Though, sometimes this is not announced to the crew. You should make an announcement about the ionspheric anomalies and advise them to use station bounced radios / intercomms. But what about yourself? Well, your core does have three wall mounted intercomms next to it. Just switch the general intercomms microphone to on and everything you say will be on Commons. Reminder! Without telecomms, the intercomms will transmit to station bounced radios and other intercomms. They will not reach the headsets. < The southern intercomms is the commons one, on the box station that is. If you are thinking of leaving early, remember to Wipe Core! You can do this by going to the OOC tab and clicking Wipe Core. It frees up the AI slot for other people to take. Thank you for reading till the end, I have likely missed a few things in this guide, but oh well. I saw there was a lack of an AI guide and I hope this made you more knowledgable about how to actually do things as the AI and more or less be able to start learning much more deeper into how to be a better AI. This is a lot of information and I highly doubt you will get all of this from just reading and trying it out once. After all, most of SS13 is just about learning along the way.
    4 points
  2. Hello everyone. I have not made a proper forum post in ages. Work has kept me very busy lately and so I have spent most of my freetime working out or playing in the mornings. I'm gonna try to fix that eventually as I do enjoy a little shitposting every now and then, but for now let's talk about the cultist ability Rune of the Spirit Realm. So what is wrong with this rune? Well let's start with describing the rune and what it does. I stole the wiki description for this as it is easy to understand and can be seen below: What is this rune used for? As you can see you have two options when using this rune. The first option lets you spawn in ghosts that can aid you a lot of different things, mainly conversion. You can also spam pylons around yourself and summon a lot of ghosts and tell them to go kill sec or your target. This is incredibly frustrating to go up against as the ghosts can just go ham without the fear of dying or anything. Self preservation is not a factor when you can just be respawned by the same guy again. These guys can also soak up a lot of damage from lasers and do a lot brute damage to people all around. It's very cheesy. The main problem however is the usage in conversion. Spawning in a couple cult zombie things is what makes it possible to be a solo cultie in the first place. You don't have to rely on your teammates and you can just go all "Gal'h'rfikk harfrandid mud'gib!" and convert people by summoning however many zombies you require. To convert or sacrifice your victims you do need to be 2-3 cultists around the offer rune and the zombies count as cultists when doing this. The second option lets you ghost from your character. It's extremely busted, but I have no problems with this because it helps you track down your target and coordinate fellow cultists to take them down and offer them to Nar'Sie. This is useful and sometimes necessary for a cult to even be able to find the right person to sacrifice, as Kerberos is fricking huge and Cyberiad is a pretty big station as well. Teamwork is the only way: The cultist gamemode is one of two gamemodes where antags work together, the other being Shadowling. I'm not counting revs because it's just unga and it's not in the main rotation. Not gonna talk about abductors either even if that is somewhat teambased. The description of the gamemode tells you that "You must work with your brethren to summon an avatar of your eldritch goddess". But you don't have to do that. A cultist both can work alone if they choose to because of how this rune works. You don't have to rely on anyone. All you need to do is grab some plasteel, make yourself a nice base, grab unsuspecting people from maints, pull them into your base and summon ghosts for conversion. In my opinion this is not how it should be, because you are supposed to be a team of cultists. This is not a solo operation and I feel like the first option of this rune should be removed. Balance and impact on the game: The shadowling gamemode has a lot of problems, but when they win it's most of the time because they manage to work as a team. This is how a teamantag is supposed to be. If you're fairly capable and you have three bald shadowlings on your side you are gonna have a bad time. Sometimes you get unrobust or incompetent players and this is fine. That's just how the game is. It's the same with security, as security relies heavily upon teamwork. If you have an incompetent team you will end up getting stomped and possibly game ended while recieving no backup. Shadowlings can work alone, but they don't have an ability that lets you straight out ignore teamwork completely and do your own thing. So why should strong independent cultists who need no team be allowed to exist? This should be the most teamoriented gamemode on both sides. It's just straight out silly that this is possible. Cultists should win by working as a team, not by having 1-2 competent cultists converting crewmembers until the cult snowballs out of control. Reckless conversions are not necessarily a good thing for the cult either. The moment the halos show up, the crew is allowed and even encouraged to protect their workplace from cultists. And unlike sec, they will rely on stuff other than stunbatons and tasers which can end horribly for you. Facing the wrath of the tide is not in your best interest at all. My suggestion: As I mentioned early, I think the first option should just be removed. This will make cultists a lot more team oriented. In the early game, converting will be a lot harder. This can be fixed by having more roundstart cultists (6 at high pop and maybe 4 at lowpop?). The only big difference this will make in terms of difficulty is that it requires cultists to be more coordinated when converting. Unrobust cultists who are self aware will still be helping out as they will end up teleporting around or stay at the base to help convert crewmembers. This is optimal as converting as a cultist is way too easy right now and it might add some more balance to a cult round. And the pylon zombie spam? That can fuck right off. It's garbage and should be more frowned upon. It's dumb. Sorry, not sorry. The second option should be the only option even if it is completely bonkers. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Mr. English is my third language.
    1 point
  3. In a few settings I've seen that's the 'official' term, but on the street it's wet-ware, just like cybernetics are called 'chrome'. Bio-Chip Injector I like. No risk at all of it being confused with anything else. Assuming nothing better in the next few days I'll go with that.
    1 point
  4. When you take IPC as a race, you have to come to terms with their downsides. One of those is potentially being at the hands of a roboticist who isn't sure on how to fix you, or people bringing you to medical without thinking too much on it. I'd rather not streamline IPCs into medical. Roboticists, unless you're like me and enjoy RP in between work, already suffer from a lack of things to do during a round. I'd rather not take away one of their biggest responsibilities.
    1 point
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