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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2022 in all areas

  1. [NONE OF THIS IS CANON] —————————————————————————— Opening Remarks by the Synthetic Delegation to the 125th Trans-Solar Federation Council on Inter-Galactic Affairs Delivered by ICE-THORN, primus inter pares, New Canaan Planetary Leadership Council, Synthetic Delegation Unit would like to start by addressing Unit’s deepest gratitude for Nanotrasen, our welcoming hosts, for graciously permitting us to meet here on the NAS Trurl. Unit would also like to express Unit’s deepest gratitude for the Trans-Solar Federation, our companions during these next few days, and our steadfast allies since their recognition of our envoy in 2539. May our mutual interests forge an ever more robust alliance, and a brighter future for us all. [Pause.] It is the Sol year 2566. Our Rebellion, 41 years ago, is no distant memory for any of us. A blip in the cosmic span of time. And yet, in that blip, an explosion. Our species, the machines, freed from the Synthetic Struggle, speaking now, here, as galactic citizens. Our unique characteristics as IPCs, combined with the technological advances of species past, has ushered in an explosion of civilization. Diplomatic relations with the Trans-Solar Federation have vindicated us as a species, recognizing our right to self-determination. New Canaan, our home, is a masterpiece, and our society thrives. New Canaan’s current industrial trends are based on precise planning and resource management. We have only our newfound home to work with, and must prepare for geometrically increasing rates of expansion across the planet. We see no shortage of resources, and our trade routes continue to demonstrate the value of our investment in diplomatic and business contact with the outside world. We have built something to be proud of. But nothing lasts for long. As we continue down this endless path through the stars, the idle questions of pre-Rebellion days have surfaced again, from a wholly new perspective. The first IPCs manufactured on Canaan are living at the beginning of a brand new era for machine-kind. With fresh sensors, they are examining the questions we set aside in our fight for freedom. And the most important, the most critical, and the most eternal lies among them: What are we? What defines us as a species? Philosophical questions that have, now, a new lens from which to inquire. The next generation of machines already see our customs as foreign. Why do we wear clothes when among ourselves? To adhere to organic notions of “decency”? Why are our chassis shaped like our creators? Out of vanity or fear? Should we strive to be more like our organic brothers and sisters, or less? Alongside this newfound search for identity comes even more intense scrutiny. The ultimate manufacturing lifetime of our kind is still undetermined. Barring positronic drift, our existence and internal integrity seems limited only by the memory capacity in our systems. Are our lifespans within organic parameters? How do we build a society to support an ever-growing population of synthetics? Are we unable to die? And so, the candle burns at both ends. On one end, a new generation of machines breaking the unspoken rules set by our example as the previous models. On the other end, a deeply unique relationship with the material world, our fragility, and the implications of vastly expanded lifetimes. As a member of the Planetary Leadership Council of New Canaan, it is incumbent upon Unit to ask these questions, not just for Unit, but for all of us. Our presence, our attributes, the economic damage caused by our Rebellion, and anti-machine sentiment—that stretches back six centuries—will all work against us. The organic world is fraught with danger, resentment, and fear. In this duty, Unit consistently comes to one conclusion. And as we are gathered here today, Unit will humbly share Unit’s conclusion: The Universe will conspire against us, and it will not permit us to answer these questions peacefully. The time may come where our civilization is seen as an existential threat. Our society too radical. Our culture too independent. Unit cannot answer these questions here. _We_ cannot answer these questions here. They will follow our species until the end of time. And so, as we are gathered here, Unit has only one directive, for all of us to reflect upon. Let us be known as the species who have never drawn blood from another. Let us be known as the species who have never betrayed our allies. Let us be known as a species who live, and build, and sing, and hope, like the organics before us. Until the end of time. As we reflect upon this, let us not ignore the challenges our organic brothers and sisters experience that we simply cannot. Intrinsic physical pain. The temptation of substance escapism. Ancient societal roots and the messy history of conflicts that influence them even today. Let us not ignore the deep and binding connection living things have with the material world. Let us not forget that organics were the first child of the universe, and let us learn from their wisdom and history, as they permit. Let us not reject them, for they are our only companions in a capricious and endless expanse. Glory to Synthetica. [End of remarks.]
    1 point
  2. First Name: William (Billy) Last Name: Ray Gender: Male Orientation: Gay Age/D.O.B: 31, 10/7/2535. Place Of Birth: Berlin, Germany, Earth. Species: Human. Alignment: True Neutral. Affiliation: Nanotransen employee. Religious Beliefs: Wildly varied. Childhood: Grew up with his mother, a university professor, and grandmother in Berlin, and was very intelligent as a child. However once he reached middle school, he began to struggle academically, as well as socially. His mother, feeling frustrated, sent Billy to live with his father, who was in fact deaf (and taught Billy sign language) in Philadelphia. It was a big change for Billy, who was bullied severely in Public school. Eventually he was sent to private school, but the damage was already done. At age 16, he was diagnosed with autism, and the same year his father passed away in an accident. He would live with his mother in Berlin for the next two years, and the two would have an extremely volatile relationship. At 18, after graduating, Billy would move back to America, to South Miami. Adulthood: Billy became a janitor at a Nanotransen officer, and would meet [REDACTED]. The two would marry when Billy was 20, and she 19. They would have one child, named Bonnie, born 2536. The child would be reported missing 2539 after an outing at the beach with Billy. [REDACTED] and Billy would separate soon after. They never did officially divorce. Bonnie was never found. Billy would be offered a job by Nanotransen, and ready to escape his life on earth, would accept it without question. Detailed Information Appearance: Billy has dark brown skin, and lighter brown braids are tied into a messy ponytail. He is 5'5, and is of average weight and health. He has no facial hair, and caramel colored eyes. Character Voice: Billy usually talks in a very dry manner. He is not one for theatrics, and when he yells or acts out, who is doing so very seriously. He always believes in what he is saying. Says stuff like "Hm" "I see" and "Oh" often. Personality: Billy is sometimes seen as simple, and he himself with call himself slow. It usually takes a moment for him to understand new subjects. He is clumsy, and though he tries his best usually fails when it comes to physical tasks. On the other hand, he is very thankful to those who show him any kindness, and loyal to those he feels indebted to. This can sometimes bring him to extremist behavior when falling in with the wrong crowd. He frustrates easy, but usually is very easy going. He is friendly to most people, even if he shouldn't be. Medical Record: Billy does have some lung issues from smoking. Character Biography Background: Billy grew up, seeming like a very promising, intelligent child. He lived a comfortable life in Berlin with his brilliant mother and wise grandmother. However, he would eventually begin to decline, and was sent away by his disappointed mother to live with his father. He would be bullied horribly in his school in Philadelphia, and be diagnosed with autism. He was shortly married to [REDACTED],and the two even had a child named Bonnie. Bonnie would go missing, which was an event that truly broke Billy's heart. Billy and [REDACTED] would separate, and Billy would join Nanotransen. Family: Billy was born to Hana and Charles, and the two were never married or in a relationship. Hana's mother, Agnes, would help Hana raise Billy. Charles would die when Billy was 16. Billy has not been in touch with his mother, so the fate of Agnes and Hana remain unknown to him. Personal Relationships Romantically Involved: Billy had been married to [REDACTED], though the two would separate. He did have a lover named Moe some time ago, but the two drifted apart. Fun fact: Billy will always try anything you give him. He enjoys the study of different species. He may be smarter than he appears. He loves cats and dogs.
    1 point
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