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  1. I don't exactly understand what your suggestion is really, try to be more specific and put at least some time into thinking and coming up with an actualy suggestion on how to fix problems that you think exist, not some abstarct "i would like to see a system". As for all the "no rp" and "wordlessly baton and cuff", thats as old as Paradise itself topic. Yes, there are sometimes issues with security players, but there are as well issues with non-security players too, and it is a non-ending cycle of screaming at each other. I personally always give a wanted crewmember a chance to come to brig willingly (unless they are in the process of doing the crime obviously), but the higher alert level is, the less times i ask. I've been stunned and robbed/killed by antags for that countless times too, but thats part of the game. And here is a little fun fact, sometimes it is not "Security vs antags" or "crew vs antags". Sometimes it is "Security vs antags + crew". Some people migh have encountered a bad example of security officer in their playtime and now act against security. I am not talking about self-antaggin which can be easily dealt with by me or other admins, but rather in a more sublte way, which they have a right to do, but that also adds unnecessary escalation to the non-ending conflict between security and crew, similar to "bad" security officers. In the end, job of security officer is one of the most stressful jobs that includes great chances of being killed any time. Space law is law for everybody, and even though you broke into chemistry to make beneficial chemicals to help medbay or broke into janitor officer to get supplies and clean the station, that is still against the law and you should and will be brigged for it, despite your intentions. If you want to help the case, don't antagonize security. Even in fear of being stunned/cuffed (oh my god thats so bad, whole day ruined), continue to cooperate and roleplay with security, and you will be surprised how many people roleplay back and let you go with a warning. If you commit a crime, turn around when asked to follow to brig, and scream "shitsec" after getting batoned and cuffed, you get maximum time for every single pettiest crime you have commited. And for the love of god, be understanding of newbie officers. They have it rough already, and expecting heavy roleplay from them when they also try to learn new game mechanics and also try not to die is way too optimistic.
    8 points
  2. Right, so here is a PoV of a security officer with over 10 times more playtime than you: I point at someone 5 times, use hailer 3 times, point some more, chase them through half of the station and they keep running. Finally, exhausting all options I fire a disabler. I don't even cuff them, I just use the time they're down to type, because up until then I literally could not. Then I hear how I'm shitsec for disabling on code green and after the round I'll probably keep hearing this. And the actual reason was probably something like a minor trespass I wanted to discuss. Not arrest them for. Discuss and likely let them go with a warning. Sadly, no matter how little force you try to use, tiders basically force security to use weapons. Coincidentally, this usually happens with non-antags. Antags usually outright attack me, so we skip the pleasantries and exchange blows (something, I assure you, both sides are fully prepared for). In the rare case antag doesn't immediately attack me, I try to demand they lie on the floor. If they do, I cuff them. Yes, I cuff them anyway. This is roleplay, even if you dislike that. As for ending rounds of antags, I plainly don't understand. Server rules tell us to play the role we've picked. Security is held to a higher standard of that rule, too. Security job is to contain Enemies of the Corporation. Therefore, ignoring them and letting them go willy-nilly is quite literally against the server rules. I'm not saying security is perfect. We're humans, we make mistakes and even break our own ideals when rounds get particularly stressful. We are, however, held to the aforementioned higher standards. I assure you I was questioned by admins a few times regarding my actions to confirm I followed both the Space Law and server rules, in both letter and spirit. I've seen countless other officers being held accountable for the misbehaviours, both IC and OOC.
    6 points
  3. SoP is not Security's job. That's the Head's job to deal with. Minor crimes are also REALLY easy to just NOT do? So I dunno, not Security's issue if someone wants to break Laws that are written out for everyone to see. This may be because a majority of Antags can and do murderize officers for not getting someone into cuffs. If youre going to be loud/geared/known antag, this is what you are signing up for. Play stealthy and use disguises/tools or suffer the consequences of your actions. Considering a large majority of your hours are not in Security, I would suggest seeing things from their perspective before making judgements or claims to the Department as a whole. Security is there to enforce Space Law, period. You sign up to play Security to enforce the IC Laws on the players in the round. Given that most people who are baton + cuffed instantly are set for a violent reason (armed, Vampire, Changeling, etc) this is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. As said above, if you don't want to be instantly arrested when you go loud, go stealthy or accept the consequences. That's the name of the game. When you antag, if you don't succeed, you're either going to Perma or getting Executed. There's no reason to HAVE a disincentive as that's Security's SoP-based goal for dealing with Antagonists. EoC are not to be paroled barring extenuating circumstance, Perma Inmates who break Perma get shot. You have on average two hours to antag away and if you fail, you try again next time you roll it. I do want to note that this comment alone has zero context applied to it nor shows at all what Admins are dealing with on our side of the veil. 9/10 if we Freeze someone they're doing something MASSIVELY against the Rules. Someone who's following the Rules as a non-Antag has no reason to fear a bwoink. Worst case, if you are afraid of such, simply send in an ahelp and it can be discussed. The fact that you think Security's sole purpose is to "redtext antags" also shows that you haven't been an Officer nearly at all. Security has plenty of opportunities to RP and deal with things without needing to baton someone to death. I would suggest actually playing some Security before painting them all with a wide brush. Many of the things that non-Security-yet-plays-antag players tend to complain about is how Security is quick to jump to GUN. This goes both ways. Frankly, the moment you go loud/armed/start killing, you waived your right to RP until youre disarmed and in cuffs. Security has zero reason to risk their life and round for an antag's.
    5 points
  4. This is one thing I'd really love to see once we have a better economy system going and there being more reason for credits to exist. I think having the option to give a fine or brig time depending on situation and context would be really nice for both sides. There would be situations where you might still want to give brig time like if it's a repeat offender who you know is just going to continue being a crime lord even if you give him a fine but I feel like a lot of minor crimes, especially first offenses, would be great to just have a fine issued. I don't really think it'd work that well with the current economy though since credits are meaningless and the other intention of brig sentences is as a way of discouraging widespread minor criming by adding a consequence to it.
    1 point
  5. While not entirely on topic, I'd like to point out that...no you shouldn't be brigged for breaking the law just because you broke Space Law. That goes entirely against what Space Law is for as well as what Space Law says about excusing certain crimes if they're done for the good of the station. The janitors closet thing would be briggable outside of certain situations I.E slaughter demons and what not. Someone breaking into medchem to make beneficial chemicals that medbay is in dire need of would make no sense to brig them for, if anything they should be patted on the back for it. Why would security be incentivized to not do their jobs properly? I.E release temp brig prisoners for little to no reason that, as in Plash's example, more often than not deserve their brig time. I don't truly understand how this incentivizes roleplay or is good for the health of the round. Not that most people try for high scores at the round end print out, but this seems to be encouraging wrong behavior. That being keeping tiders out in the halls to proceed to break more laws more often. Security doing their jobs properly is brigging people with appropriate context and reasoning. Good security and Wardens already give lighter sentences and warnings, they also encourage other officers and security officers to do the same. A better suggestion and an alternative that would actually facilitate better RP would be fines as well as edits to Space Law that encourage using warnings more often in certain situations for certain crimes. Not penalizing security for doing their jobs.
    1 point
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