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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello Paradise Community, My name is X - and thats the problem. I actually play on a different server, and I have an IC/OOC problem, and I hope that by me posting anonymously, I can get some good advice here. Outside of my usual bubble as it were. The issue is that I have an immensely popular character on the server I do play on, to the point that this sort of cult of personality / pseudo metagang has formed around this character without my intention for any sort of thing. I honestly do not know what to do. There have been some allegations of my character having a lot of people defending them / metaganging over them the past few months, and I honestly thought it was an uncommon one off thing that would happen every other month or so. It was until I had a recent round where I witnessed something very, to me, blatant - that I took a step back. I am typically very dense irl, to give you an idea of how blatant this round was. An antag essentially swapped identities with me, and there are tells that make this obvious that the antag was not me. The station's response involved multiple people trying to RDM this player, and I was present for one of these encounters that totaled between four to seven. The antag was insulted by some of the crew so fiercely, that I honestly think there was some OOC intent behind it. Eventually the round ended, and the antag and I DM'd saying we enjoyed the gimmick we did a lot, but both agreed that had this antag taken any other player's identity, there would have been nowhere close to the level of RDM attempts and nasty insults that we encountered. The worst part, is that some of the people involved, I do not believe I have ever met IC or OOC. What do you think I should do? Honestly I feel like a blob getting close to that 400 tile mark, almost ready to hit critical mass as it were, almost beyond control. Looking on it, there are probably too many people in this sort of cult of personality to reach out to them one by one, and the total strangers worry me because I have no idea how many people I would have to talk to. I absolutely love this character, and the only thing I can think of is to permanently retire them unfortunately. It is my only static, and I have 900 hours on them. If you got this far, thank you so much for reading this. All the best, X
    2 points
  2. The casting call has ended. Thank you all for volunteering.
    1 point
  3. It also may be good to do some introspective on WHY you've gathered a following that acts the way they do. - Do you tend to hang around the same spots/jobs of the station? - Who are most involved in your typical interactions? Anyone that's around you? The people who are looking to roleplay? The entire station? - Do you feel like you're contributing to the round and enjoyment of others? If so, is it widespread or only those who choose to engage with you? - Follow-up to above: How do you think you improve people's rounds? - Do you believe this is an issue that can be solved ICly? (e.g. telling people following you that you wanna talk to others or do other things that day.) - Do you defend or get revenge for other people you roleplay with in rounds? Remember that the core of the issue isnt "Being too fun", rather it's "Other people might be ruining the fun of others in my name". And sometimes you can't always stop that. If you meet a person for the first time, chat with them for an hour, you get killed by an antag, and that person maxcaps the antag in revenge unprompted, you can't act like its your fault that other people do stupid things and/or break rules.
    1 point
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