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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2022 in all areas

  1. I start with my thoughts on the matter, if you just want the pure suggestions, they are at the bottom, alongside my views on the code difficulty alongside the balance issues. The thoughts are where my suggestions come from, so if curious about them do take the read if you want. This is more a set of thoughts I have gathered over a while, and would want some feedback or alternate ideas on how to actually work around the issue. Secborgs are gone, not the biggest fan of that but there it is. Now then it remains what should be done about the borgs that remain. There are multiple issues as I see it, borg on human, or borg on borg combat usually comes down to who flashes the borg first, essentially making it a one hit kill. While flashes at least require proximity, laser pointers can do the same at a distance. This is not very fun for the borgs, especially not in the most extreme of cases where a Assault nukie borg is taken down by a toy and killed. Borg counters Secondly, there is the issue of borgs having few true counters, which I have heard a lot. You can disable a traitor, but it will not impact the borg. The few truly effective tools to stop one are flashes, laser pointers or ions. One I did not mention was the borg console, I will get back to it. The issue here is many players, especially with Secborgs, complained about few direct counters. In my mind this has fallen out, essentially there are four types of borgs you will ever face. ERT (Possibly sec) borgs, Nukie borgs, Malf borgs, and emagged borgs/subverted. Borgs that fight you other than this are usually on the wrong side of some rule. ERT and nukie borgs should in my mind not have easy one click counters, either use a ion or shoot them till they die. As in, removal of flashes working at all, or make them just blind the borgs. Laser pointer at least shouldnt do more than blind at most. Malf borgs should get some upgrades they can get that make them less prone to be dead so fast, but I will get back to that. Emagged borgs need to be destroyed to be fixed anyhow, so a ion for them or shooting them isnt so bad, and the borg control console exists. The same is true for badly lawed borgs. On Malfunctioning AI The "Malf" Ai is in a weird spot. It has some very powerful components, such as the bomb or the factory, and can also be destroyed by someone watching cameras. I believe that there are some reworks, which would come as buffs, that would make malf a lot more enjoyable for both crew and the synths. First of all the borg console, a AI hacked borg should not be able to be blown up from it. Making it still visibly hacked, but not being able to blow it up, removes a major "cryptonite" from the AI. If the consoles are no longer game over for the AI if they still exist, the eternal plasmabombing or blowing of Science isnt critical to the AIs, which in turn will allow more flexible gameplay on that front. Secondly the AI should get a borg improvement it can buy, that makes borg flash immune, where they just go blind but not unable to interact with things, or a similar upgrade. This could also concern ion rifles, where the borgs are still badly damaged by ions, but dont go down so long for instance. I do think ions remaing a cryptonite for borgs and AI is fitting, to some extent. EMPs should also be weakened in effect over syntetics, one proper EMP on the AI sat and its over. One QoL while at it. AI should get a internal borg control console within it, that works regardless of outside influences. This makes sense, as AIs can use such a console, and have a connection with their borgs anyhow, and as such should not need a external console to control its borgs. Suggestions in short -Nukie and ERT borgs either dont care about flashes, or become blind/unable to interact for a duration. Laser pointers dont impact them or make them blind -Emagged or subverted (read normal) borgs no longer get impacted by laser pointers outside of being blinded, flashes make them blind and unable to interact with things for a duration -Malfunctioning AIs get a borg upgrade that makes the borg less weak to ions/flashes, for instance by lowering time disabled, make them only blind and unable to interact (but can move) or something similar. -Malfunctioning AIs hacked borgs get immunity from the borg control console, this would not apply to non upgraded borgs, and they would still show in the list, just not being able to be blown up/locked down -AI get a internal borg control console Coding Difficulty -Some of these I can take a crack at myself, being a novice and all, I do believe the flashes and that stuff to be the harder issue to solve, but most of the code is already there for all of these suggestions, its mostly a matter of applying them to accomplish my suggestions. Scope -These suggestions target borgs, but would inevitably impact combat a lot, borg to borg or borg to crew combat mostly. Balance -This is in all honesty, if all suggestions are put in at the max strength, a big borg power boost. I will make it clear that these are suggestions, and for instance the timers for effect can be used to make it more balanced, or borgs less strong. Still, I am aware there is a certain unpopularity of borgs around here, so will be very open for arguments on the balance and rebalance this would possibly bring. Thanks for any response I do get, feedback is also always welcome.
    2 points
  2. A new player learning medical saw my vox. I was in tears from laughter.
    2 points
  3. I don't play medbay, but I don't get SRed. one major issue, I feel, outside of the things outlined in this post are: the "you skin is literally decaying off you" text doesn't go away, simple bug fix the name, and recipe. holywater implies its literally magic, I would rather it not be literally magic. gibbing, could we have some other negative to misusage than gibbing? really only because of how antags can weaponise it to really easily permakill anyone. something like husking, or organ damage, or both. other than that, the points in this thread make sense. if someone does write up a design doc revolving these ideas I might look into coding it. I don't play medbay so I cannot write it myself.
    2 points
  4. Hello! For the impatient, my questions are: How would you make Strange Reagent revival less tedious, without making it much easier? Would you like to have the internal organ revival process similar to limb debridement? I intend to make Strange Reagent revival a bit less tedious from medical's side, to (hopefully) slowly make it a more appealing alternative to "just shove it into the cloner". Please note that I do NOT want to make it a faster, easier, better alternative to cloning. I just wish to see it happen more often, outside of "well, they cannot be cloned, so I have to do this". Here is what happens when you revive someone with Strange Reagent (please correct me if I misread the code!): They get 50 clone damage They get 0-15 brute, burn, toxin damage If they were revived within: 1 minute, no necrosis occurs 20 minutes, necrosis occurs up to a 40% chance 20+ minutes, necrosis occurs with 40% chance If they have necrosis, they get a level 3 infection in the same organ. This is the usual treatment they receive, in no particular order: Anti-crit medicine Mannitol to fix brain damage Cryotube to fix the clone damage Debridement surgery for limbs Taking out organs one by one, splashing them with mitocholide, reinserting them Fixing surface injuries Fixing toxins. One thing that I wish to address here is the organ revival part. While you can do multi-surgery with debridement (for example, you can revive six limb parts at once, and only have to do it one by one at the dropper part), the organ revival part looks like this: Open up the body part Remove the necrotic organ Then either: Have a bottle of mitocholide, a beaker, and dropper Use the dropper to transfer reagents between the mitocholide bottle to the beaker Pick up the beaker Splash the organ Have 1 unit mitocholide pills and a beaker Put the 1 unit pill into the beaker Pick up the beaker Splash the organ Reinsert the organ This feels needlessly tedious compared to debridement (and very unsanitary, since the organs just end up on the floor), where you can transfer mitocholide directly from the bottle (via a dropper) to the limb. I suggest this should be able to be done the same way as internal organ disinfection: Choose the Organ Manipulation surgery At the organ manipulation step, have a container with mitocholide in it Directly apply it to the organ to revive it (Fix bones and) close the incision I do not wish to take away the original method, this is just an alternative I would offer. What are your thoughts?
    1 point
  5. The recipe could be changed to require epinephrine/ephedrine and formaldehyde instead of holy water. Husking and organ damage seems like a good thing to replace gibbing with (How is it getting the force to spontaneously explode people with?). Husking is extremely visible, unlike organ damage which a new player could cause again and again wondering "why doesn't this WORK??". Another option is that 1-2 limbs fall off. Names that could be used: Someone on Discord suggested Verticalicine as a joke(Cures horizontalitis) Something a little less obvious joke could be something like Elevazine (-ase, -yl, whatever). I had offered up Lazarus Reagent on Discord as a bad-but-better name. My actual suggestion is Anastazine (as in anastasis, resurrection) Or you could go with something entirely random. Maybe pull out an obscure trek med name from the show.
    1 point
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