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  1. So, you wanna be a Roboticist? Well, I got news for you! Don't Roboticist is a job that is infuriating on so many levels, some rounds will be going on at breakneck speed with you just barely making it out unscathed, and other rounds will have you finish your job in under 30 minutes and make you wish that you went any other role. Point is that Roboticist (and its difficulty) is entirely context dependent, which normally wouldn't be a problem if you weren't in charge of the most powerful gear on the station. Your creation of mechs (Exosuits) and simplebots (bots) is second to your actual job, gauging the situation and adapting accordingly, the most powerful gear on the station is located in your exosuit fab, and it is your job to make sure that people don't powergame using them, lets go over an example Let's say that you are in the middle of a shift and a security officer come up to you and asks for some implants, specifically CNS and Thermals, the current condition of the station is Blue alert, Confirmed traitors, and a command staff have gone missing, what would you do in this situation? Spoiler Answer? Actually it's a trick question, you don't have enough information to properly know if giving them these implants will actually benefit the station or not, however if you wanted to be fully by the books the answer is a hard no, as robotics SOP states rather clearly that you are NOT to implant security with combat implants unless it is code red This is just an example of a situation that might come up during a round of robotics Now, it's not very common to be forced to deal with implants, rather combat mechs tend to be the bigger (and often, much more impactful) problem that pops up from time to time. When should you actually create a combat mech? Do create a combat mech if- A biohazard is spiraling out of control quickly (Ex: A blob is quickly reaching critical mass and the crew is struggling to properly deal with it) You get proper authorization by the HOS to make one and create exactly what they asked for (Ex: The HOS asks for a gygax with a repair droid, disabler, and a close combat armor piece, you build him that, you don't just add scattershot instead of the disabler because you can) Oh god everyone is dead this is our last option Don't create a combat mech if- You just want to ("But muh SOP" isn't going to help you much, trust me, it's a dick fucking move over preping for antags by building combat mechs just because you can, constantly doing this WILL net you a jobban) The HOS (or any command member) asks for a durand (or any other combat mech) with lethals on green alert (For the love of god don't let shitsec get near a mech, they WILL cause more damage than they will fix and they WILL pin the blame on you) Now, something that isn't often covered and is more seen as common sense is what you put on mechs, so I'll be going over that now in a tier list WORTHLESS, DO NOT PRINT- Plasma energy relay (Charges FAR too slow) Exonuclear reactor (Using this is basically self antaging at best, and it's not even good at charging....) Localized wormhole generator (It's a meme, nothing else) CH-PL "Firedart" laser (Objectively worse solaris, NEVER use) Tesla cannon (We don't talk about the tesla cannon[Used for research upgrades and nothing else]) C tier- PCMK-6 Bola Launcher (It's... fine, you likely won't be using this ever) SGL-6 Flashbang Launcher (Worse clusterbang, but it gets the job done) SRM-8 Missile Rack (Friendly fire the weapon) Gravitational Catapult Module (It's not really used, but it has some applications) B tier- ALL EXOSUIT ENGINEERING GEAR (It's pretty alright) Drill (Just worse than the diamond one) Rescue jaw ( I mean, it's a jaws of life, just less) Taser (Good enough, just kinda eh) Removed in the combat update, no electrode spam Immolation (Alright against vamps, just use solaris) A tier- Clusterbang launcher (Blob counter, still funny otherwise) Solaris (Pretty good laser) Disabler (Very solid weapon overall and could be S-tier EDIT: After the combat rebalance this is a solid A teir, it has been nerfed to only shoot one disabler which is very reasonable as before it was a little too spamable) Syringe gun (Hey, memechem on the go!) Ion (Very nice overall, amazing to counter other mechs or a malf AI) LMG (Pretty good, but not scattershot good) Both armors (Reflective and reactive) (Hey, it's armor, not much else) S tier- Scattershot (best combat tool by far, this thing puts people down and KEEPS them there) Exosuit sleeper (Very underused, a "any chemical" sleeper on the go will keep people on their feet) Diamond tipped drill (this thing KILLS, the counter to all fauna in lavaland) Quiet carbine (Only special item I will mention, VERY strong for both antags and non antags) What mech builds you will likely be using Mining mech- Ripley, Diamond tipped drill, Auto Repair, Mining scanner, Reactive armor, Plasma cutter, Clamp Atmos/engineering panic button mech- Firefighter, Cable layer, auto repair, Extinguisher, Clamp, RCD Medical mech- Oddy, Syringe gun, 2 mounted sleepers Non Lethal combat mech- Gygax, Disabler, reflective armor or reactive armor, auto repair Biohazard control mech- Durand, Solaris or scattershot (depending if it's blob or terror spiders respectively), auto repair, reactive armor (IF THE BLOB IS REACHING CRITICAL MASS REPLACE WITH A CLUSTERBANG) Oh god oh fuck panic button- Durand/gygax, scattershot, reflective, auto repair Alright, we are now done with the basics of mechs, except how to pilot them (Which is more security if anything, so I will not be going over it) Now, here comes the other huge part of your job, making simplebots!These small little things have basic AI and can do alot of good tasks around the station and can be a huge boon to the crew. Lets just talk about the ones you won't be making first ED's, this bot is actually just a joke, it does jack all most of the time and if it does help someone it's probably not security New combat update made them NOT garbage Honkbot, also a joke Floorbot, you need... maybe 1, they aren't as good as they seem General griefsky, another joke The bots you will be making Securitron, actually kinda crazy if you stack these, basically a stun baton with legs at most you need like 5 running around ED's, shoots disablers and is very strong at doing nonlethal take downs on most antags, can sometimes struggle with clings but are nearly a hard counter to the umbra subtype of vampire. DO NOT SPAM THESE, IT IS POWERGAMING, make 3 at most Medibots, godsends, you want like 10-15 of these running around, a real help to keep the unlucky alive Cleanbots, the one you are gonna be spamming out the most, when janitorial isn't doing their job like ~20 of these can fully clean a station, aim for 20-25 by the end of the shift All of these should be made through the crafting menu, no exceptions And, that's the basics of robotics, this should cover everything that isn't on the wiki, the wiki already explains cyborgs well enough so I'm not gonna go over them in full, just give em vtec and self repair and they should be happy also give everything that can use a battery a yellow slime core General tip for traitor roboticists, mechs get the job done and NEVER buy a syndi MMI, just use an emmag So, this is the end of the guide portion of this post, got any questions? Just ask em Tierlist in spoiler (Might update the formatting later) EDIT 1: Updated with combat reworks, taser removal does almost nothing and the disabler nerf makes it a solid A instead of an S teir pick, ED's are no longer a joke and are VERY strong now
    1 point
  2. topic raised on discord, which i find quite valid. currently, we have two types of implants, the "rnd" implants installed and removed through internal organ manipulations, and "syringe" implants, installed through injecting and removed through implant removal surgery. Having two quite different things named practically the same - implant, creates some confusion on how to deal with them for many. My suggestion is simply to rename one or the other, and give it another name. some suggestions like RND implants being renamed to augments, or syringe implants being renamed to chips was sounded over at discord. Feel free to propose your own
    1 point
  3. I like this one the most so far.
    1 point
  4. Archived changes wanted from the discord Yes (Things ill be in favour of) Conversion of ingame browser UIs to TGUI NOTE: This does NOT apply to admin UIs, as they must stay as regular browser UI, not TGUI Conversion of /New() to /Initialize() [Please be confident in ability to do this, dont just do it willy nilly] More unit tests Cleanup of old legacy module code for stuff we dont even use (IE: Appearance bans) Someone needs to go over the DB schema (specifically the characters table), and make columns that are meant to null (Autohiss, alt head, etc etc) actually accept NULL instead of just empty strings (""). Also remove cuiPropAdjust and cuiReason from customuseritems. Remove /obj/random and make it a subtype of /obj/effect [Map Edit Required] Make the end round auto reconnect not send to AFK players Make TGS testmerges log to the database via feedback so we can see what TMs are on what round [Port how TG does this] Have highpop jobs load before job selection instead of post roundstart Maybe (Please run details of these by me) TBD No (Things I will likely object to) Buffs to terror spiders Adding entire new Z-levels for singular things Dogborgs (no) Adding in extra admin verbs for stuff we can already do just for the sake of bloat (The verb panels are bloated enough) Nanites (good fucking god no) Anything which complicates the codebase build workflow (EG: Having to install node or docker, migration to tgstation/common-build-tool, etc) Migration of TGUI to TS from JS (If you do this I will impale you on a railroad spike) Changes to the IPC box items (they aren’t getting an instant welder and cable. No.)
    1 point
  5. Just go full Cyberpunk 2077 and call it Cyberware.
    1 point
  6. Wiki is back online and updated, and with a new feature. Thanks to the hard work of @Sirryan2002, the wiki now has a dark mode! To enable it, first login to the wiki. Then go to your preferences. Inside preferences, you have an appearance tab Once here, you can select ParaDark then save This skin is still a work in progress, and I advise you all report issues on this thread:
    1 point
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