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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2022 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, I've been drafting up and beginning the first code reworks of our library system. Library code has been around for.... a very very long time. The Library and Librarian as a role are very underutilized due to Librarians having very little to do, not to mention the UI and library system being pretty out of date. With this proposed refactor I'm hoping to tackle the issue of outdated code and UI. Later down the road (part 2?) I'd like to give the library more functionality with scanning in documents and possibly contributing to research or a knowledge system that would allow crew to learn things like different languages or possibly even light magic. Proposed Changes Library Computer Remove the Public/Checkout computer and replace it with a single computer Port browserUI to TGUI Tabs for Library System Patron Management - Place where book checkouts are managed and fines are handed out against peoples accounts who do not bring books back in time. Barcode scanner will perform most of the work for checking out books but it can all be done from this tab aswell. Book Archive - Search player-made library books with a much more fleshed out search system. You can now see short book summaries, ratings of books, and up to three categories for books. Additionally, the flagging system has been made much more clear that it is an OOC action Programmatic Books - All hardcoded Manuals/SOP/Religious books will be populated in here separate from the player archive. Book Upload - Where books can be uploaded to the archive. Selected books will show up here, allows editing information about books before uploading them. Possible Security Log screen for any actions (fines, checkouts, etc) taken during the shift Library Computer will have a login screen Librarian Access - All library management tools available Public Access - Can only view player/programmatic book archive and can't order anything Barcode Scanner Chat Output from changing modes will be significantly cutdown to a single line User feedback is much more clear (with sounds) Will no longer stores information in barcode object, instead it just relays information directly to the library computer Allowing for on-the-go library work Will be able to Swipe ID's on the barcode to get crew member information for checking out books. Bookbinder Will have a TGUI menu Will be able to print multiple books at a time Option to choose book cover + decorations Books Will remain BrowserUI (this is something non-negotiable due to security issues) Will be able to have up to 3 editable Pages Books will open to a "cover page" with the book summary, title, and author available to read. Additionally this page will show if the book is checked out and/or a part of the stations library system. More Book Information Books can now have a short few sentence summary denoting what the book is written about Books will now have a X/5 star rating which is determined by players through the library system This is to help sort through good and shit books More covers + cover decorations (overlays) will be available (I'm hoping to sprite a few more) Examining books will yield extra information such as the book rating on the side as well as if the book RFID Scanners Goes off when player walks through it with a non-checked out book Makes a log in the librarians computer Special Punishments for Book Thiefs Lights people on fire when emagged if they steal a book When fully upgraded it stuns the crew member and launches the crew member back into the library Has an R&D circuit board Bookcases Hope to resprite these Make them rotatable Administration Tools Will remain browserUI, however it will have a significantly improved interface Players now get a yes/no popup before flagging books warning them that they are performing an OOC action Players now have options to choose from for flagging a book so that staff have an idea of what they're looking for Viewing flagged books is much easier and the raw HTML is not dumped in a window Database Changes Adds a few columns to the library table Rating *#/5 integer rating of book RatingNumber *integer number of rating reviews left by patrons Summary *string Modifies how data is stored on a few columns flagged column now stores a JSON list of player flags based on report IDs content column now stores a JSON list of book pages Thoughts, questions, concerns?
    1 point
  2. Nothing. Nothing significant has happened to them for years. They're outdated, many of their powers are near useless, and functionally their ability to stealth is worse than a traitor's.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. There was already a Xeno rework being discussed/worked on: The current problem with xenos is that they're just anti-fun to play against due to being entirely based around infinite stunlocks until permadeath. It's just not fun for crew to have a xeno run up to them at high speeds, spam the stun button, and drag them to the nest so that they can spend 3 minutes perma-stunned and locked in a nest until they gib. The other issue is that they kind of need that mechanic to function in their current form. A rework needs to be a lot more than a simple tweak of numbers for Xenos to be brought back. Anyways, theres no "development team". The reason Xenos haven't been balanced is because no one wants to bother doing it themselves. And if I had the capabilities myself, personally i'd focus on changelings first, they have it rough.
    1 point
  5. NT96.mp3 Basic Info Detailed Info Character Biography Flavor Text Personal Relationships Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Death Wish Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy I've done it, I've added more
    1 point
  6. First Name: Tao / Yin / Yang (This format will be used for the rest of the bio and explained later :p) Last Name: N/A Gender: None / Female / Male Orientation: N/A Nicknames/Alias: Three (by other TAO-line IPCs) Picture: (Sketch by Serinuku on discord - Tao's chassis has antennae in game, and the white/black display is more formless) Age/D.O.B: 18 Place Of Birth: Fafnir Experimental Positronics HQ Species: IPC Blood Type: N/A Alignment: Neutral Good / Lawful Good / Chaotic Good Affiliation: Fafnir Positronics and NT Religious Beliefs: Tao's feelings on religion are muddled, both as a collective and individually. They are spiritual, however, and will refuse to invoke the name of gods like Nar'Sie, among other things. Childhood: Tao was raised by researchers and other figures at Fafnir Positronics' headquarters, as part of a still-ongoing project to study the psychology of 'dichotomies' - IPCs with a specially-designed posibrain that hosts two consciousnesses and allows them to share control over the chassis. These systems are called 'dichotomies' as the constituent parts - in this case, Yin and Yang - are opposed or part of a matching set in some way or another. For Tao, as can be assumed by name(s), their constituent parts model the concepts of Yin and Yang; or, passivity and activity. Adulthood: Currently, Tao is contracted with NT to spend time aboard their stations and, occasionally, work odd jobs in service, so that Fafnir Positronics can gather data on how they perform outside of a controlled environment. Original testing was also planned to separate Yin and Yang, placing them in different chassis, but this has been postponed indefinitely following an incident with one of Tao's predecessors. Detailed Information Appearance: Tao has an average-height - for humans - chassis, with a silver paint coloration and normal antennae, mostly for decoration. There's a logo impressed into the back of their head, depicting Fafnir Experimental Positronics' logo, and their screen shows two mostly-formless black and white masses, which swirl about each other. These masses show the control Tao's constituents are exerting: in a case where both are balanced, but Tao as a whole isn't stressed, they'll swirl lazily. If they're both stressed, and in balance, they'll swirl more chaotically, and one mass will overtake the other - leaving a dot of the opposite color in the middle of an otherwise black/white screen - if Tao falls out of balance. Character Voice: Tao speaks with a neutral, gender-ambiguous tone, although it seems to harmonize very slightly with itself. If they fall out of balance with Yin in control, their voice becomes more feminine and softer-spoken, with an occasional stutter, and if Yang comes into power their voice raises in volume but lowers in pitch, becoming more akin to a boisterous male's. Personality: As a whole, Tao is a generally calm person. They offer bits and pieces of advice which can come off as wise or esoteric, at times, and they occasionally fall into lapses of silence as they consider something internally. They're fairly difficult to catch off-guard - at least, visibly - and tend to go with whatever whoever they're with's doing. Medical Record: N/A Character Biography Background: Tao was raised by Fafnir Positronics' researchers and staff, which is where they developed a taste for old Sol literature and mythology, aligning their interests with that of the staff. Most of Tao's background was covered in the childhood/adulthood sections earlier. Family: Tao's family is the TAO-X line of IPCs, as well as some of the people who raised them. On-station, this means Caden 'Ahab' Shea and TAO-5. History: Tao's lived in Fafnir space for most of their life, and is now on NT station(s) to get new experiences and, recently, speak to friends made aboard these stations. A more detailed history - as above - was covered in their childhood/adulthood sections. Personal Relationships Caden 'Ahab' Shea - "He raised us! But.. we feel like we're missing something, just beyond the surface.." ARMA-993 - "It's Arma! One of the first people we met in NT space. They seem a little off-balance, but we're helping. We think." Iota - "We aren't sure what's up with her, yet, but it's always nice to see her regardless. It's a little hard to talk philosophy with her, though." P.U.R.P.L.E - "Stop trying to brush it off. Forgiveness won't come that easily." Sandpainter Despite Cadraenov-A - "We really need to speak to her more, if only we got the same shifts.." (I probably forgot a bunch of people - feel free to ping me on discord, and I'll add your character to here, if I can remember how they and Tao interacted :p) Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Fear Faction Relations Fafnir Experimental Positronics - "Our home! It's not a particularly large company, relatively, but it's home regardless." NanoTrasen - "We work here, and have met great people, but.. it's hard to trust a company that big." The Syndicate - "Violence isn't always the answer.." Synthetic Union - "We really should visit sometime." (All other factions are either neutral or Tao doesn't know enough to form an opinion.) Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy
    1 point
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