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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2022 in all areas

  1. I feel like this wouldn't be much different from drask eating soap...which is definitely just used for memey purposes and doesn't invoke any semblance of RP when I think of it. Honestly if you want to RP that your moth is eating cloth they don't actually need to be able to mechanically do it. I regularly take a long drag from my cigarette even though its not programmed into the game. One of my characters is allergic to a specific kind of food despite it not being programmed in the game. My IPC is poorly built so regularly suffer from speech and movement malfunctions. Probably some other stuff I can't think of at the time. Just gotta RP it :P
    2 points
  2. Appreciate the feedback guys! Yeah, I can definitely understand what you guys mean as far as just kinda being a memey mechanic. I always like to think of different dishes and food tastes of different species. For instance my Kidan very much prefers Diona Nymphs and will regularly use that fact in RP, especially when playing chef. Great tip on making a nice emote for it though!
    1 point
  3. not really a fan of this, would require a lot of snowflake code aswell as take away from the RP enviroment. Crew members shouldn't be eating clothes/bedsheets/etc. This is part of the reason why we heavily shy away from any light-related species mechanics for moths, the less of a meme the species is the better it is for the RP environment.
    1 point
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