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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello all. Terrible title, I know, I'm not really sure how to word it...anywho. It came to my attention earlier this evening that with the removal of the Brig Physician an incredibly important line in Security SOP was removed, the line that allowed you to ignore people who maim/kill themselves in their cells; In writing, it only extended to the Brig Physician. However, in practice it extended to the whole of security and was considered the norm. And, for all intents and purposes even if it's technically not in SOP is still being considered the norm by myself and a very sizable portion of security regulars. I'm aware that it's no longer currently in SOP, and that as Sirryan pointed out you're to either hail medical staff or let them sit out their timer then bring them to medbay. However, I'd very much like this line of SOP re-added for Security in some form or fashion. Be it a clarification in Space Law, Legal SOP, or Security SOP in some form. It was a great boon for security to be able to freely ignore the person breaking all semblance of RP bashing themselves for attention or to waste other's time in their cell over a five minute vandalism charge. I'm not sure how to go about it, perhaps something along the lines of; Of course, this isn't necessarily a DNR notice nor was it ever intended to be. It's fully up to medical to respect the semblance of DNR behind suicide or decide to clone/revive them themselves. On the topic of suicide, I would also like to bring to light/revive my other thread that pertains to those that decide to break immersion by running around randomly harming themselves; It's in the same wheelhouse, and had some head support, I'd just prefer not to bump some year old thread directly.
    1 point
  2. Renaming it to "Contact Mentors/Staff" might be a decent readability fix.
    1 point
  3. Tbh i would love if rads gave ipcs hallucination. Would be cool.
    1 point
  4. I'm going to nitpick and point out that is not how ionizing radiation works. It would 100% effect anything that's electronic including IPCs. I'd go as far as to say radiation should act as a flash to maint drones, cyborgs, and IPCs while the radiation is above a certain threshold but speaking those words aloud just agro'd every silicon and IPC main. Just look up Radiation and how it effects electronics.
    1 point
  5. 1) There are also very few chemicals useful to you. You have no healing over time. Your access to adrenals and stun-resistance is highly limited. Viruses are almost always positive. You're still susceptible to any kind of fire-based chem or acid. 2) Nobreathe is almost functionally pointless. A topped up yellow tank does the same thing. 3) Situational functionality during a single event isn't terribly useful, it's merely convenient. Sources of radiation aren't common, and deliberately irradiating yourself to affect others is something that would be restricted to a hijack antagonist. 4) Chicken noodle soup exists. 5) Food heals organics. Medbots heal organics. Clicking on yourself with a widely available automender for .2 seconds heals organics. This ties back into #1. 6) You also can't ghost and maintain role eligibility. Your speaker can also be turned off, which makes this moot. The only meaningful buff that IPCs have over other species is that they can't get IB, but this is more or less moot because they tend not to survive encounters that would typically cause them to begin with. As another point, you can't be cloned and *must* receive surgery to be revived. This makes death a much larger hassle, as it's dependent on someone having knowledge + tools + time, rather than three clicks on a cloner (or one, with it upgraded).
    1 point
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