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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2022 in all areas

  1. Autumn Aggley art by capnKitty <3 Full name: Autumn (Ophelia) Aggley Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Place of birth: Norhtern Earth Height: 160cm Blood Type: B- Hair: Red Eyes: Dark green Physique: Small to average NanoTrasen relation: Very Loyal Body markings: Tattoo of a dolphin located on her lower back, a tattoo of a small pink heart on her left side tummy, and a big scar on her left wrist. She also has a few piercings, a ring through her right eyebrow, a ring through her upper left ear and a tongue piercing with a real diamond. General Occupational Role(s): Librarian Scientist - Focus on Xenobiology Research Director NanoTrasen Representative Biography: Born on earth but with a passion for space since young age; Autumn was meant to end up among the stars. She is the only daughter of Dr. Jackson Aggley, a successful Senior Commander Research Director of NanoTrasen, an honorable member of NT with tight bonds to Central Command. Autumn always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps. She has been employed by NanoTrasen since the age of 17, but was vowed into the NanoTrasen cooperation the day she was born. She started out in the medical department but quickly changed path after seeing too many people pass away from her on the surgery table, and focused all her time to become a scientist, just like her father. She fell in love with research, and whenever she is not seen in the library or goofing around with friends, she is doing some solid research - xenobiology is perhaps what she loves to do most when it comes to science. Autumn dislike talking about her mother. Autumn Aggley is a very positive person. She puts friendships above everything and is always open for new people and to create new bonds. She has an outgoing personality but can come across as a bit bitchy if you don't know her, but she usually means well! Her attitude also sometimes make her come across as naive or self centric - this due to have always been the popular girl in most context throughout her life. Autumn is quite jealous, possesive and sometimes obsessive. Autumn is the type of person who can hang out in the bar or the library a whole shift just for the sake of conversation and gossip. She is very curious about other people, nosy, is probably a better word. Some people has described her as a devil in disguise. She's terrible at combat and dislike guns and violence greatly. She only ever use a gun if there is an immediate danger or threat to someone she love. Autumn has a PhD in literature and is very proud of her literature achievements. Shes a member of a CC qualified book club where she takes part in analyzing literature (serious book club, not a cult). Autumn loves books and is known to like literature from old earth authors and she's very passionate about poetry. She also enjoys self-care books, and has huge respect for books on the topics of love and philosophy. If you've lost Autumn and you don't get a reply, go to the library - where she often gets lost in words! Autumn is a self-claimed relationship expert and love expert and is more than happy to advice people about it. A few of her friends are Plash, Desmond, Aleister, Lus, Hector, Ordosian, Coline, David F, Alicia, Guthen, Shesi, Kitty, Toby.. among others. She also has a strong (confusing) bond with Mommy, the AI. Autumn is currently dating Aleister Burnwood, theyre so cute like oh my god. art by capnkitty art by GutTC
    1 point
  2. TL:DR: re-add the toggle music notes button to headphones, so they don't have to be used as only an instrument, positive & beneficial change for immersion reasons without negatively affecting anyone. So, headphones used to just be an accessory, where you hit a button and it toggled the visible music notes around your character. At some point it got changed to an instrument, where you copy and paste the music pattern, like any other instrument. Now, I can maybe understand the reason for this, but I am going to go out on a limb and say I never see anyone really using the headphones aside from myself, and that going back to the original would probably not affect too many people. I would not be surprised if it was arbitrarily added because TG code had this functionality just to match with them. I initially was going to ask to revert the headphones back to their old function of just a toggle button, and then Charlie pointed out that the option to toggle could just be added in addition to the instrument function. I know this seems a minor change that will have no big impact, but I think it would be helpful for cultivating a more real and immersive experience for some people without inhibiting anyone else. I usually used the music notes when listening to music irl, and had it more or less as if my character was listening to that music. It also opened up conversations where people asked what my character was listening to IC, and led to some nice IC chats about music. I would not be surprised if more people used it for this reason if it were to be re-added.
    1 point
  3. updated quite a few things such as new art, added missing lore tidbits such as arkship, formal name and serial. And updated relations.
    1 point
  4. This is more or less why I think this would be a good thing. Realism does not always mean better. There is a ton of places in Paradise where overlooking reality makes the overall enjoyment better, or where things would not make sense if you took them realistically. Two things that stand out are 1. Comms. There is no logical explanation for how comms work. You know who is talking, and what their job is. Its part of suspension disbelief. If comms were treated as realistic, things would be very boring, or even just outright confusing. Comms add fun to the round. 2. Being able to examine someone and seeing they're starving to death, merely because they have not eaten in a few hours. Its minor, but it fits with the music notes. You should not be able to see or notice these things, but they are there anyway because realism is not always the correct way to do things. Adding them back would not make things any more or less cartoony or unrealistic. Also, I am pleasantly surprised how much attention this thread has gotten so far. I'm glad I was not the only one who missed this feature.
    1 point
  5. We may have to agree to disagree on this point. I'm personally not bought that any one SS13 server must absolutely stick to one art direction, unless it's a server with a specific theme--which Paradise is not. I do not believe the 'artwork direction' should impede features from being added, particularly features the playerbase enjoys. I don't think either of us will convince the other party of their respective side, however. I do not see the problem with cartoon natured aesthetics, which Paradise has had some of over the years, regardless of whether it's been removed now. As well, removing one small thing doesn't cause problems per se, but this does play into an overarching issue. When you port features from other servers, you should consider a few things; namely whether that feature fits within the server you're porting it to, and what the ideology was from the other server. This is an extreme. If I treated HRP servers as gospel, I would have left Paradise years ago, and I most certainly wouldn't be playing on a blatant LRP server now. Lord knows I have my own complaints about many of the other HRP servers around today. An unholy amount of them. Yet, it doesn't hurt to consider the thinking process behind some of their features--particularly when the argument being put forth is that it damages immersion, which is something HRP servers pride themselves on. I may also mention here that TG has also made many, many poor decisions over the years, yet Paradise ports from them quite frequently. I would argue that treating tg as 'gospel' would also do more harm than good. Presently, you're about the only person presenting counter arguments and dissent to a feature that many others appear to have interest in. If you express such, you should be ready and expecting to defend your viewpoints. I don't think it's bad that you're positing your own thoughts, mind, on the contrary. But you can't be surprised when others push back against you.
    1 point
  6. You're free to go tell that to the HRP server the feature originally came from :P This feature was something I greatly missed when it vanished. It was subtle, but added a nice touch.
    1 point
  7. like.. how though? i genuinely don't understand how this would take away from the game rather than add to it
    1 point
  8. "oh no, they can't hear the nukies, they have their earpods in!"
    1 point
  9. I too miss this music note function, and used it a lot. On Goobina especially who always has headphones on, and always listens to music ICly even if I don't have any notes input into the headphones.
    1 point
  10. My POV with the Ash Dragon
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Can't believe more people haven't commented on one of the most famous people on the station. Autumn is one of my favorite characters to run into! Thank you for rping such an interesting and dramatic character!
    1 point
  13. There she is! I was surprised i could not find this record before
    1 point
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