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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Hey you, are you unrobust? Is the number of admins online limiting your combat capability? I keep dying without an aheal every 0.5 seconds, this is unbalanced, paradise station is dead. well fear not, Because im about to teach you HOW 2 STAY ALIVE. First things first, turn off those focking suit sensors!! But what if i diee??? Listen, traitors with crew monitors, And Malf AI can track and kill you, so turn them off, and if those traitors get an advanced pinpointer, then go off station or hide in a locker till the shuttle gets called BUT WAHHH ITS BORING tough luck, your either bored or dead. You dont want anybody to be on the shuttle, as they could be ANTAGS, so toss a hellfoam grenade or kill everybody on shuttle first before boarding, Now you are totally safe! or just hellfoam it
    1 point
  2. Good advice. Now, obviously any food you could get from the Kitchen could be poisoned, so make sure you don't eat anything during your shift. You don't want to get carpotoxin or space ants, after all! Also, guns are very bad news. If you see someone with a gun, beat 'em to death. Command-looking guy with a gun? Gotta be a traitor. Security Officer-looking guy with a gun? Definitely an impersonator. If you see 'em, get those floor tiles ready!
    1 point
  3. More than anything else, the main thing I'd like to see is the Detective separated from Security, and the mindshield removed. No Sec comms, and no guarantee of safety around him - go full Dirty Harry with the guy. With traitor Detectives out and about, I'd support reverting their gun back to rubber bullets without a conversion option, so that it's basically just a disabler with some minor brute damage. However, making the Det a potential threat would do a lot more than exactly which bullets were in his gun, IMO.
    1 point
  4. This is a map of the station. Each pixel of red is a turf thats pending atmos updates This is the air controller demanding 700% God I love atmos hijacker.
    1 point
  5. Unknown Xenobiologist flex.
    1 point
  6. I thought it would be good to give a brief update to my adventures (spurred on by the fact I was chatting with a friend about the situation, and just saw Trekkie's reply!) I did end up making a second character, who was figured out near instantly as being my character based on my RP style. The good news is that this character is akin to Napoleon Dynamite in that people either instantly love or hate Character 2(tm). I have introduced a new, terrible subculture to the server revolving around aspects such as selling essential oils, horoscopes, and so on. Justifiably, Character 2 only has two ic friends and most people want to kill them. I have not had any issues with complete randoms trying to rally around this character either, which has been fantastic. I still play Character 1, and the community still makes a ton of art of Character 1 (I swear on Affected that there may actually be more Character 1 than Peppermint art now), but now it seems as though things have shifted community wise. I'm well liked as a player, and my identity is no longer seen as 1:1 Me : Character 1, which I think has certainly helped to resolve the issue. Character 2 has gotten a lot of antag RP as well, from ckeys that are brand new, or just wholly unrecognizable, that are players I do not interact with in any fashion. Things have turned out very well! ________________ As always, much love for the Para community, and I hope you are all well! :)
    1 point
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