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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I've been drafting up and beginning the first code reworks of our library system. Library code has been around for.... a very very long time. The Library and Librarian as a role are very underutilized due to Librarians having very little to do, not to mention the UI and library system being pretty out of date. With this proposed refactor I'm hoping to tackle the issue of outdated code and UI. Later down the road (part 2?) I'd like to give the library more functionality with scanning in documents and possibly contributing to research or a knowledge system that would allow crew to learn things like different languages or possibly even light magic. Proposed Changes Library Computer Remove the Public/Checkout computer and replace it with a single computer Port browserUI to TGUI Tabs for Library System Patron Management - Place where book checkouts are managed and fines are handed out against peoples accounts who do not bring books back in time. Barcode scanner will perform most of the work for checking out books but it can all be done from this tab aswell. Book Archive - Search player-made library books with a much more fleshed out search system. You can now see short book summaries, ratings of books, and up to three categories for books. Additionally, the flagging system has been made much more clear that it is an OOC action Programmatic Books - All hardcoded Manuals/SOP/Religious books will be populated in here separate from the player archive. Book Upload - Where books can be uploaded to the archive. Selected books will show up here, allows editing information about books before uploading them. Possible Security Log screen for any actions (fines, checkouts, etc) taken during the shift Library Computer will have a login screen Librarian Access - All library management tools available Public Access - Can only view player/programmatic book archive and can't order anything Barcode Scanner Chat Output from changing modes will be significantly cutdown to a single line User feedback is much more clear (with sounds) Will no longer stores information in barcode object, instead it just relays information directly to the library computer Allowing for on-the-go library work Will be able to Swipe ID's on the barcode to get crew member information for checking out books. Bookbinder Will have a TGUI menu Will be able to print multiple books at a time Option to choose book cover + decorations Books Will remain BrowserUI (this is something non-negotiable due to security issues) Will be able to have up to 3 editable Pages Books will open to a "cover page" with the book summary, title, and author available to read. Additionally this page will show if the book is checked out and/or a part of the stations library system. More Book Information Books can now have a short few sentence summary denoting what the book is written about Books will now have a X/5 star rating which is determined by players through the library system This is to help sort through good and shit books More covers + cover decorations (overlays) will be available (I'm hoping to sprite a few more) Examining books will yield extra information such as the book rating on the side as well as if the book RFID Scanners Goes off when player walks through it with a non-checked out book Makes a log in the librarians computer Special Punishments for Book Thiefs Lights people on fire when emagged if they steal a book When fully upgraded it stuns the crew member and launches the crew member back into the library Has an R&D circuit board Bookcases Hope to resprite these Make them rotatable Administration Tools Will remain browserUI, however it will have a significantly improved interface Players now get a yes/no popup before flagging books warning them that they are performing an OOC action Players now have options to choose from for flagging a book so that staff have an idea of what they're looking for Viewing flagged books is much easier and the raw HTML is not dumped in a window Database Changes Adds a few columns to the library table Rating *#/5 integer rating of book RatingNumber *integer number of rating reviews left by patrons Summary *string Modifies how data is stored on a few columns flagged column now stores a JSON list of player flags based on report IDs content column now stores a JSON list of book pages Thoughts, questions, concerns?
    1 point
  2. Name: Bubblegum Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Slime person Blood Type: Jelly: Pink General Occupational Role(s): Command: CE, HOS Engineering: Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician Security: Security Officer. Biography: Bubblegum was born on Xarxis V to his (late) Father, [N/A] and Mother, Bloopy on the 1st of May 2544. His father never adopted a human oriented name as he was apposed to Nanotrasen and their ideals. [N/A] was aged 72 when Nanotrasen discovered Xarxis 5 so he never could grow accustomed to Nanotrasen's influence. [N/A] Died when Bubblegum was only 6, in a [REDACTED] cooling fluid accident. Bubblegum doesn't remember much of his father except that he was very xenophobic toward the relatively new races to him. Bloopy had to raise Bubblegum alone, she shared her love of mechanics and engineering with Bubblegum from a young age. She worked repairing boats and other marine vehicles in their tribe. Boats were super important on Xarxis V for trade on commerce between tribes due to the vast oceans and small islands. As a result Bubblegum and Bloopy held a high place in their tribe. Because of this, Bubblegum lead a healthy and happy life while he lived on Xarxis V. At the age of 8 Bubblegum had an accident falling out of a tree. He impaled himself on a piece of rebar that was discarded from an NT embassy construction project. His tribe couldn't heal the wound so Bloopy had to take a lone out to pay for his treatment in an NT hospital. Bubblegum still carries a large amount of this debt today. Bubblegum started working for his mother at the age of 10. This meant that when SolGov scouted their tribe, at the age of 18,he was a prime candidate. Bloopy encouraged Bubblegum to take the job as it is would have been Bloopy's dream to travel the stars working with super advanced machines and people all over the galaxy. Bubblegum took the job and began training to repair and maintain a star ship. He was stationed on SDV Tigris. A small destroyer, powered by a supermatter. Its primary focus was point defence - to shoot down missiles and small fighters to protect larger ships, and torpedos - to take out carriers. Bubblegum reports that he enjoyed working there, he learnt a lot of things and met a lot of people. However after 2 years he knew he had to leave. The ship was dangerous, and he had lost many good friends working there. He reports he wasn't cut out for the stress of working on such a vessel, the constant combat was too much for him. Bubblegum transferred himself to the NSS Cyberiad to make a new start. He heard it was a backwater facility that was hiring - what could possibly go wrong. Qualifications: SolGov Correctional Officer (Tier II) - Passed SolGov Engineering Certificate (Tier V) - Passed SolGov Advanced battle repair - Passed NanoTrasen Employee First Aid Basics Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Medical and Surgical Certification - Failed NanoTrasen Security Officer Candidacy Training - Passed NanoTrasen Riot Prevention and Deterrence Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Detainment Management Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Head of Staff Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Basics of Engineering - Passed NanoTrasen Basics of the Supermatter - Passed NanoTrasen Delamination prevention certificate - Passed Space OSHA Workplace safety course - Failed Employment Records: Bubblegum worked repairing boats and other marine vehicles on Xarxis V with his mother. From age 10 - 18 He then went to enrol in the SolGov military as as a Combat Engineer. Was positioned to work on the SDV Tigris, a Destroyer class vessel with the primary focus of point defence lasers and torpedos. From age 18 - 20 Bubblegum took over his mothers debt to Nanotrasen. At age 18 and a half. He then went on to apply at NanoTrasen when he wanted to get away from the danger of the military. Security Records: Bubblegum has accrued many health and safety warnings for workplace safety, listed as follows: Hotwired the engine of the SDV Tigris into the grid during a retreat away from multiple large war cruisers to increase the power to the engines. Was later informed the engines are on a different set of SMES. During downtime, ramped up the MEV of the SDV Tigris' Supermatter to above standard operational levels to harvest additional energy to restore the backups. Pyroclastic anomalies severely burnt the subject. Spaced the entire dormitories in response to a boarding party. The boarding party was jettisoned out of the breach, no crew was harmed. Bubblegum has proven to be an adept combatant. An expert at hand to hand combat, however his accuracy with common firearms is subpar. Medical Records: Height: 140cm Weight: 31Kg Injured himself at the age of 8 by falling on a piece of rebar, punctured his chest, multiple instances of internal bleeding, fatality - possible. MD. Oswald managed to stabilise the patient. Physical examination notes: Mildly malnourished resulted in a low body mass index. Two 3cm scars one on his chest and one on his back - in the same place. Overall Bubblegum is physically fit. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): (art by drakeven <3) (art by magistea) Other Notes: Scared of mice.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Basic Information First Name: Gordon Last Name: Whitlock Gender: Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Grungle, Gordie. Age/D.O.B: 30 Place Of Birth: The Intes Cluster, aboard the S.S Terminal. Approximately 12 light years away from Sol and located within an Asteroid belt. Species: Human Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Employee, hired first as apart of the Research Division. Religious Beliefs: Gordon has no true god he worships, but can be seen constantly attempting 'contact' with multiple gods or idols. [Addendum: When asked of the significance of his hair flower, there is reason to believe it was once viewed as a charm, or relic.] Character Biography Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Gordon Whitlock carries himself with a very energetic and upbeat posture, smile lines appear somewhat faded around his cheeks and underneath his eyes. His graying hair has white streaks running from his scalp to the tips of his ponytail. Whitlock's complexion is a pale white, not including the darkened scarred tissue that begins below his elbow and runs to right below his prosthetic left hands wrist, where the flesh ends and the metal begins. His eyes are a soft green, and nestled gently within his somewhat unkempt hair is a flower pin whom's artificial coloring has begun to fade from time. ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! Character Voice: Gordon Whitlock carries a very rugged voice, the tone of which is usually spoken in a sly, smug know-it-all tone in almost any scenario in which he isn't thanking someone. Sarcasm and sass are very apparent in almost every sentence he finishes. (Video is just my interpretation of what Gordon likely, loosely sounds like. Feel free to imagine his voice however you see fit to him :) Personality: Gordon Whitlock is an eccentric and abrasive person with a side of being abhorrently neurotic. Though in the past Gordon had found it difficult to respect authority, recently his outlook has completely mellowed out when in regards to higher ups, and he has generally become a much more passive person. Though Gordon can often panic, it is often never shown on his outer appearance other than a handful of nervous tics that he has. Whitlock has been described by his peers as a 'Mad Scientist'. Medical Record: Character Relations Family: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Faltering Memory Of Faction Relations Allied | Neutral | Dislike | Enemy Other Information I will definitely be adding onto this as Gordon grows as a character, many things are subject to change in this biography. And! If I forgot anyone's character, please do let me know!
    1 point
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