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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/22/2021 in all areas

  1. Weddings have always been possible onboard the NSS Cyberiad, however I've noted that many would like a more concrete way of representing their marriage (post-wedding) in-session, for RP opportunities and station drama. An admirable goal not without caveats or considerations. This thread aims to be a feature suggestion to implement this, and facilitate discussion on how ParadiseStation members would like to see this implemented. Current problems Blessed rings are only partly implemented, and do not currently signify any meaning There currently isn't any (automatic) way of persisting these rings post-session Chaplains (AFAICT) have no mechanic involvement in blessing rings MVP scenario outline example Two characters wish to get married, and start a session with each other's ring of choice (perhaps with a preferred chaplain to officiate) The couple (and the guests) make it to the ceremony unharmed The chaplain successfully makes it through the ceremony opening, outlined in "Chaplain's Guide to Marriage" runbook, part I Chaplain takes each ring, and "blesses" it against the other partner, returning the rings to same partner Vows are exchanged ("I give this ring", etc.), giving the ring to the other partner Chaplain pronounces the marriage official, celebrations ensue, and the after-party held in Cargo's "break room" follows Both marriage partners finish the session alive, in possession of their ring, and with continued commitment to each other through time and space Post-session processing adds the ring to their respective loadouts via the CUI implementation In order to implement this with minimal complexity, hands-off admin approach, and tackling abuse potential, I've a few proposal ideas to cover this: Blessed rings implementation Blessed rings as implemented by @Fox McCloud gain a few additional properties: 'blessed_by' (for admin trail), 'bearer' (who should wear it), 'partner' (who the ring signifies commitment to), and have more descriptive text (similar to what I outlined here, with templating) Chaplain's bless ability (or additional spell) gains the ability to transmorgify rings, applying these properties. (to combat rogue Chaplains) Chaplains cannot target themselves for 'bearer' or 'partner' properties (cannot officiate their own wedding) Persistence implementation During round post-processing, any blessed rings that exist in the session are checked. If the ring is in the possession of (or in the glove slot of) the same player as 'bearer', a custom item of the same (base) type with flattened 'name' and 'desc' is added to that player's CUI loadout. (to combat rogue Chaplains) both ring pairs need to exist with this rule at the end of the session to be processed for automated CUI. (to combat polygamy - Space Law) existing wedding ring CUIs are replaced by presence of a new blessed ring. Try explaining that one to your previous spouse. Round summary includes any successful (or botched) weddings. Cue wedding MIDI, I dunno, have fun :D I'm interested in alternative takes or implementation ideas, especially around the concern of automated CUI implementation. My desire behind this (if considered) is to allow relatively unknown or less prominent players to RP marriage on this station, and reduce the hands-on approach admins would need to take in the current state of affairs.
    2 points
  2. May as well post last non-ss13 related art, since i am here for once.
    2 points
  3. For some reason this was missing from the thread, but its fixed.
    2 points
  4. Yeah No We're a space simulator, not a dating simulator. We shouldn't be making weddings a mechanically enforced/viable thing, especially if it grants a mechanical benefit with the blessed rings. Not in favour in the slightest.
    1 point
  5. I adore your art, this is all so adorable and expressive!
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Tokorizo being the best vox bartender despite the height complication
    1 point
  8. i dont even think this >3 minute joke doodle belongs in an art thread but im putting it here anyway
    1 point
  9. IPC can in fact run doom on their monitors
    1 point
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