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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2022 in all areas

  1. A new player learning medical saw my vox. I was in tears from laughter.
    5 points
  2. Hello! For the impatient, my questions are: How would you make Strange Reagent revival less tedious, without making it much easier? Would you like to have the internal organ revival process similar to limb debridement? I intend to make Strange Reagent revival a bit less tedious from medical's side, to (hopefully) slowly make it a more appealing alternative to "just shove it into the cloner". Please note that I do NOT want to make it a faster, easier, better alternative to cloning. I just wish to see it happen more often, outside of "well, they cannot be cloned, so I have to do this". Here is what happens when you revive someone with Strange Reagent (please correct me if I misread the code!): They get 50 clone damage They get 0-15 brute, burn, toxin damage If they were revived within: 1 minute, no necrosis occurs 20 minutes, necrosis occurs up to a 40% chance 20+ minutes, necrosis occurs with 40% chance If they have necrosis, they get a level 3 infection in the same organ. This is the usual treatment they receive, in no particular order: Anti-crit medicine Mannitol to fix brain damage Cryotube to fix the clone damage Debridement surgery for limbs Taking out organs one by one, splashing them with mitocholide, reinserting them Fixing surface injuries Fixing toxins. One thing that I wish to address here is the organ revival part. While you can do multi-surgery with debridement (for example, you can revive six limb parts at once, and only have to do it one by one at the dropper part), the organ revival part looks like this: Open up the body part Remove the necrotic organ Then either: Have a bottle of mitocholide, a beaker, and dropper Use the dropper to transfer reagents between the mitocholide bottle to the beaker Pick up the beaker Splash the organ Have 1 unit mitocholide pills and a beaker Put the 1 unit pill into the beaker Pick up the beaker Splash the organ Reinsert the organ This feels needlessly tedious compared to debridement (and very unsanitary, since the organs just end up on the floor), where you can transfer mitocholide directly from the bottle (via a dropper) to the limb. I suggest this should be able to be done the same way as internal organ disinfection: Choose the Organ Manipulation surgery At the organ manipulation step, have a container with mitocholide in it Directly apply it to the organ to revive it (Fix bones and) close the incision I do not wish to take away the original method, this is just an alternative I would offer. What are your thoughts?
    2 points
  3. Having mitocholide organ revival act like debridement in Organ Manipulation would just be a huge quality of life improvement, and wouldn't really make SR revival too overpowered or something. It doesn't circumvent the real mechanical hurdles of SR revival. Strange Reagent is, like other parts of medbay including simple surgeries, always suboptimal to the 'stop having interesting gameplay' button that is the cloner, when available. "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." Another issue SR has(other than the silly name) is that it's a 1u chem(including mitocholide and mutadone), which always feels kind of cheap and cheesy to me, when they could require varying amounts of chems or have effects over time. This ends up creating a cheap solution for chemistry where you just make 40 1u pills of any of these and forget about it. No more job work really, time to make meth or colorful reagent or something.
    2 points
  4. I don't play medbay, but I don't get SRed. one major issue, I feel, outside of the things outlined in this post are: the "you skin is literally decaying off you" text doesn't go away, simple bug fix the name, and recipe. holywater implies its literally magic, I would rather it not be literally magic. gibbing, could we have some other negative to misusage than gibbing? really only because of how antags can weaponise it to really easily permakill anyone. something like husking, or organ damage, or both. other than that, the points in this thread make sense. if someone does write up a design doc revolving these ideas I might look into coding it. I don't play medbay so I cannot write it myself.
    1 point
  5. Premise: Most of security tends to cut off the cling heads first chance they have. Some even carry circular saws with them, in case the occasion presents itself. Its a fast and easy way to definitely kill a changeling, cancelling their power to revive themselves and is sometimes seen as a dirty, un-fun move. Proposition: A passive ability that activates when a changeling head is cut off. The head grows disgusting tentacles and is able to vent crawl. Same as head slug but without the advantage of the body explosion. It can't be activated manually, the head must come off somehow and with the brain inside (except suicide). Coding: May be similar to the already existing "last resource" ability. Why is it good? Gives the changeling a last chance to escape before its killed. Won't stop people from cutting heads but will make it more interesting, needing more preparation for the head separation. Also, I think it adds a feeling of coherence with what a changeling is. Have you watched the movie "The Thing"?
    1 point
  6. The Premise The Syndicate has hijacked a military grade cruiser capable of hauling a large amount of weapons and operatives, they plan on testing out their new toy on an NT station. The crew must defend their station while destroying the cruiser's experimental reactor and or damaging a % amount of the cruiser based on server pop. Or in event of being overwhelmed, escaping with as many crewmembers as they can carry. A Syndicate major victory is achieved by exterminating a % population of the station based on current server pop, a minor victory can be achieved by forcing the crew to abandon the station via the escape shuttle. A Crew major victory can be achieved by destroying the cruiser's experimental reactor core, a minor victory can be achieved by causing major structural damage to the cruiser but not destroying it via a reactor detonation. Syndicate Operatives will appear in spawn waves at somewhat regular intervals on their cruiser which is physically located on one of the more desolate Z levels such as Z7, they will have access to an expanded uplink compared to a standard traitor but less than a standard nuclear operative. The operatives will assault via drop pods and the crew will be given a shuttle they can use to launch assaults on the cruiser. The Goal This new potential gamemode would add a more "slow burn" style of nukies that allows further relevance of departments such as Science, Mining, Engineering, and other departments that currently are basically invalidated by the nature of War Ops and regular nukies as a whole. A prolonged siege style gamemode gives more purpose to station equipment such as the BSA or toxins bombs as well as the wide variety of weaponry available to the crew that often isn't used due to the length that comes in its creation. It also offers a new variation of the Crew V X antag as the crew in order to win has to take the offensive to a place that isn't their home turf in order to succeed. It is also something we don't currently have as a gamemode. The Work The actual amount of work sprite and code wise likely wouldn't be too large, a lot of the concept relies on already existing assets that just need to be put together into a structured gamemode and a degree of mapping to design the syndicate cruiser. Likely the only things that would be entirely new would be the syndicate cruiser's reactor, the altered uplink and the new shuttle dock for the boarding shuttle.
    1 point
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