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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Yeah, the best example I see is about the 'bribe'. Like for what? 10 credits is bullshit clearly. We're not going to give a credit value to each steal objective either. Use common sense please, and if in doubt ahelp. SS13 has near infinite possible situations, we can't rule on all of them. https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Advanced_Rules - has some precedents.
    3 points
  2. This. And pending more context even what other members of the admin team have said here will probably change too.
    3 points
  3. Erm, excuse me, but *heh*, I read this forum post, that ummm, says I'm right.
    3 points
  4. I return again for a monthly dump I'm gonna split some of these up this time :] Buncha doodles based off convos when I had no tablet pen Doodle batch 1 More finished-up ones :]
    3 points
  5. In a few settings I've seen that's the 'official' term, but on the street it's wet-ware, just like cybernetics are called 'chrome'. Bio-Chip Injector I like. No risk at all of it being confused with anything else. Assuming nothing better in the next few days I'll go with that.
    2 points
  6. I don't make art especially often, but somehow I've wound up making several SS13 things, so I guess it makes sense to make one of these art threads to store them all. Some pixel art I did a while back of Yikaya. A low-res 3D model of @SlimeBird's ever-popular caffeine-addicted vox, Chikitita, made in PicoCAD. And finally, the result of my attempt throughout last week to learn Blender: a scene of @rwn's IPC S.E.A.G.U.L.L. drifting through space. (And a bonus close-up on the face)
    1 point
  7. This is basically a list of scenarios and discussing whether or not they are breaking rules and other certain times when this rule should apply 1. Amassing guns and armor because of cult halos/Wizard/Nukeops/Traitor murderboning because hijack. 2. A security officer tries to tase you, but you dodge the shots, and disarm him of his gun, and run away. 3. Taking a bribe as an engineer to turn a blind eye to let a traitor steal a supermatter silver 4. See your objectives go "Nah fuck that shit" and build a saw deathtrap and kidnap random people to force them to compete for their lives 5. Assisting a traitor in hijacking the shuttle as an antag 6. Giving up high risk items to a traitor because you are being held at gunpoint. 7. Making a death trap at the centcom arrival area so when ert arrive they get killed when you are an antag
    1 point
  8. There's not enough context on any of these to really tell and this reeks of trying to rules lawyer and hit us with "gotcha" bullshit.
    1 point
  9. Wetware/cyberware. This is the basic dichotomy that's been around since the 80s. It is the staple definition of cyberspace/cyberpunk genres. The only real deviation from this is Shadowrun which uses the term "bioware," but this is specific to vat-grown and genetically enhanced organs. You don't like it, you can take it up w/ Bruce Sterling or just about any other foundational writer in this genre. I have literally nothing to do with any of these definitions.
    1 point
  10. This keeps it simple while getting rid of the word "implant" +1 for bio-chip and injector EDIT: we would have to go through the list of what are currently implants that are to become bio-chips and rename them. i.e. storage implant renamed to storage chip...which sort of sounds ridiculous that a chip could be used to store objects much larger than it but it actually works in this universe with a bluespace storage devices...makes it more techie. Am I the only one who imagined a storage implant to be like a freaking box inside of someone's body? I'm rambling...
    1 point
  11. In real life subdermal implants are implanted with the use of a dermal punch, which is a thingy that removes a disk of skin, a trocar, which is sort of a hollow needle or blade that you can insert through, like for laparoscopic surgery, or a syringe... In SS13 it seems to be the latter. Bio-chip injector perhaps?
    1 point
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