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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2022 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. The detective's revolver was changed somewhat recently in the first combat update PR. This change removed the non-lethal rounds that caused stamina damage and instead loaded the detective's revolver with lethal rounds. While previously you could load the revolver with lethal rounds this came with the risk of the gun blowing up in your face each time it was fired and took more work than just having them at round start. Personally, I am not a fan of this change as, while the intention of this change was to reduce the amount of det-curity, I have witnessed a lot of detectives still just blasting people with their revolver. And as you can probably guess, for most antags it is a lot worse to be shot by a revolver with lethal rounds versus non-lethal rounds, because of things such as broken bones, internal bleeding, and death. I would like to hear other people's points of view on this change though as there are probably some good things about this change that I haven't covered, such as more bad detectives getting job-banned for abusing their job?
    1 point
  3. Not the Bnuuy! Beautiful art btw!
    1 point
  4. Name: Aziyakazikariachazati (Aziyati for short) Age: Current body is 42 Sol Years old. Combined age of all bodies is 262 Sol Years. Overall age of cortical stack, including periods of hibernation and storage, is unknown. Gender: Female Sex: Neuter Race: Vox Primalis Cleared for the following position(s): · Security Officer · Warden · Surgeon & Medical Doctor · Chief Medical Officer Biography: Qualifications: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo:
    1 point
  5. At the moment, the only reason Security doesnt lethal all armed threats (mind you, this means everything from stunbatons to disablers to sniper rifles) is because there's a group of Security players who self-restrict themselves from doing so. Space Law allows you to lethal all fo these as any Security member (this includes the Detective). This is intended as per Head Admin ruling, so at the moment a Det can kinda just blast away at any threat that falls under the Use of Deadly Force SoP. Do I agree with this? Absolutely not. I think its monumentally unhealthy for the game. But, unless the Heads want to change anything about it, I'm not going to be bwoinking anyone over using lethals unless its used for zero reason or if theyre doing it indiscriminately (ie lethaling a trespasser) with zero regard toward (the absolutely insanely open-ended) Deadly Force clause. At the end of the day, we're never going to get an answer that fixes all the issues regarding Antag/Sec interaction. Trying to balance a game that SHOULD be about RP is a headache and a half. The only way the issue is dealt with is if it becomes widespread (ie Security saying "fuck it" and using the Deadly Force clause to maximum effectiveness) or if the Community makes enough of a stink about it AND can convince Leadership that its an issue. That being said, as much as I'd love to go with Option 1 and go full Iron Fist of Justice and lethal all Antags that possess weapons, I'm personally unwilling to ruin the game for a multitude of people just to prove a point that its mega mega mega unhealthy for the game as a whole.
    1 point
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