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  1. commission for Kar-Ski as well!
    4 points
  2. 4 points
  3. might as well post this thing i did a long time ago as well
    3 points
  4. Traitors who want to go hard mode can do it themselves, and flex on the crew with a balloon. Forcing them into it is just going to fuck over newbies.
    2 points
  5. I agree that this item is bad, but not because of balance. It's bad because it uh, well, it fills a role that the other pistols already fill. Here are attack logs from me, as one character, shooting another character in the mouth on grab intent with several guns. (This multiplies the gun's damage substantially, but requires a brief windup.) First set is with a .357: Time-to-kill is 34 seconds, after the windup of the shot being fired. Once you're shot, you're in crit and can't do anything. Second set of attack logs are the same, but with a Stetchkin, with standard ammo. TTK: 60 seconds. Once shot, you're in soft crit, then 38 seconds later you're in hard crit, and 22 seconds from then you are deceased. Third set is a Stetchkin with hollow-point 10mm ammo. TTK: 37 seconds. Instant knockout. (Wow, hollow point is way better than I thought!) In conclusion: dude, just shoot them! Images won't upload, so link to album: https://imgur.com/a/rKP0EGG
    2 points
  6. A thread for posting thoughts on possible changes to holoparasites as a whole. Types, balance changes, new features, literally anything. As of right now they're in a really weird spot, usually a noob pick, and only half of the types are ever really used, only a few being useful. Let's all discuss our thoughts on what quite frankly is a great idea whose potential is much greater than it's current state of being.
    1 point
  7. Woo, first post here, this is a little low quality but I built it in Minecraft so it's to be expected. This is sort of how I picture Lumpy as a child looking, it's my personal headcannon that Slime People don't develop the cartilage material that comprises their legs until their teen years so they just kind of have a jelly mass that eventually gets condensed into legs.
    1 point
  8. We have it already,complete your objectives without spending TC so you can wave around your Syndicate Balloon.
    1 point
  9. Yes but... you could just /not/ use your uplink, forcing people into this is kinda dumb
    1 point
  10. Soo this one round a sol trader ship was selling stuff at 500 credits and luckily they had a bike so after nervously waiting in the queue I finally got it the beautiful bike , it was Soo pretty and cool BUT IT WAS THE END OF THE SHIFT JUST AFTER I GOT IT , I’ve never felt Soo sad and salty at the same time
    1 point
  11. This will probably need to be expanded on a bit, but if you are reading this and didn't know, the best holoparas are Ranged, Explosive, Support The other actually viable holoparas are lightning, charger, and protector, all other holoparas are just worse from an objective standpoint as they don't cover and niches that the others do, it's a somewhat similar situation with subverted borgs where only 3 are good and the others are simply downgrades, reworking the others and nerfing the best ones should be the No.1 priority However, the problem with holoparas remain the same that they effectively are well... noob traps, because the ability to get a possibly robust person as the holopara as a not so robust tot seems like a good deal, but it's still mostly effective to just sit in a corner with a brute mender as your holopara kills your targets and generally does your job, or in the term of support a "you can't die" button, either way guardians are just simply not very interactive for either side and either get gunned down early or kill all of security
    1 point
  12. Here are many of my currently unorganized and hastily prepared thoughts. Balance - 12 TC is a significant amount and will basically make the rest of your gameplan revolve around it's use. Maybe if they're changed to be more useful, unique, and interesting, this could be raised. However, I think under no circumstances should any changes made to them lower their value or cost. They're already a great idea with a lot of untapped potential, they just need a re-evaluation and eventually big changes; that's what this thread is for, gathering the community's various opinions and suggestions. Types - Like previously stated, many types aren't used often or just suck without being incredibly robust. The types should have abilities that are useful for users or holoparasites of any robustness ranging from decent to Gamma level worthy. Each type should be able to play off of its strengths and abilities while also having areas it cannot account for, leading to exploitable weaknesses for security and challenges for the user and holopara to overcome. They're literally a jojo reference, so there's not much shame in taking inspiration from the hundreds of jojo stands out there for some powerful, but limited abilites. Each type should be evaluated and expanded upon, but new types should also be in careful consideration. Artwork - I'm also of the opinion that with a rework should come a sprite overhaul. This would not be a simple task and would require a lot of collaboration, good communication, and dedication from everyone involved. If each type had it's own unique look, as well as differences between guardians, holoparas, and scarab swarms, they would be an amazing testament to this community's passion for this game I'll definitely be posting more but these are my initial thoughts I have on the matter. Responses greatly appreciated.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Romance between players is already a contentious subject, it tends to lead to less than acceptable behavior or "RP." If you wish to marry another players character in-game, just change your characters names and roleplay it out. There's such little tangible benefit to creating an object with a different description that requires another column in the DB.
    1 point
  15. Yeah No We're a space simulator, not a dating simulator. We shouldn't be making weddings a mechanically enforced/viable thing, especially if it grants a mechanical benefit with the blessed rings. Not in favour in the slightest.
    1 point
  16. I got over Like 400 tickets after grinding hard at the arcade , my goal was 10000 tickets to get that cool bike but then I got a call for syndicate near the chapel Soo I went there and the dude was armed with a gun I tried to stun him which i did but from somewhere someone shot me and I died and I lost all the tickets I grinded , never felt more upset
    1 point
  17. We have been done a great injustice by our coders, they give us vampire reworks, taser removals EVEN VOX STOCKINGS! Yet they still neglect to add some of the most important things in the world. Where are my dino nuggies coders.
    1 point
  18. In theory it seems like a good idea to have something funky for players to do around the midround but this ain’t it man. Having a non antagonist commit major trespassing or murder and receiving blink or body swap? Sounds like too much. More passive things would make this at least viable. It’s a good idea though!
    1 point
  19. I really like this idea. Not only does it serve as a good balance to a powerful healing artifact, it also encourages the Chaplain to stick to his intended workspace, instead of wandering the station to deal out random heals or hanging out in medbay, stealing work from the doctors. I don't have a problem with a healing chaplain, but I want him to be chaplain first, healer second.
    1 point
  20. (Yes this is lots of mapping and code work I know, but it's simply a suggestion that could be PR'd or implemented at a later date) The Concept For the most part this suggestion is a rip from the game Hardspace Shipbreaker, in Hardspace you play as a massively indebted Shipbreaker, as the name implies your job is to dismantle star ships depositing various ship components and parts in the correct places all the while dealing with the various hazards that come with taking apart a ship rated for interstellar travel. The Details The new job would be based out of an extension of the brig which currently has a large amount of empty space to its north, it would function as a quasi prisoner role. The extension would be a salvage bay with machinery that can process the salvaged ship components into raw ores as well as a small prep room with a handful of budget EVA suits. Ships would be generated from various "modules" that are pieced together to create a proper ship, with a rare chance for one of a few pre-made alien ships. Ships would have various components ranging from experimental bluespace drives to simple steel plating and have various hazards ranging from, explosive coolant release to reactor meltdown. Certain modules could contain more interesting items that may or may not be illegal, to prevent another Lavaland situation there would be a contraband detector at the main entry port, traitors could buy a job specific pouch that can conceal any one item from the scanner while fitting in your pocket at a price cheaper than a storage implant, storage implants would serve the same purpose while maintaining their current state. The Reason We're sorely in need of more jobs, this would be something unique and interesting that would also create a safeish place to work with and understand more advanced systems like atmos that wouldn't directly impact the station. While yes this would be quite a large task code and mapping wise, I for one think this would be a worthwhile addition to the server that would be enjoyable for a broad spectrum of players as well as add in a quasi-prisoner role that has been suggested a number of times before.
    1 point
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