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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2022 in all areas

  1. TL;DR: Make bluespace plants restricted weapons in the Space Law. So, I have noticed that a fair share of people seem to not really know how to handle dealing with bluespace bananas and, especially, bluespace tomatoes, Space Law-wise. Is it assault or something along those lines? There's no bodily harm, unless the plant successfully throws someone into an environmental hazard. Is it kidnapping? It is forceful relocation and the victim might be unable to leave. Is it creating a workplace hazard or even sabotage? Throwing around bluespace plants is pretty malicious and endangers the crew. All can work depending on the circumstances, but it requires a solid grasp of the Space Law so you can prove you point. Even old timers sometimes aren't sure what to do with such botanists, who can make pretty convincing arguments that no law was broken. I believe there is an elegant solution to that: I suggest adding bluespace plants to the list of restricted weapons. This way, carrying one outside of hydroponics would lead to major crime charges, which additionally give security strong basis for requesting a demotion. I believe it would be in line with the relatively recent lethal chemicals addition to the list. One last thing: I'm aware that, as per advanced rules, people abusing these plants should be ahelped. However, advanced rules are read a lot less than the Space Law and require admin intervention. This would make situation a lot more clear for people and act as a failsafe in case no admin can handle the situation at the moment.
    4 points
  2. IPCs were always meant to be hardmode, and an RP race at heart. Paradise IPCs accomplish this well enough as is, so much so that other servers considering IPCs often look towards Paradise, rather than baycode synths. They fit Paradise and lower RP servers well, as a race that allows a player to easily introduce themselves to a different style of roleplay. These buffs have an interesting concept, but would take away much of the purpose behind IPCs. I will never agree that IPCs are 'too powerful', anyone that's actually tried to play them for awhile can tell you that isn't the case. But they don't need to be all that powerful--it's enough that they're diverse and encourage roleplay. If you want to play a more powerful, buff synth, there are lawed chassis.
    2 points
  3. 2022 March Wiki Update: Hey hey folks, I know it's been a few months since I've made a monthly update but it's never to late to start it up again. Quite frankly, we've got a lot of work to do still, however instead of catching up with the github, we're focused on expanding our content. You know what they say, new year new wiki update formats. This year I'd like to expand how our monthly wiki updates are formatted: I will still proceed with the changelog, however it will only be for SIGNIFICANT changes; Needed changes will remain the same; I will include a section for how were are meeting our 2022 wiki development goals; I will include a section specifically guiding our players on how to contribute to the wiki! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision Requests & Changelog What needs to be done on the Wiki: Apparel needs to be expanded (We're doing such a great job y'all, keep it up) Starters Guide to Admin Tools needs to be updated (more admin stuff) Blob needs to take into account new nuke blob tile Creating your own paracode server needs to be rewritten Telecommunications images need a once-over/fix Guide for beginners needs a once-over Guide to Regex needs to be expanded upon Singularity Engine is missing images and could do with a rewrite Guide to Robotics is missing info about the Cyborg Analyzer Guide to Lavaland is missing Lavaland loot from chests (should put all treasure loot & megafauna drops in a table). Karma System could do with a rework + it needs to be updated with the new AI & auto refund system Martial Arts is missing all other forms of martial arts such as Plasma Fist, Admin-Fu, etc Simple Mobs needs to be filled out with more simple mobs :D Heads Up Displays needs to be filled out with more information Firearms needs to be filled out with more firearms and add all ammo sprites Vendors needs to take into account new security apparel These Pages need to be written: Guide to Cleaning Guide to Command/Leadership Service Items Derelict Researcher Courtroom needs to be filled out Electrical Maintenance Needs to be filled out Meta and Delta location need to filled out and added(image files that is) Guide to Bug Fixing Guide to Making a PR Guide to TGUI We need to go through all of our files and crosscheck them with the Goon .DMI file folder and apply the proper licenses other shit I can't be bothered to add or has been added since time of writing, see: Maintenance Panel Keep knocking out those revision requests y'all. March Change Log: Random Events has been completely rewritten Guide to Security has been completely rewritten Game Modes has been completely rewriteen Template:Location/Security_Level has been added to locations to note security level in terms of Space Law trespassing crimes Guide for Beginners has seen serious rework and improvement thanks to @Warriorstar Vampire has been updated to reflect new Vampire Rework thanks to @Charliminator & @Threes Apparel has recently been updated and expanded thanks to @Miragta12CZE Most (if not all) engineering guides/pages have been fact-checked and improved by @LtGerbal Syndicate Items has received color coding based on Space Law Contraband status thanks to @Tenheydes Simple Mobs has been created with the help of @SteelSlayer Heads Up Displays has been created Firearms has been created Example Paperwork has all mentions of the NSS Cyberiad converted to [Station] thanks to @realmartcraft Template:Tooltip has been made more browser friendly Guide to Construction information about disposals construction has been added thanks to @BottomQuark Pets has been moved to the Simple Mobs Page KOS Chart added to Space Law thanks to @MattTheFicus Lots of Grammatical and Spelling corrections thanks to @PopeDaveThe3th A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER CHANGES Thank you to all of our contributes I haven't specifically mentioned yet: @peter103@Vulkoras@maxfromsweden@Arkhip0v@Qwertytoforty@Krossarn@Generaldonothing@LightFire53@thorium90cent@Meow19@Zydras@whataboutism@Miraviel@Aligote@Abigail886@Agatasa@Beo208@Vilshen@Chapitito As you can clearly see, it takes A LOT of contributors to keep the wiki chugging, I encourage all of you who have may <5 edits to continue learning and contributing! I'm always here to support and guide. Those of you who do not contribute (but still read this :D ) this is the perfect time to start learning and becoming a part of our awesome team. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 Development Goals - How we can/are meeting them! Alright lets revisit those development goals and see how we're farin! Finish Every Portal Page - A.K.A Wiki Navigation So far we've been making progress. Most notably through the use of portal pages. These portal pages are the bridges between our main page and literally all knowledge on the wiki, they link together one topic and all articles pertaining to its topic. So far we have established three categories of portal pages: Contributor Portals, Game Mechanics Portals, and Department Portals. So far only a few of the portals have actually been established EX: Engineering Portal. What we need to do is continue developing these and expanding them. It's pretty simple, just copy the format of the other ones, just @ me if you need help. Current State of Portal Pages Job Portals General - FINISHED Service - FINISHED Supply - FINISHED Medical - WIP Security - NEEDS TO BE MADE Engineering - WIP Research - NEEDS TO BE MADE Command - NEEDS TO BE MADE Antagonist - NEEDS TO BE MADE Legal - NEEDS TO BE MADE Special Role - NEEDS TO BE MADE Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - NEEDS TO BE MADE Github Contributor - WIP Technical Troubleshooting - NEEDS TO BE MADE Hosting - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Mechanics Portals New Player - NEEDS TO BE MADE Server Systems - Mobs - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Objects - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Rounds - NEEDS TO BE MADE Lore - NEEDS TO BE MADE Development of a Manual of Style This is a long-term project, I have made some minor progress with it. So far I have developed the guidelines for files/typography n' stuff but that is still very much a work in progress. I encourage y'all to suggest things but ultimately this falls upon me to write since it's setting the standards for our wiki writing. Current State of MOS: Typography - WIP Prose - NEEDS TO BE MADE Content - NEEDS TO BE MADE Layout - NEEDS TO BE MADE Templates - NEEDS TO BE MADE Files - WIP Accessibility - NEEDS TO BE MADE Wiki Team Improvement This goal is a bit more grey in terms of completion/where-to-go. My goal this month has been to restart our forums activity and get you guys involved again here. Otherwise I hope to just keep poking and prodding y'all to help contribute. Content Expansion This has been a great month for content expansion. There has been a large amount of progress with documenting objects on the wiki, specifically Firearms, HUDs, and Simple Mobs. You can all help out here by continuing to populate item/object/mob pages that are missing information. Additionally, rewriting or improving guides to be up-to-date and more user-friendly is always benificial. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion if you were @'d on this post it means that you contributed meaningfully to our wiki in some aspect and I'd hope you are willing to stay around another month to keep doing so. If you want to get involved with editing the wiki and don't know how, @ me on the discord and I'll happily sit down and teach you stuff when I get the chance. I hope to continue doing this every month. Here is a syntax guide for those who are curious As always, thanks for the hard work everyone!
    1 point
  4. This is the only one I could see being fine to add without really having an impact on balance. Biological races already have an implant that reduces food consumption so letting IPCs charge less often seems like it'd be fine to me. That being said, it doesn't seem like the nutrient implants are used that often because you basically only need to eat once or twice in the shift anyways and for an IPC you can basically quickly charge anywhere without even having to find food. If this were added as a convenience thing similar to the nutrient implant though I personally wouldn't have any problem with it but it seems like it might be more effort than it's worth to add it. The other ones are just too strong and I agree with what Spark said about IPCs being more focused around a different RP experience than being "powerful". I think they accomplish feeling way different from biological races really well.
    1 point
  5. If you haven't read my first post, perhaps do so now and come back. Finished already? Let's get down to business. "So, what does the CE do exactly?" The answer will vary depending on who you ask. Some say that the CE is strictly administrative and should focus on commanding their department with a hands off approach. Some people (me) believe that a CE should be working alongside with the rest of their department. Both of these methods work, but the real truth lies somewhere in between. The CE should be able to help their department when needed, but also able to command their team and ensure the job is getting done. In my opinion, the CE is one of the most intensive jobs on the station, right up there with AI. Think of it like babysitting a large group of toddlers that are all on the edge of being considered legally deaf that are also trying to build a Lego Death Star, while also having to fold laundry and cook dinner before the NTR or IAA comes home and gets upset. I cannot stress this enough, but the first mark of a good CE is the ability to know what needs to be done and how to do it. You should at least get a basic understanding before attempting CE. This includes atmospherics. Yes, I'm talking to you. "What should I do as CE?" At roundstart, first things that should be done as CE is to check the manifest. Know who is in your department. Know how many people are in your department. Remember you need engineers AND atmos techs for a fully functioning department. If you feel like you do not have enough people, notify the HoP or captain immediately and request the job set to priority. An understaffed department can be a death sentence for the station, especially with a bald team. Equip yourself. Get all the gear you need and and make sure you are prepared for the shift. Next, divvy up the work. Talk to people directly. Point at them and say, "Can you do solars for me?" or "Please do solars for me." Find out who has plans for this shift. Ask if people have personal projects they are pursuing. Make CERTAIN someone you know is capable is setting up the SM. If you think you have to do it, do that now. I posted a guide to SM setup that can be found here: Once you're finished with setting up the SM, or have ensured that the SM is being set up by a reliable engineer, go to atmospherics. Make sure the atmos techs have properly set up atmospherics. This includes swapping the volumetric pumps on distro to regular pumps and making sure all of the filters are set to max flow. Continue to check up on solars regularly as all of this is going on. Once you know atmos is properly set up, monitor the engine during startup. Once the engine is up and running smoothly, go and order the station goal from cargo. Now, your course of action changes depending on the goal. Here's how I chose my courses of action based on the different goals and what I order: -Station Shields: For station shields, I order 5 crates. I order 4 crates of shield satellites, not shield generators. This should translate to approximately 12 satellites total. Next, order the shield satellite monitor board. Once the crates arrive, DO NOT OPEN THEM. Find the monitor board and replace the arcade machine in engineering with the monitor board. It's as easy as swapping out the board. After that, find engineers with hardsuits. Instruct them to place satellites around important parts of the station first (i.e. solars, the SM, AI satellite, departures, perma, and arrivals). It is also recommended to hand out your hardsuit jetpack upgrade. Only open the satellite crates when you are beginning setup while EVA. Ensure that all of the satellites are spaced out well and turned on. Remember that the satellite coverage percentage is very deceptive. Even at 150-200%, meteors can still hit the station. Your goal is to get to 100% to get credit for completion. -DNA Vault: If the goal is DNA vault, immediately decide on a location for the vault. Two popular spots on the Cyberriad are the garden in departures and in the cubby hole between grav gen and the teleporter room, but feel free to use your imagination. Immediately inform botany and science that the goal is DNA vault. Botany especially. DNA vault is a lot of work for botany. If you need a room built for a DNA vault, ensure that is done in a timely manner. Once the crates are delivered, take the sampler crate and hand out samplers to botany and science, as well as leaving one at the vault location and giving one to an engineer. Tell the engineer to run around collecting as many samples as they can and deposit them. The DNA vault isn't difficult to build, but ensure it is done before you have too many samples and nowhere to put them. The DNA vault requires 5 super capacitors and 5 pico manipulators to complete, so if RND is even semi bald, it should be fairly easy to get the parts you need. After all that is done, you've done all you can do. It's in the hands of botany and science now. Sometimes, you'll have to order some animal crates to make up the difference, but otherwise, it is now out of your hands. -Bluespace Artillery First, determine a place for the BSA. The most difficult part of this goal is the construction required on engineering's part and the research done on RND's part. Make sure people are working on the room whenever possible. Make certain to check up on the construction periodically to ensure everything is running smoothly and to bring the engineers any parts they need. The BSA is a very material hungry goal. It requires 20 bluespace crystals, 5 quadratic capacitors and 5 femto manipulators. Ensure that the BSA has a glass wall to fire through and make sure that the machines go in this order from front to back: bore, fusor, generator. Also ensure that the bore is TWO tiles back from the wall. TWO. Otherwise you will shoot a hole in the wall every time you fire. Other than that, your job is done. -Bluespace Harvester: First, find a location. There's no real best place to do it, but I find the spare construction area in the northeast portion of engineering on the Cyberriad a good place. All you have to do is make sure it's wired, constructed, and connected to a power source. To construct, you'll need 5 quadratic capacitors and 5 bluespace crystals. There are many different power sources, each with there own benefits and drawbacks, but the goal is to supply as much power as you can to the BSH. Make sure that it isn't wired directly to the station grid and please don't set it to anything over 10 unless you're ready to fight literal hellspawns. "What are some other tips to be a good CE?" Be an approachable CE. Be well mannered with your team and they will usually reciprocate. Say "please" and "thank you." Let your team know they did a good job when they did a good job. Don't. Be. A. Dick. I promise that if you act like an asshole as CE, the department will not listen to you. Be polite, but remember that YOU are in charge. If something needs doing or someone needs a talking to, do not be afraid to let them know that there will be consequences for their actions if they disobey orders without a pretty damn good reason. Communicate. Communicate communicate communicate. A silent CE is a disliked CE. Make sure people know that you are the CE and make sure people know what needs doing when it needs doing. Be sure to keep your department informed as well. This DOES NOT mean that you should recite command comms to the entire department. If there are rumors of clings, tell your department and ensure they are careful when entering maints. Be a role model. Act like you know what you're doing and move with confidence. If you don't know what you're doing, do not hesitate to ask someone who does. People would prefer a CE that wants to learn instead of acting like hot shit when they're not. Take care of new recruits. If someone comes up to you and says, "Hey, I'm new here. What should I do?" that is your queue to make sure they end the shift knowing more than when they started. Attach them to an engineer that you know is competent or even teach them yourself, if you feel confident in your ability to do so. TL;DR: Know what you're doing. Be open. Be kind. Be confident.
    1 point
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