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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! Long time viewer, first time caller! I've been playing on Paradise now for a year or two? Time is an illusion, lunch time doubly so. I am thrilled to have been a part of this community for the many hours I have been and I figured I'd pop in and introduce myself to the forum crowd. It is I, Disheveled/LIFT. Some of you likely know me from my classic hits such as 'Beeping through maintenance as to alert the vampires I am not food', 'screaming as my head is torn from my body', 'Working to delivering your goods' and 'Lazing about playing music at the bridge'. Beyond that, I look forward to many more hours of in-game success and failure, highs and lows, and space shenanigans. As well as getting to know this eclectic bunch that also call Paradise home. Cheers you marvelous nerds.
    1 point
  2. Bluespace Harvester is the best goal cause its an excuse for atmospherics to commit warcrimes
    1 point
  3. The hugging module can be increased in power to cause discomfort. It'd be kind of darkly funny if an emagged mediborg's hugging module could be toggled to work as grab intent instead of help, adding the potential for a hug to turn into a crushing/strangling grip. If crushing it'd do brute damage over time and possibly damage the lungs as the borg literally hugs you to death. Grabs are obvious+easy enough to escape before they're upgraded to a kill-grab that a potential target would need to be restrained for it to have much effect; and considering a murderous mediborg would probably unleash the circular saw on somebody before they'd think to go for the Death Embrace, the effect would mostly be for flavor/silly/drama.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. ii mean you could just be polite about it if you disagree lol
    0 points
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