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  1. A story in ten lines, aka joining an ongoing round at 0:30:
    2 points
  2. I always find it really interesting to see how people go through the many jobs you can play on-Station. So, I wanna know how you got to playing your current favorite role(s). Ill bold roles that have stuck as my favorites and underline stuff that I'd consider a "main" role for my character(s) specifically! For me, its a LONG journey... "Old" Malvor: Cargo Tech > Bartender > QM > Medical Doctor > Security Officer > CMO > HoP > Warden > HoS > Captain [I pretty much only played these roles for my first 6ish years of SS13, i was a gameplay nerd with minimal care for RP. This was my path WAY back when I played Bay and Para ages ago] "New" Malvor: Security Officer > Warden > HoS > Blueshield > Captain > Magistrate > Shaft Miner > Barkeep/Chef > Coroner [This "path" would be the one I've taken since coming back in 2019. Its a LOT more varied and RP-oriented compared to my old path.] In the past 2+ years I gained a new path for a new character too, and they had their own journey! MAL VR: Engineer > Atmospherics Tech > Scientist > RD > CE And of course, my one-off Characters. Atichiki: Chaplain > QM > Janitor
    1 point
  3. Why is there a concern for making sure anyone who approaches the role is 100% perfected and trained beforehand? In a normal scenario, someone who is interested in blueshield usually observes how blueshields do their thing, or has a good enough idea of what is needed from the wiki page, and once they've unlocked, giving it a try. They might not do everything perfect, but in a reasonable scenario, they try. Yes, there are people who unlock a role, don't actually read up or anything, and don't do a good job. If they are not doing so horribly to not break server rules, is this an issue? They still have chances to be instructed by others seeing what they are doing, given tips of how to proceed, especially when they find themselves dead, and ghosts chime in. People who aren't good, while 'annoying' to people who want an all-pro-player-staff, will either learn, or be filtered out, I don't believe time barriers to help this, as there are definitely still special people who bubble up to captain and HoP by being incredibly minimal in command roles, shirking any real duties.
    1 point
  4. Oh this is a neat thread. Well lets see, we can start off with my killed off character, Menkheres Veritas. He started off as a human Assistant. He stayed away from Cargo since it wasn't interesting for him. At some point in time, while he was waiting near Brig to talk to the Head of Security about shadowing a Security Officer for off-the-job training, a Traitor suicide bombed the Head of Security, putting Menkheres into crit. Medical transplanted his brain into a humanized Farwa and became a Tajaran. Later getting enough training to become a full time Security Officer. He was eventually captured by the Syndicates and held for ransom against his wife, Sophia Veritas. Unfortunately he was killed after Sophia was caught by Cyberiad security and failed her objectives. His life was well lived but ended to soon. Assistant > Security Officer > Security Pod Pilot > Deceased Then there's Sophia Veritas herself, a Vulpkanin. She has a very neat freak personality, hating it when blood gets on her coat. Her favorite department used to be a tie between Engineering and Security, with Medical being nice until the inevitable shit hit the fan, blood getting all over medbay and it becoming stressful. She also had a pretty sad time as Scientist where she blew herself and a couple close friends up... multiple times. Sorry Shockpoint. Having dabbled with Security, Medical, and Engineering for the most part, decided to try Command out, starting with Chief Engineer. This was before the SM was brought on station by the way. Rarely doing Head of Security unless absolutely necessary, and having a love/hate relationship with Blueshield. She has a bit of experience with Captain but doesn't enjoy the weight of a station's responsibility on her shoulders. I believe she did HoP quite frequently but stopped when it became a regular occurrence of her becoming Acting Captain. Assistant > Security Officer > Station Engineer > Medical Doctor > Virologist > Chemical Researcher > Chief Engineer > Head of Security > Head of Personnel > Blueshield > Captain I have an AI / Cyborg Persona I used to play quite a bit, Red Queen & Red Prince respectively. Though Red Prince is now decommissioned with SecCyborgOS being phased out of NT Manufacturing. There is also the IPC H.E.L.P.eR. that specializes in Medical.
    1 point
  5. Right, let's see here... First character was a lovely lady called Audrey, who then became Audrey Atkinson, and I think currently resides, unused as Audrey Goldsmith. First character I made, learning the ropes. Mute, because I made her that way after my first time playing as a mime, I would get job transfers to robotics to learn while still being a mime, eventually changing to just straight robotics and further progressing into medical due to how fun I found the surgery process. Went Mime > Roboticist > Surgeon > and then the rest of Medical, I believe, with the exception of CMO. Next up, we got Emily. Emily originally started out as a boring, grey IPC called E.M.I.L.E. (Didn't stand for anything). I played one shift as HoP, which was also my first shift as Captain, before realising I didn't like the emotionless paperwork robot. Due to being heavily depressed at the time, I decided to change from no emotions to one emotion - Happy! Fitted with an emotional inhibitor, E.M.I.L.E. got a pink paintjob and became E.M.I.L.Y., later evolving into Emily-5 who 'broke' her inhibitor to allow her to feel all emotions (I got salty), then finally stopping at Emily-7. Nowadays, I don't touch the character slot, but I do still use the name Emily for when I play AI. Went HoP > Captain > AI > (this is where stuff gets messy) CMO > RD > Engineer > CE > I think Warden goes here? Maybe Detective first > More Medical I think > NT Rep > Blueshield > Magistrate > AI again and I think this is where I left off (this list does not include any roles I played for a single shift only, nor does it include the rotation after Magi in which I just cycled between Captain, HoP, Magistrate, NT Rep and Blueshield on repeat for about a year. I played almost every single role as Emily. Cargo was at some point but I don't remember the timeline.) At some point during the long, seemingly unending Emily saga, I unlocked slime people. (oh god oh fuck she powergaming) Firstly, I made Domino. A simple, mute slimegirl (to replace Audrey who I made not-mute). Not a very big list here. Bartender > Mechanic > Station Engineer And then I made Sunrise. A germaphobe, an interesting roleplay challenge. Pretty much the same personality as the rest of my characters (I am bad at roleplaying). Mostly just cycling between Command roles, occasionally switching it up to play Security or Internal Affairs. Usually playing as HoP, if anything. Played a few rounds as Medical Doctor but given the germaphobe thing, I would only do first aid and even then I wouldn't do much in terms of that. Also a fan of Coroner. I don't really remember the specific order but it's something like Security Officer > Security Pod Pilot > Warden > HoS > Detective > Brig Physician > Magistrate > NT Rep > Captain > HoP I need to learn atmos at some point maybe probably who knows
    1 point
  6. I started playing way way way way back in 2013, and I think there was like a two year period that was fairly heavy around 15/16. Back then I didn't really involve myself with the community; just hopped on, did some spess, and that was it. Wasn't even really aware of any 'community' back then, and that was nice cause you were muted from any drama going on. So I hail from the days when mining hardsuits and helmets were all one-item and not separate things. Old. I did a LOT of mining starting out cause I was just apprehensive about joining other roles. I remember trying to learn science very early on and met an extremely unfriendly know-it-all player that turned me off for abit from learning new stuff. It was the kind of attitude that was ahelpable, put it that way. Pretty sure the job process was Mining>Cargo>Security>Engineering>Command>Service>Medical>Science> - Red being primary job roles, green being jobs that I rarely dabbled in, Orange being secondary. Engineering was interesting for a time. If I'm doing any role that could potentially affect an entire round, I test it first by creating my own solo server. I remember setting up the Tesla quite a few times, working out the kinks, what not to do, what to do, etc. And THEN, when it came to putting all that practice into play on live, something still got messed up somewhere, somehow. No idea how but thankfully it didn't result in any round ending catastrophe. In relation to engineering, Mechanic was something I did a lot before its sad removal. It was one of my favorite jobs to find RP opportunities in. Some of my favorite roleplay came about just as a result of building a pod for someone or going out to check out a stationary gps signal to discover someone in need of rescue. I remember essentially becoming space paramedic when the syndi depot changes came into effect to turn it into a little 'dungeon' of sorts, and everyone and their mother donned an EVA suit and went out to try it. Sadly this included the onboard station paramedic who got themselves killed. The amount of taxi-runs I did ferrying corpses back and forth... It's a role I'm going to miss purely for the roleplay nature of things. It isn't all about just trucking it into space. Getting into security, I played secborg (don't hate me!) a lot to get a feel for security. When security pod pilot became a thing, that was my primary introduction into security, away from the AI. Was a fun role, made all the more fun for the regular faces that would pop up. My only real medical experience is coroner and paramedic, both of which are years ago. I play Psych a fair bit presently on a non-primary character for the roleplaying opportunities. Medical to me is definitely a love/hate relationship and I have a lot of respect for players who learn that role and use it as their mains. HOP was my first command role. Can't say I particularly enjoyed it. One of those roles where you need to have a suitable character to go along with it. If I'm not enjoying the character, I'm not enjoying the role. I have one in mind in my pocket just for HOP, but not got around to implementing it yet. Blueshield is red cause I have experience in that role, but it's definitely a 'mood' job. Am I in the mood to babysit command this round? "Oh god, ITS THIS CAPTAIN, AAA", that kind of thing. Fun role though, I don't play it nearly as much these days. NT Rep, oh boy. I love this role. I have two characters specifically for this. It can be fun although you will get rounds where you are just not doing much, but is still interesting regardless. I've not really played this role much since my return to spess recently cause I need to brush up on SOP and any changes in general. Chef piqued my interest for a bit but I hate the cooking system; there's no room for experimentation and you have to follow the recipes to the letter. I don't find it enjoyable. These days, I get a fair bit of enjoyment out of Cargo. Mining is fine, but it is mostly a solo-endeavor for the most part. Cargo is great cause lot of interaction with the crew and that's what keeps it interesting. I think jobs that I'm interested falling back into again are Blueshield/Detective/Rep/HOP.
    1 point
  7. Oh this looks interesting since i stuffed nearly 1000 hours of gameplay to 6 months i remember how i started playing the game. Ofcourse i started as an assitant probably everyone started to play as greytider but doesnt even feel like its worth to mention it but it was good for me to learn controls, UI and especially the game terms everyone was using like AA and HoP and stuff... After few rounds i realized that library while being public and most visited(i mean passing by) area it wasn't really that important to anyone and i often saw bookshelfs empty so i wanted to change that and actually add extra interactions to anyone that wanted to visit library so it was my second ever job. After i was used to controls and UI a bit more my third job was security officer because i thought it would be fun you know being on the mind "i am gonna help people today" and so but it ended up as getting hated by people because i was new and usually died in maints to various antags, still i had good times too and enjoyed it. After some weeks i think i played more basic jobs that i should have played earlier like cargo tech, doctor and QM maybe a janitor too but i wasn't really interested in service or miner jobs usually but cargo was good since you had busy working with crate dragging and taking requests from people its fun but i prefer to work alone. And in a round as a QM, captain of that round made me acting HoP for a while and it was very exciting to me so i played QM for a good amount of time for making cargo better(not giving clowns multitool for example lol) and just to be acting HoP by any change but then i realized that if i want to play HoP i needed to get that hours in command so i played few rounds as HoS and mostly as CMO for it, i don't really play this jobs anymore i was not the best at it :) and i did not have interest to play in command roles except HoP really. After getting enough hours being HoP was literally my favorite job for weeks and then i thought the reason... was it because i had cute Ian? Feeling like an important person? Bridge chilling? No but i liked it because... uhm... i was thinking that i was doing my job better than any other HoP simply because i was mostly manning my desk and not closing shutters while doing whatever the fuck else and checking my departments especially botany as well as ensuring kitchen always had food basically serving people better! With same logic i started to play as paramedic since some paramedics was going cyro so quick or not checking crew monitor at all while people were lying dead in maints also paramedic has a cool space suit and weee wooo ambulance its cool and fun saving people. So i mostly played as Paramedic, HoP or as security officer all because i wanted to help and serve better to people (and because i thought that i was doing my jobs better than most other people) with the things that can effect their round. This was my purpose since i started to play as librarian. Trying to make better experiences in rounds for people! I also had some round as chemist and scientist filling public fridge and making fires sci-chem is fun. Though nowadays i mostly play as assitant, return of the tide!!! Becuse its chilling and not bad for roleplaying too Sorry if this was long lol i wanted to write.
    1 point
  8. The Hangman is back and this time with viewers! With Oorm as the Bat and Adrian McKnight being our player we managed to have yet another test..with the HANGMAN! Adrian ended up losing during the third word "Gentleman" and because of this he didnt earn his prize (freedom and 12k credits). Keep your eyes open because the hangman can be onboard..
    1 point
  9. The talking mime trying to do surgery with the guidance and grief of their Holopara.
    1 point
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