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  1. 2022 March Wiki Update: Hey hey folks, I know it's been a few months since I've made a monthly update but it's never to late to start it up again. Quite frankly, we've got a lot of work to do still, however instead of catching up with the github, we're focused on expanding our content. You know what they say, new year new wiki update formats. This year I'd like to expand how our monthly wiki updates are formatted: I will still proceed with the changelog, however it will only be for SIGNIFICANT changes; Needed changes will remain the same; I will include a section for how were are meeting our 2022 wiki development goals; I will include a section specifically guiding our players on how to contribute to the wiki! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision Requests & Changelog What needs to be done on the Wiki: Apparel needs to be expanded (We're doing such a great job y'all, keep it up) Starters Guide to Admin Tools needs to be updated (more admin stuff) Blob needs to take into account new nuke blob tile Creating your own paracode server needs to be rewritten Telecommunications images need a once-over/fix Guide for beginners needs a once-over Guide to Regex needs to be expanded upon Singularity Engine is missing images and could do with a rewrite Guide to Robotics is missing info about the Cyborg Analyzer Guide to Lavaland is missing Lavaland loot from chests (should put all treasure loot & megafauna drops in a table). Karma System could do with a rework + it needs to be updated with the new AI & auto refund system Martial Arts is missing all other forms of martial arts such as Plasma Fist, Admin-Fu, etc Simple Mobs needs to be filled out with more simple mobs :D Heads Up Displays needs to be filled out with more information Firearms needs to be filled out with more firearms and add all ammo sprites Vendors needs to take into account new security apparel These Pages need to be written: Guide to Cleaning Guide to Command/Leadership Service Items Derelict Researcher Courtroom needs to be filled out Electrical Maintenance Needs to be filled out Meta and Delta location need to filled out and added(image files that is) Guide to Bug Fixing Guide to Making a PR Guide to TGUI We need to go through all of our files and crosscheck them with the Goon .DMI file folder and apply the proper licenses other shit I can't be bothered to add or has been added since time of writing, see: Maintenance Panel Keep knocking out those revision requests y'all. March Change Log: Random Events has been completely rewritten Guide to Security has been completely rewritten Game Modes has been completely rewriteen Template:Location/Security_Level has been added to locations to note security level in terms of Space Law trespassing crimes Guide for Beginners has seen serious rework and improvement thanks to @Warriorstar Vampire has been updated to reflect new Vampire Rework thanks to @Charliminator & @Threes Apparel has recently been updated and expanded thanks to @Miragta12CZE Most (if not all) engineering guides/pages have been fact-checked and improved by @LtGerbal Syndicate Items has received color coding based on Space Law Contraband status thanks to @Tenheydes Simple Mobs has been created with the help of @SteelSlayer Heads Up Displays has been created Firearms has been created Example Paperwork has all mentions of the NSS Cyberiad converted to [Station] thanks to @realmartcraft Template:Tooltip has been made more browser friendly Guide to Construction information about disposals construction has been added thanks to @BottomQuark Pets has been moved to the Simple Mobs Page KOS Chart added to Space Law thanks to @MattTheFicus Lots of Grammatical and Spelling corrections thanks to @PopeDaveThe3th A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER CHANGES Thank you to all of our contributes I haven't specifically mentioned yet: @peter103@Vulkoras@maxfromsweden@Arkhip0v@Qwertytoforty@Krossarn@Generaldonothing@LightFire53@thorium90cent@Meow19@Zydras@whataboutism@Miraviel@Aligote@Abigail886@Agatasa@Beo208@Vilshen@Chapitito As you can clearly see, it takes A LOT of contributors to keep the wiki chugging, I encourage all of you who have may <5 edits to continue learning and contributing! I'm always here to support and guide. Those of you who do not contribute (but still read this :D ) this is the perfect time to start learning and becoming a part of our awesome team. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 Development Goals - How we can/are meeting them! Alright lets revisit those development goals and see how we're farin! Finish Every Portal Page - A.K.A Wiki Navigation So far we've been making progress. Most notably through the use of portal pages. These portal pages are the bridges between our main page and literally all knowledge on the wiki, they link together one topic and all articles pertaining to its topic. So far we have established three categories of portal pages: Contributor Portals, Game Mechanics Portals, and Department Portals. So far only a few of the portals have actually been established EX: Engineering Portal. What we need to do is continue developing these and expanding them. It's pretty simple, just copy the format of the other ones, just @ me if you need help. Current State of Portal Pages Job Portals General - FINISHED Service - FINISHED Supply - FINISHED Medical - WIP Security - NEEDS TO BE MADE Engineering - WIP Research - NEEDS TO BE MADE Command - NEEDS TO BE MADE Antagonist - NEEDS TO BE MADE Legal - NEEDS TO BE MADE Special Role - NEEDS TO BE MADE Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Troubleshooting - NEEDS TO BE MADE Hosting - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Mechanics Portals New Player - NEEDS TO BE MADE Server Systems - Mobs - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Objects - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Rounds - NEEDS TO BE MADE Lore - NEEDS TO BE MADE Development of a Manual of Style This is a long-term project, I have made some minor progress with it. So far I have developed the guidelines for files/typography n' stuff but that is still very much a work in progress. I encourage y'all to suggest things but ultimately this falls upon me to write since it's setting the standards for our wiki writing. Current State of MOS: Typography - WIP Prose - NEEDS TO BE MADE Content - NEEDS TO BE MADE Layout - NEEDS TO BE MADE Templates - NEEDS TO BE MADE Files - WIP Accessibility - NEEDS TO BE MADE Wiki Team Improvement This goal is a bit more grey in terms of completion/where-to-go. My goal this month has been to restart our forums activity and get you guys involved again here. Otherwise I hope to just keep poking and prodding y'all to help contribute. Content Expansion This has been a great month for content expansion. There has been a large amount of progress with documenting objects on the wiki, specifically Firearms, HUDs, and Simple Mobs. You can all help out here by continuing to populate item/object/mob pages that are missing information. Additionally, rewriting or improving guides to be up-to-date and more user-friendly is always benificial. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion if you were @'d on this post it means that you contributed meaningfully to our wiki in some aspect and I'd hope you are willing to stay around another month to keep doing so. If you want to get involved with editing the wiki and don't know how, @ me on the discord and I'll happily sit down and teach you stuff when I get the chance. I hope to continue doing this every month. Here is a syntax guide for those who are curious As always, thanks for the hard work everyone!
    4 points
  2. Myself and @Tourte got what we deserved after rushing to repair the emergency shuttle during a meteor shower.
    2 points
  3. Martial arts: Martial arts are one of the better choices one could take as a traitor. They're strong, can't be taken away from you, and require nothing but your hands. Then why aren't they used more often? Simply put, they're hard to use effectively. One slip-up and you'll be put at the merciless hands of security. Hopefully this guide will help you avoid that. General tips: All your grabs start out as blue (aggressive) grabs. You can quickly press Z after a short delay to reinforce a grab further, making it impossible to escape out of, or immediately grab and throw someone. Utilize stuns-based moves first before focusing on doing damage. Useful hotkeys for martial arts are Z, which uses the item in your hand, X, which switches hands, 1-4, which switch intents, and R, which toggles throw mode. Avoid getting hit by bolas at all cost. These will slow you down to a crawl, and make you an easy target for anyone. All combos are performed by clicking on someone with one intent, and then using another, unless otherwise stated. A harm, harm combo would be performed by clicking on someone with harm intent twice, for example. Sleeping Carp: Sleeping carp is a martial art focused on defense. While you lack many of the stuns of CQC, when throw mode is enabled, you will deflect any and all projectiles if you're standing up. Attacking or throwing/catching something will disable throw mode, however. Beware of flashbangs, batons, and other non-projectile based stuns. Keelhaul: Harm, Grab. Inflicts a short stun, and does some stamina damage. This move does not stun if they are already stunned, but still does stamina damage. It is also the only move that does stamina damage or stuns. Crashing Waves Kick: Harm, Disarm. Does some damage and knocks the target away. Gnashing Teeth: Harm, Harm. Does large amounts of consecutively increasing damage. Close Quarters Combat: Unlike Sleeping Carp, CQC is all about offense. You have a variety of combos that can knock someone out in seconds, meaning if you gain the element of surprise, you're essentially guaranteed to win. Enabling throw mode gives you a high chance to block melee attacks. Unlike Sleeping Carp, you have zero protection against taser or disabler fire. A successful disarm on an opponent will take their item and put it in your hand. If you're resting, attacks with harm intent inflict a short stun. This can be paired with CQC kick to knock someone out incredibly fast. Slam: Grab, switch hands, Harm. Inflicts a lengthy stun and does some damage. Only works on people standing up. CQC Kick: Harm, Harm. Deals decent damage, and knocks someone back. On stunned targets, knocks them out for thirty seconds and does some brain damage. Restrain: Grab, switch hands, Grab. Inflicts a stun and some stamina damage. Disarm after performing this combo to knock someone out for thirty seconds, and do some brain damage. Pressure: Disarm, Grab. Deals large amounts of stamina damage. Consecutive CQC: Disarm, Disarm, Harm. Does large amounts of damage, and small amounts of stamina damage. Useful for dealing damage to an incapacitated target without kicking them away.
    1 point
  4. A story in ten lines, aka joining an ongoing round at 0:30:
    1 point
  5. So, the psychologist! Medbay's most misunderstood resident, often found in their little domicile in some far flung corner away from all the chaos in the lobby. The little role has been a mainstay of mine for a while because of the unique type of roleplay it offers, and in this guide I aim to explore the types of colourful players you'll likely find donning the turtleneck and labcoat. F Tier : Greytide with Medical Acess These are the psychs who belong in an isolation ward and break server rules off the bat. Straightjackets and/or ethers random people with the syringegun, or just beats people up. Overdoses on ALL of his psych pills at the start of the round, lying in a jibbering and shaking mess on the office floor. Breaks into medical chemistry to produce metric tonnes of meth, much to the ire of the CMO. Single handedly responsible for the terrible reputation that Psychs have. E Tier: Dr Purnell These guys at least ATTEMPT to be a psychologist but in a very LRP "ohoho im a 60s asylum doctor" kinda way. Will still straitjacket random patients and give them ether, but will go "SIR YOU ARE CRIMINALLY INSANE" before doing so. Will "lobotomize" people by dragging them kicking and screaming to OR 1 to be debrained. Has the sense to not get high on his own supply and instead hands out drugs to random people at the bar. Is the reason the CMO hates their job, and will get pulled aside to be demoted if sec doesn't arrest them for manslaughter first (OPTIONAL) Wears a gasmask. D Tier: "We have a psychologist???" These are psychologists that exist on the manifest but are never heard from at all, nor are they ever in their office for any length of time. Doesn't act like a shitter but also may not really exist, truly a cryptid. C Tier: The Giver of Weed CONGRATULATIONS! If you've made it to this tier then you technically do the BARE MINIMUM that a psychologist is expected to do! Generally just exists in their office and around the department awaiting patients. Most people who show up just want weed or are antags looking to apply stunprod to forehead for that sweet, sweet greentext. Occasionally, will actually see a patient and attempt true psych RP. Has the potential to be B or even A tier provided they take the initative that the role requires. B Tier: "Thanks Doc!" Unlike C tier, B tier psychs understand they need to take the initative with their role. Will use the medical records to identify patients with edgy troubled backstories and use the PDA system to ask how they're feeling. More generally, will leave the office and actually walk about the station, meaning more people will see them leading to potential RP. Actually does proper RP, knows they need to set an example and conduct themselves in a professional manner. They are kind, compassionate and actively listen. When talking to patients asks questions that are in context and get to the root of the issue ( e.g. "Why did [Event] make you feel that way?"). Only perscribes medication when roleplay appropriate (e.g. Weed for patients with anxiety). A Tier: Frontier Psychiatrist A true master of RP. The main difference between this guy and B tier is the extent to which they will go for truly memorable and sometimes round affecting RP. A B tier psychologist will use the PDA system to obtain patients, an A tier one makes use of station wide annoncements from the Captain, CMO or AI and Newscasters to advertise their services in addition to PDAing. An A tier psychologist will bookmark sessions and obtain a cast of regular clients who they RP with, asking the right kind of questions to help flesh out their patients backstories. An important distinction to note is that psychologists are NOT expected to perform medical duties. A tier psychologists will ACTIVELY REFUSE to help patients with medical trauma outside of basic first aid, as IC, they lack true medical knowledge. While this is optional, doing so adds so much more flavour to the role and cements them as an actual character, not just a walking healer build like most of medical. A tier psychs will write perscription forms for patients, wether for RP or to obtain actual in game chemicals. These are the kind of psychs that CentCom keep on call for when the Captain starts acting weird.
    1 point
  6. Lately, I've been seeing a lot of poor-quality prayers. Want to be sure your prayer isn't one of them? Try following these tips. 1) Don't confuse prayers with ahelps, faxes, etc. Anything regarding rule violations or OOC problems belongs in an ahelp, not a prayer. Trial admins cannot see prayers, so putting your report of a rule violation in a prayer, rather than an ahelp, may prevent admins from helping you. Any question about game mechanics belongs in mentorhelp, not a prayer. Let the mentors help you. Do not decide your religion is 'The Syndicate' or 'Central Command' or similar, and act like praying to these 'gods' gives you a hotline to CC/Syndi/etc. It doesn't. CC/Syndi/etc are not mind-readers, and these types of prayers won't be heard. If your character has a religion, make it something at least vaguely sensible. Prayers should be messages intended for the gods - and nothing/nobody else. 2) In general, don't pray for obvious material aid, especially aid that compensates for your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes in SS13. Sometimes, you die as a result. That's part of the game. We don't want to encourage people to pray every time they think they can get some material benefit out of it, and as a result, we can/do often send lightning bolts instead of healing when people ask for heals without a really good reason. Instead of asking the gods for material aid, ask your fellow crew members. There are entire departments (medical, sec, etc) that are there to help you. Use them. 3) Put effort into your prayer. For example, assembling some objects in a pattern and praying for something related. RP a little in your prayer. Make the prayer about something that would truly add to the round, and be fun for all - not just fun for you. Low-effort prayers, like 'help?' are typically ignored. Higher-effort prayers are more likely to be answered. 5) Understand that there are many gods, and they range from friendly, through hostile, to insane. You have no idea which god will get/answer your prayer. Prayer is like spinning a roulette wheel. You never know what the result will be. Even two identical prayers, by the same person, in the same round, can have opposite results. You simply never know. If you haven't figured this out yet, that means prayers are HIGHLY RISKY, and generally not something you want to do unless you have no other options left, or you're RPing a religious character. For example, someone recently prayed to be turned into a dangerous beast with a secret mission. They got turned into a crab, with the objective to snip their claws at every head of staff. They were shortly turned into crab soup by the crew. Making a prayer is rather like asking a genie for a wish - it can do amazing things, yes, but you have zero guarantee that the genie granting the wish isn't malicious, insane and/or dedicated to granting the letter of the wish but not the spirit. There's also a good chance that the god answering your prayer will be outright evil, or simply choose to answer it in the way most amusing for them. Gods normally stay out of mortal affairs, but if you pray to them, you invite them into your life, and that will, quite often, end badly for you. 6) Understand that praying "I am bored" will result in terrible things happening to you. In a shift yesterday, the head of security made the terrible mistake of praying "I am bored, I wish something would happen". Shortly thereafter, CC announced an unusual event: "Many tears in the fabric of time and space have opened. Expected location: EVERYWHERE". The HoS' office alone contained three tears, and thus three tears' worth of monsters. There were 50+ monsters on the station overall. The entire security team died fighting a horde of xenomorphs through the halls of the brig. I believe the HoS' last thoughts before passing away were "why oh why did I make that prayer?!?!?". Normally "I'm bored" prayers won't wreck the whole station, or even your department. But they often end very, very badly for you. A crew member praying "I am bored" is rather like a mouse standing atop a human-sized chair, squeaking "everything is perfect. Nothing can go wrong now!" - in an apartment with several cats. It is tempting fate to an astonishingly dangerous degree, so much so that even clowns would recognize it is a bad idea. Y'know how people in movies say "nothing can go wrong now!" and then they die horribly? Same idea. Do not tempt fate. 7) The gods do not care if you are a Chaplain, or Clown. No, Chaplains are not more likely to get their prayers answered than any other crew. Chaplains work for their gods, NOT the other way around. A Chaplain who treats their god like a free-stuff dispenser will end up on that god's bad side fast. Clowns aren't taken seriously by their fellow crew, let alone the gods. Indeed, sometimes the gods love to see clowns suffer just as much as crew do. Don't think that "because I'm a chaplain" or "because I'm a clown" is a good reason to get what you want out of prayers. It ISN'T. If anything, higher standards of prayer RP are expected from Chaplains. 8) Good results from prayers are not always obvious Suppose you make an awesome prayer, and the gods grant it. Will you notice? MAYBE. Gods tend to work in mysterious ways. If you pray for a light source while exploring dark maintenance tunnels, maybe you find one in the next room. Was that the result of your prayer, or just luck? You'll never know. If you pray that someone finds your dying, crippled body, and then someone does... was that luck? Or your prayer? You don't know. If you pray that the Captain suffer for their gross incompetence, and later on, their office is blown up... was that luck? You don't know. I'm sure you get the point by now. Much of the time, responses to prayers that are granted will not be obvious. You won't know if your prayer did anything, and if so, exactly what it did. 9) Watch out for hints after praying. If an admin decides to send you a message in response to your prayer, the two typical ways it might appear are SubtleMessage (SM) and DirectNarrate (DN). SMs are prefixed with "You hear a voice in your head...". If you get a message like that, especially shortly after praying, take it as a tip from the gods. You don't have to follow it, but in most cases, it would be extremely unwise not to. SMs are typically sent to people who pray for help with something they ought to know, but don't, like an engineer praying for help with engine setup, or a captain praying for guidance about what to do when the station has lots of antags. If your character gets a SubtleMessage, treat it as an extreme life protip. Often, people who fail to heed these suffer greatly as a result of their own actions. You can ignore subtle messages, but it is very unwise to. If the subtle message asks a question, the best way to reply is by praying again. Most subtle messages won't be questions, though. DirectNarrates are different. Personally, when I reply to prayers, I tend to use DN to produce messages like "The Communications Console catches your eye." which act like hints. They're so subtle, you may not be able to tell them apart from normal game messages (except by looking at the game source code, and realizing there's nothing in the code that could produce a message like that). These too are usually ultimate protips, intended to help you without obvious divine intervention. The exception is if you get a message like "You feel a terrible [something] wash over you". A message like that indicates the gods may be cursing you for your prayer. If everyone suddenly has a wave of dread wash over them, especially if the message stating so is in bold, red text, that indicates that either a singularity has consumed a supermatter shard, likely reaching stage 6 and turning into one of the most destructive forces of nature in the game... or the dark gods are about to make life very interesting for the Cyberiad's inhabitants. Or a good god is sending a mass-protip to everyone that they need to have their wits about them in the near future, if they want to survive. That message can mean multiple things, but it generally always results in an adventure. After praying, watch your screen carefully for subtle hints. Look around yourself carefully, too. Items may have moved, or appeared, while you were not paying attention. 10) Cookies are not always your friend, but you should eat them anyway One of the many standard options for admins responding to prayers is to spawn a cookie. While the cookie is usually just a normal cookie, and means "we heard you, but we aren't going to do anything about that", there are variations. Some of the cookies will kill you, or turn you into a monster, if you eat them. Others may give you super powers. There is no way to tell what a cookie will do, short of eating it. If the cookie is cursed, throwing it away, or making someone else eat it, won't help you. It will probably just make your curse stronger. The gods really hate it when mortals try to turn curses placed on them to their own advantage. Such mortals typically end up as cluwnes or worse. 11) Max one prayer per round Don't pray more than once per round. The more prayers you make in a round, the more likely you are to get a bad outcome. The gods get annoyed by repeated prayers from the same person in a short span of time. One prayer per round might seem like a low limit, but consider it an incentive to make your one prayer really good. 12) Don't treat prayers as get-out-of-jail-free cards The purpose of prayers is NOT to give you some advantage that helps you out of a difficult situation. The purpose of prayers is allowing your character to ask, ICly, for divine intervention that will make the round better for the crew at large. Now that you know what NOT to do, let's look at some good prayers... As crew, with a terrible Captain and no IAA: "Lord Istomar, I pray, see this fool Captain suffer for their incompetence. They run around in their suit, for no reason, brandishing the nuclear auth disk, on green alert. They are an embarrassment to Captains everywhere. Amen." As a mime, tending to your fallen comrade, with incompetent medbay: "Divine Light, please help my comrade, Maximillian Arcturus, for they have fallen in battle with the dread spiders. Their body is wracked with poison, and their chances look grim. Medbay is overwhelmed with the injured, and you are their only hope." As clown, in a dull shift: "Great Honkmother, I pray, grant me something harmless but amusing, that I might bring cheer and HONKs to this dreary station." As chef, after some greytider murders all your animals: "Lady, the vile ruffian Joe Schmoe has snuck into my workplace, and murdered all my beloved animals. I beseech you for aid in bringing them back to the land of the living, or seeing Joe cursed for his attacks on the defenseless farm animals." As HoP, after Ian goes missing: "Great God of Paperwork, I have served thee in filling thy forms and dotting thy divine i's. I ask: help me find my poor lost dog, Ian, who needs me." As Chef, after an hour of Botany not doing their job: "Spirit of Summer, bringer of bountiful harvests, I beg thee: help me acquire the produce I require to bake my great feast. Botany has made not a shred of food this shift, and I am despairing. At this rate, I will never be able to feed the crew." Lessons you can learn from the good prayers: If someone needs help, explain why, and mention why you can't get help from the regular mortal authorities. If someone really deserves to be smited, explain why. And mention why the regular mortal authorities cannot do it. Always focus on how your request helps someone else, or at least makes things more fun for the crew (ie: players). Never focus on how the request benefits you personally. Don't be afraid to use old-fashioned and descriptive language. Remember, this is meant to be a semi-formal request for your god. Not a throwaway line. Make it obvious which god you are praying to, both by name (e.g: Spirit of Summer), and function/portfolio (god of the harvest), so the admins have some context for which god they might pretend to be while they're replying.
    1 point
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