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  1. Red Bandanas used to spawn in the clothing locker before sec vendors were ported to box station. Now, they do not, as there is no clothing locker. As a direct result my aim has worsened, immersion decreased, and my subsequent days have all been ruined. It is of upmost importance the red bandana is added to the sec clothing vendor. Going to the arrivals vendor, hoping nobody took the black bandana, and recoloring it with the washing machine is too much effort.
    1 point
  2. Excerpts from file 1102526795-5553 OPEN (Publicly known or easily acquired information) Name: Yachichatahiya Gender: Male Orientation: Asexual Nicknames/Alias: Yachi Picture: Physical Description: An unusually tall vox of lean physique. Sports medium-length spiked quills and a mane-like beard. Frequently seen donning winter wear and a flower on his head. Body covered in extensive scarring. Age/D.O.B: Unknown Place Of Birth: Arkship Brilliant Quasar of Many Bountiful Neutrinos Species: Vox Height: 256cm Weight: 60Kg Blood Type: B- Employment History: Former Head Physician of the Arkship 'Brilliant Quasar' Current member of the non-profit organization Medecin Sans Souveraineté Formal Education: PhDs in Medicine, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutics Masters degree in Botanical Research ________________________________________________________________ Background: Very little is known about the Brilliant Quasar Arkship. According to the doctor's own account, he was always fascinated by the mechanics of life since his youth. He'd spent most of his free time reading up on the Shoal's extensive biotech knowledge, alongside xenobiology magazines and medical publications. After reaching adulthood, he began working as a nurse for one of his Arkship's marginal Primalis medical bays. After three years of hard work and further studying, and with a recommendation from his superiors, he was allowed to work at the central medical bay. There he would further his knowledge and experience by dealing with more critical cases and even the occasional wounded Armalis. Within a decade, he would rise to the position of chief physician, overseeing all medical operations within the ship. However, according to his own account, he felt restricted by his species' exclusion from the rest of the known universe, and before long, he resigned to seek employment across the stars. Personality: Doctor Yachichatahiya is frequently described as atypically kind and easygoing, going out of his way to provide the best care for his patients and colleagues alike. He might occasionally show strong signs of neuroticism and even paranoia, but he evidently tries his hardest to be reliable at all times. He is also rather firmly against violence of any kind, refusing to raise a hand against anybody unless the circumstances are well and truly beyond any other alternative. He is particularly protective of his kin, gladly putting his own life on the line to keep them out of harm's way. Such protective instincts are seldom shown towards other species, but not unheard of. He is known to appreciate coffee, either black or with a dash of milk depending on his current mood. As of late, he has also been in the habit of smoking, a coping mechanism for the high stress of his environment. His favorite meal are barbeque ribs, but most preparations of meat are appreciated. His social life is nigh-inexistent outside his workplace, either because he is far too tired for further interaction, or because he is quite lacking in social graces. This however does not seem to cause him much grief. He also carries himself with a degree of poise and optimism, jokingly claiming to be "the world's strongest doctor" and taking great care to ensure his patients' emotional comfort. He once spoke in the fractured and unorthodox Common dialect often shared by his kin, as the language felt strange and uncomfortable on his beak. He has since performed several operations to alter his facial muscles, allowing for more fluent speech. It allegedly got in the way of communication and bedside manner. When asked about his freakish stature, he claims it's due to sleeping a lot while growing up, thus allowing his bones to keep growing. He also frequently dons a gas mask, both to hide his scarring and to better protect his face against the occasional blood splatter. Life: The doctor currently resides in a small residential station, orbiting the snow planet M1SWMN-3, of the QN-2585 system. When not on shift, he's known to enjoy tending to his hydroponic garden or frequenting planetside cafés. He also personally owns hospital-grade medical research equipment, with an entire room dedicated to his studies. As his residence is very remote from any of the stations he is assigned to, he is known to take a route of several FTL shuttles to work. Despite their advanced technology, his commute times can clock in at several hours at a time. He has a tenuous relationship with authority, generally avoiding any trouble and happy to cooperate but not particularly devout to his employers or the Shoal. He is known to have somewhat materialistic views, but ultimately, it appears he truly does prioritize the well being of his crew above anything else. As per his MSS affiliation, he offers his work to several stations in high risk sectors of space. As his work is frequently voluntary, most of his salary goes back to the organization, and he only takes a small share for his own livelihood. Despite this, he is not above taking souvenirs or direct payment from his patients. It is believed he's in dire need of personal funding for his research, but refuses to take any from the organization. ________________________________________________________________ FINDINGS (Lesser known or seldom shared information) ________________________________________________________________ CLASSIFIED (If you are reading this, cease immediately and hand this paper over to your local NT Officer) End of file 1102526795-5553. Authored by Agent 'Mountain".
    1 point
  3. Screenshots of an AI sat bar we made because of an ION law! Command didn't figure it out for nearly an hour and ~25 minutes as we kept this in absolute secrecy until it got opened, lotta fun all around! Played as my borgi CTRL-ALT-DELETE
    1 point
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