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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2022 in all areas

  1. I moved this topic to the suggestions section for you. What department are you suggesting would be the time requirement for Blueshield? Possible departments: Security - Blueshield isn't security and while they have security equipment I feel like putting a security time requirement in front of them would give players the impression that they ARE an extension of security. Security is all about hunting down antagonists whereas Blueshield is just about ensuring heads are safe. Usually they ensure this by monitoring the heads, doing first aid, or stepping in to defend the command member until security arrives. Medical - You just need to be able to use basic first aid on people, this is pretty simple and doesn't require much medical department knowledge. Any advanced treatment or surgery shouldn't really be getting done by the Blueshield except in extreme emergencies but even then I'm fine with a Blueshield not being a medical expert RP-wise. Research, Service, Supply, Silicon - I think the reason these departments wouldn't make sense is self explanatory. Command time - If it were decided to go this route then I think this is what would make the most sense. Blueshield acts as both an advisor and a bodyguard so them being familiar with some of the command positions is relevant. Playing command also would give you exposure to other people who play Blueshield to get some familiarity with the role itself. Server time (non-departmental) - I don't think this makes sense really. If you play a cargo tech for X amount of hours you may not have even come across a Blueshield much. To Karma or Not: Personally, I feel that Blueshield and NTR are two jobs that are actually good candidates to remain as karma jobs. They are both RP-heavy jobs and both are jobs that are what I would consider "optional" to the station. My preference would personally be to keep them as karma jobs but if we were to move to a departmental time requirement then I think Command time would be the only departmental time that makes sense for them. Curious to hear thoughts from others.
    2 points
  2. I feel like this wouldn't be much different from drask eating soap...which is definitely just used for memey purposes and doesn't invoke any semblance of RP when I think of it. Honestly if you want to RP that your moth is eating cloth they don't actually need to be able to mechanically do it. I regularly take a long drag from my cigarette even though its not programmed into the game. One of my characters is allergic to a specific kind of food despite it not being programmed in the game. My IPC is poorly built so regularly suffer from speech and movement malfunctions. Probably some other stuff I can't think of at the time. Just gotta RP it :P
    1 point
  3. I agree, remove slime "people" or at least forbid them from leaving xenobiology. Also not to be that person who points out "Balance" in roleplay game but vox are 1000 times worse than slimepeople but have same revival methods, so giving slimes another revival method that vox dont have access to ain't too nice.
    0 points
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