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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello Following on from my previous post, here is a PDF of stats I queried from the past year, as well as other tidbits. This also includes some awards which will be mirrored here: Most violent award: @Charliminator Most likely to die award: @MisterMan Most connections award: @ItsMarmite Go touch grass (all players): @ItsMarmite Go touch grass (admins): @Meow19 Discuss in this thread: https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/22060-2021-in-review-discussion-thread/ Edit: Attachment doesn't work. Use https://www.paradisestation.org/aastuff/2021_in_review.pdf
    4 points
  2. I do want to give a big thanks to affected for making this though. very well made a put together, I appreciate this community and everyone in it. Happy new year paradise, heres to a good 2022.
    3 points
  3. ==Nanotrasen Employement Form: Sarah Lancer== Full Name: Sarah Jessica Lancer Age: 20 DOB: 17/5/2536 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: O+ Sexual orientation: Lesbian Place of Birth: City of New California, Earth Certifications: -Highschool Graduate//Aged 16//NC-Academy -Robotics certificate//Aged 19//El Dorado Insitute of Technology Employment History: Security Records: [Clearance//Security] Medical Records: [Clearance//Medical] Personnel Photo:
    2 points
  4. I am responsible for 0.454% of all deaths
    1 point
  5. if lesser ash drakes are what you become when you do the drake blood thing, then i am personally responsible for 1/10 lesser ash drake kills
    1 point
  6. I was going to let this end with Bryan's statement, but this is somewhat infuriating. You're not the only one here to have fun. Using such a tactic that fucks over other players is not alright, nor will it ever be. This is on top of the fact that it was triggering a bug that forced the slaughter demon out of blood crawl-the only reason it was even remotely as effective of a 'strategy' on it as it was. While I admittedly didn't mention this to you at the time, it wouldn't change much about the situation either way. As others have said, admin complaints or contacting staff over discord is your best route, not kicking a fuss in a public area. As it is, we don't need to 'come to an agreement'; we enforce the server rules, and what we tell you in PMs is how those rules are enforced. I hope this clarifies a bit to you.
    1 point
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