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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2022 in all areas

  1. Cheers to @LicaPebble(Mia) for making a cute Blossom drawing for her big project. Many thanks to @ConfectionCore for the amazing Blossom & Bubblegum art too! Even more amazing art! This time by @McRamon Lovely HoS art <3 A new art piece by @EmilitiaEnnehrt Much love <3
    2 points
  2. Alright everyone time to metagrudge vallidian and burn down his minecraft house
    1 point
  3. I'm going to nitpick and point out that is not how ionizing radiation works. It would 100% effect anything that's electronic including IPCs. I'd go as far as to say radiation should act as a flash to maint drones, cyborgs, and IPCs while the radiation is above a certain threshold but speaking those words aloud just agro'd every silicon and IPC main. Just look up Radiation and how it effects electronics.
    1 point
  4. 1) There are also very few chemicals useful to you. You have no healing over time. Your access to adrenals and stun-resistance is highly limited. Viruses are almost always positive. You're still susceptible to any kind of fire-based chem or acid. 2) Nobreathe is almost functionally pointless. A topped up yellow tank does the same thing. 3) Situational functionality during a single event isn't terribly useful, it's merely convenient. Sources of radiation aren't common, and deliberately irradiating yourself to affect others is something that would be restricted to a hijack antagonist. 4) Chicken noodle soup exists. 5) Food heals organics. Medbots heal organics. Clicking on yourself with a widely available automender for .2 seconds heals organics. This ties back into #1. 6) You also can't ghost and maintain role eligibility. Your speaker can also be turned off, which makes this moot. The only meaningful buff that IPCs have over other species is that they can't get IB, but this is more or less moot because they tend not to survive encounters that would typically cause them to begin with. As another point, you can't be cloned and *must* receive surgery to be revived. This makes death a much larger hassle, as it's dependent on someone having knowledge + tools + time, rather than three clicks on a cloner (or one, with it upgraded).
    1 point
  5. I have no problem charging people with grand trespass if they're deliberately using bluespace produce to get to the bridge.
    1 point
  6. IPCs were always meant to be hardmode, and an RP race at heart. Paradise IPCs accomplish this well enough as is, so much so that other servers considering IPCs often look towards Paradise, rather than baycode synths. They fit Paradise and lower RP servers well, as a race that allows a player to easily introduce themselves to a different style of roleplay. These buffs have an interesting concept, but would take away much of the purpose behind IPCs. I will never agree that IPCs are 'too powerful', anyone that's actually tried to play them for awhile can tell you that isn't the case. But they don't need to be all that powerful--it's enough that they're diverse and encourage roleplay. If you want to play a more powerful, buff synth, there are lawed chassis.
    1 point
  7. The idea of upgrades for IPCs might sound good on paper. But there are multiple problems with it. They are right now just a race and they have to be balances with other races. Races need balance. And yeah IPCs probably should be different from other races, but they REALLY already are. But then let's take a look at what you propose: 1. Hardened chassis 50% is a lot. If it was to be a thing, the percentage would need to be small like 10%. 50% is effectively double the health. And IPC can fix themselves really quick, this would make them literally never visit robotics again. Balancing this would be a nightmare first because you need to get the percentage of DMG reduction right, then bcs you need to balance the speed cost for this implant. 2. Batteries I find that a cool idea actually. Maybe not let them use slime core. But recharging as IPC is quick anyways, so not sure how useful it would be in the end. That one sounds like a cool idea to me. BUT... It sounds like a terrible idea if combined with the things i will comment further into the post. Giving them more power own its own is fine BCS that just makes them have to recharge less, but you also suggest giving them ability to spend the hunger to gain speed and to self repair which with combination with higher batter capacities would make IPCs stronger than the rest of the races. 3. Self repair Looking at balance - Nian have sort of that. They can go into cocoon and heal. It takes A LOT of hunger to do so, and the heal is really small. IPCs right now can fix themselves quicker with a welder and cables than Nian using their heal ability. (and IPCs don't need to use hunger). This is terrible idea. Self heal and heal over time things are already extremely strong. Look as hard it is to get a nuke op down that is hit by this healing beam of theirs. If you can disengage antag/sec then heal, recharge hunger and come back it makes you really strong oponent. So this would have to be a really slow proces, and thus it would be faster to just fix yourself with a welder and wires, and if that's the case... Then what's the point? 4. Speed upgrade Speed is everything. this sounds ok at the beginning, but then think about balance. Being IPC becomes meta in engineering where almost every action with RCD is timed (except making floor). This upgrade would make patching breaches optimal for engineering and thus make it suboptimal to play anything but IPC in engineering. This also makes it easier to kidnap someone if you are in space and need to use RCD to make a breach, grab someone and leave. 5. Oil hatch Speed is everything. In combat the faster person can run away or catch up to someone running. The faster person dictates the pace of combat. Faster person is harder to hit. Cultists with speed robes are insanely hard to catch from what I know. This upgrade would be a bad game design. Every IPC would get one just to be able to get away from antage or to become uncatchable for 3 minutes. And if the oil would ever run out then they would just refill themselves. Ultimately all of this is as AA said: All of this gives IPCs some mechanical advantage and no disadvantage. Adding all of this also means giving IPCs versatility. And versatility is extremely powerful. That being said... I like the idea a little bit. But not the execution. What i would propose as an 'upgrade' for IPC that robotics could do is for example: 1. Megaphone upgrade Allow IPC to speak loudly like using megaphone. Recharges 10-20 seconds and costs minimal amount of hunger. This would be annoying tho for the crew that would hear people abusing it. 2. Language Decoder Allows IPC to understand but not talk using given language. (Why not talk? Some languages f.e. kidan language requires antennae to communicate which not every IPC has). This would be annoying to people that enjoy the fact that only a selected number of players can understand given language f.e. some slime people talking in their language might find it annoying that some random IPC understands them. And besides this upgrade would be quite useless otherwise... Generally something that does not affect race balance and just gives them some gimmick. But the again: why not make these normal implant that everyone can use? And why would anyone code these things in the first place? I cannot really think of a single non-balance affecting upgrade that would not be annoying to someone. Another problem is time and effort it would require. Every feature has to be coded, tested and reviewed. Doing thing A means that theres no time to do B. TL;DR - IPCs don't need another buff. They are already extremely diverse. Could make these upgrades small (just gives IPCs a gimmick that do not affect balance). This would take some time anyway that could be spent developing other more important things like making other races more diverse from each other. So it is unlikely it would ever become a thing. Idea is somehow fun but execution is bad. And IPCs don't need that big of s buff at this moment.
    1 point
  8. Myself and @Tourte got what we deserved after rushing to repair the emergency shuttle during a meteor shower.
    1 point
  9. I don't really see the appeal of making one of the most mechanically diverse and different races even more different. I don't see how this would positively impact game balance or general enjoyment at all.
    1 point
  10. I don’t understand why any of those upgrades would be needed. They don’t need a speed buff and the cost of said speed buff is extra battery charge? Which can be countered with another upgrade, the battery upgrade? Seems like you just suggest buffs to IPCs with cost that the other buffs can just shut down which makes it really only buffs and no one wants to deal with that. More ions ions ions
    1 point
  11. Yeah no, this seems like a balance nightmare.
    1 point
  12. First Name: Keziah Last Name: Braun Gender: Female Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: Kez, Kezzy, Braun, Liz Picture(If Available) Age/D.O.B: January 26, 2541 Place Of Birth: Upper-class district, Luna Species: Human Blood Type: O+ Alignment: Lawful Neutral Affiliation: Solar Federation Religious Beliefs: Atheist Childhood: Keziah grew up with her two parents, Arthur and Anne Reed, Solar Federation Generals, who spoiled her with as much love and materials as they could. Being born to two very influential people gave her an odd childhood, surrounded by people who were much older than her, and performing in activities you wouldn't find a 13-year-old in. She grew up with a very blunt perception of the world. Not being shielded by anything such as death or even the "birds and the bees", something that might've been a bad thing to her as a child, but helpful for her as she grew older. Relations with friends or romantic partners weren't a thing for her. Attending training, military academies, and many events left her with little to no free time. Due to all of her "support" from her parents, she grew up to be very experienced, which once again left her behind children her age. Sadly, all of this caused her to develop extreme anxiety. Only wants to be the best for her peers and parents. If she couldn't set a standard for herself. then would she be enough for them? Adulthood: Rushing out of college quickly, Keziah decided to leave her home and venture out to other parts of the galaxy. Ending up in another system named Epsilon Erdani. Joining the crew as a librarian seemed like a good idea to her, but a more active job was more fitting such as being a roboticist. Her pursuit in science earned her the job of Research Director which she loved, the power of controlling an entire department felt empowering to her and only motivated her to climb on the ranks even more. Soon becoming a Captain due to her leadership skills, but she found more pleasure in Representing the corporation that is Nanotrasen better than controlling a backwater station. She is still serving her contract as a Representative until she comes back to Luna for further assignment. Detailed Information Appearance: Keziah is a woman with a beige-colored skin, fairly average in size. She has signs of doing a lot of exercise, but she lacks muscles or toned calves and such. She loves to dress herself in clothing that compliments her body like turtlenecks or dresses Her hair falls to her knees in a curly pattern, and you would think to yourself...why isn't this obstructing her movement or vision? Sometimes her hair could be seen pulled back into a rather tight bun to help her seem more professional in her job though. She has a celestial nose with freckles blanketing them alongside her entire nose/cheek area. Glasses covering her hazel eyes may be replaced with clear contacts at some times. She stands at 5'8 with an annoyed look of disgust on her face, clenching her fist at times when she feels rather violent. Overall, she's very confident in herself at least at first glance, and tries to hold that visage carefully. Character Voice: Keziah has the voice of an intern that isn't paid enough to work, and has to deal with dimwits every day. Her voice is euphonious, but that disappears when she starts to yell. Raising her voice to a more brisk and direct tone would be really condescending, but she doesn't mean it, honestly. She sounds sarcastic to anyone that she doesn't hold in regard to or just has annoyed her to a certain extent. Her laugh is often short and sweet stopping with a small chuckle if it is an amusing thing to hear or see. Personality: Keziah's personality is a mix of professionalism, annoyance, and chaos. Always starting professionally slowly devolving into an annoyed state then giving up all hope and falling into a mindset of chaos. Anything and everything seems to annoy her, but to different levels that aren't harmful or "bad". She does enjoy being with her co-workers and peers, but she would never admit it. But as tough as she may look or act a simple compliment melts her like butter. Medical Record: Starting simple Keziah is 5'8, weighs 150.5lbs, has a blood type of O+, and is lactose intolerant. Diving a bit deeper though her genetic code is off. Due to a botanical experiment, her DNA does have a few floral elements to it. Not making a plant but having those odd elements to her like a green tint, causing an allergic reaction from pollen, or having a rose scent to her. Fairly normal though and Doctors found nothing wrong with it. Her hair is "technically" a purple-ish pink color from that incident but only comes back in small patches that she dyes back fairly quickly. Keziah also denies all types of mechanical augments to her limbs, disliking the feeling of not being natural and organic. Character Biography Background: Growing up on Luna in the upper-class district gave Keziah many opportunities that other Selenian children did not have. While she did grow up physically and intelligentially superior to other kids, she did lack the social skills of a normal child. After her parents noticed the lack of social interaction with other children they did enroll her in a debate club. Why a debate club is a question she still doesn't know, but it did improve her social skills, and help her to become the SUPREME NanoTrasen Representative she is now. Her degree in communications is also a major factor in her having the jobs she is permitted to work now too. Having two Solar Federation Generals are your parents also helps in making sure you are well-versed in law and at least some type of procedure regarding it. Family: Keziah has a mother and father named Arthur and Anne Reed, and an older sister named Kinessia Briars. Her mother was always supportive of Keziah and anything she wanted to pursue. Never questioning her decision or actions, but only giving her advice on them. She wasn't too harsh or too gentle on her and always wanted the best for her. Without her mother, Keziah would've been a lazy good for nothing stuck-up adult if she wasn't pushed to strive for the best. Her Father was very overbearing to Keziah. He would wake her up at 6:00 AM sharp to start on her daily exercises, which no kid would enjoy, because..why? He was the cause of her childhood anxiety from the high expectations that he made clear. He's just as loving as her mother, but she does sigh as his attention gazes at her. Keziah's older sister, Kinessa Briars, is 13 years older than Keziah throwing her far ahead of her. She is currently a Solar Federation Representative which Keziah doesn't know much about due to her busy life and general distant connection to her. She's adopted and looks very different from the Reed family. She hasn't seen her for about a year or two now. History:…. Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Other Information: Even though Keziah grew up on Luna, she now lives on Mars in her 2br/1bh apartment which is fairly comfortable. Why she doesn't get a bigger house which she can obviously afford is beyond her mind, but she has her dog Marley to keep her company in her times of loneliness. If she's not staying over at her partner's house that is. She also doesn't believe in gods and all, but that won't stop her from saying, "Oh my god" or "Oh my lord" She doesn't say thank god though, defaulting to "Thank the Stars" instead. She always covers her mouth when eating, laughing, coughing, sneezing, or yawning. Whenever she sits her legs are always crossed, but on couches, she curls her legs up and leans back onto them. Well uhh, that's it for this Character Bio for Keziah. I made this because I didn't like this one. It felt insulting a bit and just not like Keziah. I do plan to expand more on Keziah using this club thingy and hope this all was pretty fine seeing as I suck at writing and stuff. Peace from the Middle East though(I'm not in the Middle East)
    1 point
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