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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2022 in all areas

  1. The detective's revolver was changed somewhat recently in the first combat update PR. This change removed the non-lethal rounds that caused stamina damage and instead loaded the detective's revolver with lethal rounds. While previously you could load the revolver with lethal rounds this came with the risk of the gun blowing up in your face each time it was fired and took more work than just having them at round start. Personally, I am not a fan of this change as, while the intention of this change was to reduce the amount of det-curity, I have witnessed a lot of detectives still just blasting people with their revolver. And as you can probably guess, for most antags it is a lot worse to be shot by a revolver with lethal rounds versus non-lethal rounds, because of things such as broken bones, internal bleeding, and death. I would like to hear other people's points of view on this change though as there are probably some good things about this change that I haven't covered, such as more bad detectives getting job-banned for abusing their job?
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone! Long time viewer, first time caller! I've been playing on Paradise now for a year or two? Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so. I am thrilled to have been a part of this community for the many hours I have been and I figured I'd pop in and introduce myself to the forum crowd. It is I, Disheveled/LIFT. Some of you likely know me from my classic hits such as 'Beeping through maintenance as to alert the vampires I am not food', 'screaming as my head is torn from my body', 'Working to delivering your goods' and 'Lazing about playing music at the bridge'. Beyond that, I look forward to many more hours of in-game success and failure, highs and lows, and space shenanigans. As well as getting to know this eclectic bunch that also call Paradise home. Cheers you marvelous nerds.
    1 point
  3. So, I don't know how the rest of the community feels, but to me it feels like slaughter demons being able to instantly abduct downed (not just dead people or people in crit, even just unconscious) people standing on blood is kind of overpowered. I've seen two rounds with slaughter demons in medbay the past few days, where they literally just nabbed almost every patient, because - just like almost every patient - they are bleeding and the doc treating them can't patch their bleeding immideately and isn't using their space cleaner minigun and even if they would, there's still a good chance the demon would still just nab the patient. So, my suggestions to rebalance slaughter demons would be either: 1) When the demon is retreating into blood it should take it a few seconds to be able to actually retreat (if that's too unbalanced only when dragging a person) and, if it makes them too weak give them some damage resistance while they're retreating. 2) Make it so the demon can only retreat back into blood after it's been out for atleast a few seconds (when it is or isn't dragging a person depending on how balanced it'd be). 3) Let demons only abduct people that are actually dead. Either of these would probably help, as you wouldn't have to worry as much about the demon literally abducting everyone in medbay, but even if those suggestions aren't that good, there should still be some sort of rebalance. If this would make demons too underpowered you could for example give them powers the more crew they absorb, or just more maximum health or damage, something like that. Just to put this into context, in it's current form it's almost impossible for doctors to fix anyone that needs surgery, as any surgery WILL produce blood, even after applying a hemostat and patients need to lay down to be able to get surgery (and I'm pretty sure laying down also lets demons abduct you) and unless you're lucky or the demon is busy elsewhere you're basically screwed... or atleast your patient is.
    1 point
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