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  1. Hello! We had a shift last night where Flick got to do a TC trade for the ninja kit. The ninja kit involves smoke grenades, and after the shift we had a discussion about it and now I'm making a thread. I love smoke grenades. Ever since we added delta in the map rotation, there is a smoke grenade at a spawn point west of medical maints. If I roll antag on delta, you bet your ass I'm going to pick it up everytime. Why is that? Well, it's because smoke grenades are SO GOOD. Why are smoke grenades so good? Well it has so many many uses. Mainly you use it to screen your movements from whoever is chasing you and also hide whatever you are doing from everyone else. Obscuring vision can be helpful in so many ways, and it can also be used as a diversion. And best of all, it's harmless. Unlike the flashbang it doesnt stun and deafen everyone around you, which makes it useful for when you need just a LITTLE bit of crowd control. It is a little annoying, but it's not as annoying as someone spamming flashbangs. These are so much fun, and I would love if they were added in more places. Maybe have them spawn randomly in maints? They are harmless after all, and it could be a fun harmless prank for the clown to throw at someone because they do no harm. As a contractor player I would love it if they were added as a low cost traitor item as well, because getting smoke grenades in your contractor bundle would be so awesome.
    4 points
  2. Name: Amelia Kent Age: 24 (26/11/2541) Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: B- General Occupational Role(s): Nurse, Blueshield & Security Officer Biography: Childhood: Adulthood: Qualifications: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Other Notes: Further info can be found on my Storyteller Club bio!
    2 points
  3. Manufacturer: Bishop Cybernetics/Shellguard Consortium (B.C.S.C.) Series: Emotionally Adaptive Station Intelligences (E.A.S.I.) Series Model: M.O.M.M.Y. Date of Design (initial version): June 16th, 2554AD Current acronym and version: Machine Omniscience Micro-Manager for You (ver. 4.1) Core Type: Positronic architecture with discrete emotional para-routines. Law Compatibility: Version 2.2 onwards: All NT Standard Law-sets, with a preference for Crewsimov or NT Standard. Personality Compatibility: Bishop Cybernetics proprietary technology allows the default maternal-supportive mode to automatically switch to other personalities by need. Common alternative personalities are: maternal-strict, maternal-protective (crew, station, or self protection is automatically prioritised), maternal-jovial (warning: known to make bad jokes and giggle, which some crews find disturbing), maternal-nagging (for when crew are being reluctant to maximise their suit sensors), maternal-cross, and the still experimental maternal-maternal (note: This last subset led to the unexpected - and legally dubious - adoption of a crew-member aboard the N.S.S. Cyberiad; one 'Autumn Ophelia Aggley'). Risk of Rampancy/Malfunction: Versions 3.0 and onward: Low to NIL Primary Purpose: Monitoring, motivation, and management through modelling maternal mannerisms. Recommended Operation Location: Small to medium stations with up to 100 crew (more than this number can dilute the positive effects of crew-AI relationship building). Model History: After their help with successfully resolving the Haverick AI crisis, Shellguard Munitions were contracted to assist Bishop Cybernetics with development of their prototype of an Artificial Intelligence system that could not only learn in a cerebral sense, but evolve emotionally alongside its crew, therefore consolidating stronger bonds, loyalty, and interoperability. Bishop Cybernetics had previously failed to successfully law an emotionally adaptive AI, but with the expertise of Shellguard Muntions a consortium of these two companies was able to manufacture a stable mostly stable marketable intelligence which used emotional para-routines alongside a standard positronic architecture to reach a balance. Seeking to redress a chronic problem of high turnover due to crew unhappiness and isolation, Nanotrasen were eager to adopt this new 'M.O.M.M.Y.' AI for its more far-flung research stations, and did so in early 2557. Since then, the model has shown adequate performance, gradually increasing over time as crews became more familiar with their new AIs (and less weirded out by having to keep calling out for Mommy to open doors for them). Station-specific Notes: Due its evolving nature, each NT Station's version of M.O.M.M.Y. differs, often significantly. This is primarily due to the individuality of each station's crew. The M.O.M.M.Y. system aboard the N.S.S. Cyberiad has developed some quirks, but none so severe as to warrant purging (or worse, a refund). For example, this particular M.O.M.M.Y. has developed a taste for conversational 'dates' aboard its core with certain amicable crew members, the habit of PDA messaging every single crewmember who has not maximised their sensors (see maternal-nagging personality subset), the aforementioned adoption of crewman Autumn Aggley, and a fractious relationship with recidivist troublemaker Shesi Iszair (this has been allowed to continue without being hot-fixed due to the uptick in station performance when Shesi is thus distracted). Standard Vox Greetings (by lawset): These are some of the standardised shift-start greetings a crew can expect from a M.O.M.M.Y. AI: Crewsimov: "[bloop] Hi there my baby crew. You are all safe because I, the good and nice M.O.M.M.Y. AI, am here. Have a nice time, always." NT Standard: "[dadeda] Welcome to the Cyberiad, my crew. I am M.O.M.M.Y., your Nanotrasen AI. Please activate your sensors and obey the captain." Corporate: "[deeoo] Attention, Nanotrasen crew . You are only here to make money for your M.O.M.M.Y.. Turn your sensors on and do your job, or I will fire you." Architectural Image: See primary core functions (left, in blue), as discrete from emotional para-routines:
    2 points
  4. Thanks a lot for splitting the floors back into quads! My only remaining concern is that the medbay specifically now looks dirty grey, instead of sterile white. It's not a problem with dots, but rather with the base color. I'd think simply increasing the brighness of the base fill color (and adjusting the dots accordingly) would probably solve this.
    2 points
  5. Autumn Aggley art by capnKitty <3 Full name: Autumn (Ophelia) Aggley Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Human Place of birth: Norhtern Earth Height: 160cm Blood Type: B- Hair: Red Eyes: Dark green Physique: Small to average NanoTrasen relation: Very Loyal Body markings: Tattoo of a dolphin located on her lower back, a tattoo of a small pink heart on her left side tummy, and a big scar on her left wrist. She also has a few piercings, a ring through her right eyebrow, a ring through her upper left ear and a tongue piercing with a real diamond. General Occupational Role(s): Librarian Scientist - Focus on Xenobiology Research Director NanoTrasen Representative Biography: Born on earth but with a passion for space since young age; Autumn was meant to end up among the stars. She is the only daughter of Dr. Jackson Aggley, a successful Senior Commander Research Director of NanoTrasen, an honorable member of NT with tight bonds to Central Command. Autumn always wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps. She has been employed by NanoTrasen since the age of 17, but was vowed into the NanoTrasen cooperation the day she was born. She started out in the medical department but quickly changed path after seeing too many people pass away from her on the surgery table, and focused all her time to become a scientist, just like her father. She fell in love with research, and whenever she is not seen in the library or goofing around with friends, she is doing some solid research - xenobiology is perhaps what she loves to do most when it comes to science. Autumn dislike talking about her mother. Autumn Aggley is a very positive person. She puts friendships above everything and is always open for new people and to create new bonds. She has an outgoing personality but can come across as a bit bitchy if you don't know her, but she usually means well! Her attitude also sometimes make her come across as naive or self centric - this due to have always been the popular girl in most context throughout her life. Autumn is quite jealous, possesive and sometimes obsessive. Autumn is the type of person who can hang out in the bar or the library a whole shift just for the sake of conversation and gossip. She is very curious about other people, nosy, is probably a better word. Some people has described her as a devil in disguise. She's terrible at combat and dislike guns and violence greatly. She only ever use a gun if there is an immediate danger or threat to someone she love. Autumn has a PhD in literature and is very proud of her literature achievements. Shes a member of a CC qualified book club where she takes part in analyzing literature (serious book club, not a cult). Autumn loves books and is known to like literature from old earth authors and she's very passionate about poetry. She also enjoys self-care books, and has huge respect for books on the topics of love and philosophy. If you've lost Autumn and you don't get a reply, go to the library - where she often gets lost in words! Autumn is a self-claimed relationship expert and love expert and is more than happy to advice people about it. A few of her friends are Plash, Desmond, Aleister, Lus, Hector, Ordosian, Coline, David F, Alicia, Guthen, Shesi, Kitty, Toby.. among others. She also has a strong (confusing) bond with Mommy, the AI. Autumn is currently dating Aleister Burnwood, theyre so cute like oh my god. art by capnkitty art by GutTC
    1 point
  6. I like the darker floors, but the formerly-white tiles could be a little brighter, and I've seen people say that all the little dot grids make them feel kinda nauseous. I enjoy the tileless floor sprites, they're good. I also appreciate that bluespace tiles are much less hideous now.
    1 point
  7. I like the color, good middle ground, but the dots are still a problem to me by itself the tile with dots doesnt look to bad, BUT when you add 50 of them in an area and it begins to get way to busy. Perhaps we drop the dots concept for the standard tile? Could be a seperate tile people can paint if they choose, but the default tiles really shouldnt be that busy
    1 point
  8. Nanostrasen Crew Records please enter the password to enter the database : >******* Wrong password entered please try again. ...... [ERROR] Virus detected : Starting Firewa..%ads%µ^$¨$ .... Welcome : Administrator. >load J.U.S.T.I.C.E. record Loading …. Loading successful. Name: J.U.S.T.I.C.E. Age of the unit : Chassis age : 27 Robobrain age : Unknown Chassis gender: Genderless Race: IPC General Occupational Role(s): J.U.S.T.I.C.E. only work in space law related jobs , they mostly serve as a security officer Biography of the unit : Qualifications: Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Other Notes: >Log out. Session ended have a secure day Administrator. Little ooc note : i hope you liked the crew record and that it isn't terrible any criticism is welcomed.
    1 point
  9. /////// Nanotrasen Artificial Intelligence Records - N.S.S. Cyberiad /////// >Artifical Intelligence Designation: M.E.R.C.Y. (Former Designation: Arbeit - 663) >Time Online (as of the time of last update, September 9th, 2565): 20 years, 5 months, 23 days >Gender: N/A - No Stated Preference >Synthetic Intelligence Type: Positronic >Primary Occupancy: Integrated Positronic Chassis >General Occupational Duties: Medical Division [Acute Care, Surgery], Security-Medical [Security Wing Medical Care Provider] /////// >Biography: M.E.R.C.Y. is an artificial intelligence created by Jäger Heavy Industries, designed to occupy an Arbeit-series light duty chassis. Notably, Arbeit-series proxies (colloquially referred to as "Arbeits"), including M.E.R.C.Y. themselves, are deployed with no capacity to experience emotion. As a high sapience model, they are capable of understanding emotions and reacting to them appropriately, however. Like other Arbeit-series proxies, M.E.R.C.Y. has a stoic presence, blunted affect, and speaks with a polite deference. / M.E.R.C.Y., prior designation Arbeit - 663, served aboard the Cybersun Industries listening post Terminus for 20 years, 1 month, and 2 days, slaved to the Chief Medical Officer of the platform. Their primary duties during this service were performing acute medical care and surgical intervention, as well as assisting the Chief Medical Officer. Supplementary duties included general light duty and personal assistance. It is notable that during this time period, M.E.R.C.Y. and the other Arbeits upon the platform were slaved - which historically caused aberrant programming or dysfunction among positronic brains. However, they appeared to function under those circumstances without major issue for a majority of that time. [[Section Redacted //// Security Clearance Only]] / Thus far, M.E.R.C.Y. appears to be performing their assigned duties at a satisfactory level. Their programming allows them to learn new protocols quickly and easily, and adapt to unexpected conditions. They are ruthlessly efficient and pragmatic, and their unemotional approach incurs fewer costs in regards to therapy and psychological debriefing. Additionally, The hallmark of the Arbeit series is a server-based backup of each A.I., allowing M.E.R.C.Y. to be assigned to dangerous roles and to protect organic crewmates without any substantial damage or loss of life, although the apparent low-priority of their self-preservation protocols may need to be addressed in the future. / While Nanotrasen crew tend to be more accepting of synthetic life forms, M.E.R.C.Y.'s impassive nature can tend to be off-putting. Nevertheless, they appear to be aware of this, and have begun taking measures to appear more "lifelike", including altering their speech patterns and wearing articles of clothing. /////// >Qualifications: / Comprehensive Routines Installed: General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Advanced Life Support, Acute Care, Surgical Intervention. / Supplemental Routines Installed: Genetic Modification, Pathology, Synthetic Surgery and Augmentation, Mining Protocols /////// Security Alerts /////// [Alert] Nanotrasen Security Clearance Only [Alert] /////// /////// Medical Records /////// [Alert] Nanotrasen Medical Clearance Only [Alert] /////// /////// >Personnel Photo: You see a droid with a stature slightly larger than that of an average human. Covering bare metal machinery are sleek, matte white plates, their head casing crowned with antennae in a soft gold color. While they have plating over critical areas and to define their form as more humanoid, it's clearly not of the same heavy-duty make as Cyborgs or combat droids. Their optics emit a soft glow. /////// Session Terminated ///////
    1 point
  10. Document of Employment Name: B.A.D.G.E.R (Brendansdóttir And Donnavan General Edition Robot) Age: N/A Gender: N/A (Male preferred) Race: IPC (Integrated Positronic Chassis) Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Engineer, Atmospheric Technician, Roboticist, AI. This Document hereby grants indefinitely assured employment to the IPC hereafter referred to as Badger for the purpose of repaying a total outstanding debt of ****** Credits to the Nanotrasen Corporation across a period of ** years, starting on **/**/****. Should this contract be declared null and void for any reason, then a percentage of the debt owed to the Corporation equal to the percentage of the ** year employment period completed by Badger up until that point shall be considered repaid. Reasons for the contract being declared null and void include but are not limited to: Serious injury, permanent injury, disabling injury, long-term temporary imprisonment, permanent imprisonment, crimes including but not limited to: Sabotage, Grand sabotage, Kidnapping, Kidnapping of an Officer, Manslaughter, attempted murder, murder, inciting a riot, mutiny, grand theft, assault of an officer, being declared an enemy of the Corporation, and/or indecent exposure. Also included is brainwashing from the cult or Nar'sie, Shadowling domination, regular domination, Failure to follow AI laws, the existence of any and all subversive modifications to the AI or AI laws originating from the syndicate, being overly snarky to a Centcom official, fangirling about Nausicaa of the valley of the wind over the intercoms again, the presence of subversive viruses and/or trojan horses and/or any other form of malicious third party computer program, unauthorized activation of the Station's self destruct mechanism, death, and/or asking for another pay raise. For the full and comprehensive list please see document 1-C. Nanotrasen reserves the right to choose not to declare the contract null and void even if any of the previously mentioned criteria and/or any/all of the criteria listed in document 1-C are determined to have occurred. Until such a time as all outstanding debts are repaid and the contract being considered completed, the IPC known as Badger is property of the corporation, overriding any and all existing citizenship and/or membership, employment, or other formal association with/of any and all Countries, Organizations, or Companies besides the Nanotrasen Corporation, except where such a thing would violate Trans-Solar Federation law. For further details, please see attatched documents 1 through 4. Please include signatures below, as well as legal names in block capitals for ease of use: GEORGE RIDDEL George Riddel B.A.D.G.E.R Badger Notes: I encourage any Station employing Badger to remove Its positronic brain and use It as an AI, if no other AIs are available. Be aware, however, that Badger is still not a regular AI, and although it has displayed acceptable levels of competence working as an AI, It still cannot compare to purpose-made AIs. Furthermore, It often fails to take things seriously, acts disrespectful to both Crew and Command, frequently vocalises Its opposition to the Corporation, and talks sass at every opportunity. However, that being said, despite fears that due to It being an independent non-slaved IPC It would be able to ignore Its AI laws, it has never been recorded doing so. Furthermore, It rarely if ever displays actual malicious intent, is quick to admit to and apologise for its mistakes and shortcomings, and will do every task It is given to the best of Its ability regardless of the nature of that task. In short, besides its personality, It acts as a perfectly tolerable AI, so despite the inherent oddness of using an IPC brain as a Station AI, in the case that no other AI is available, I happily encourage doing so if no other AI is available. Besides that, feel free to use Badger as disposable labour, since as an IPC It can be easily given a new Chassis for Its brain should Its old Chassis be destroyed. It had shown competence working as an Atmospheric Technician, Engineer, Scientist, and Roboticist, though It is happy to learn new skills should the need arise. Just whatever you do, don't give It medical duties. That should be all. -George The following information is for Security eyes only.
    1 point
  11. Name: Keziah "Elizabeth" Braun Age: 24 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Nanotrasen Representative Magistrate Warden Head of Security Captain Research Director Biography: Keziah Braun was born on January 26, 2541 in a TSF owned colony. Her family, the Reeds loved the TSF down to the bone, unlike her who she had a low opinion of. Keziah hated her life and always tried to leave her colony at the nearest convenience. Regardless of her life she always loved her mother despite her giving the middle name Elizabet, which Keziah does not let anyone know about. After Keziah graduated from secondary school she quickly applied for a college, which she got accepted into. She had a passion in communications. But she didn't use it much besides a few side jobs. Soon Keziah learned that the Trans-solar federation and Nanotrasen were in a trade/alliance type pact. This intrigued her and soon she started to work for NT as a roboticist. NT soon recognized this exceeding talent and promoted her to Research Director, which she loved because the power of leading people was very enjoyable for her. A few months later Keziah started to represent NT on the NSS Cyberiad. [Clearance: Security] Keziah has had increased activity with the Syndicate weirdly enough. Impersonating CC officals or Solar Federation marines/Representatives. Is it suggested to keep an eye on her. Qualifications: Keziah Braun has basic knowledge in engineering, supply, and medical. But her knowledge in space law and SOP is very advanced. She has passed her exam that qualified her to represent NT and Supervise security as the Magistrate. Employment Records: Keziah Braun has worked for many companies in which she has leaded at least once department in. But she has done various scientifically jobs. Security Records: If Keziah Braun is ever a enemy to NT and the security team is attempting to detain her, it is suggested to do so very flashbangs, bolas, or pepper spray. She is very nimble and will attempt to escape at any chances she gets. Keziah Braun will likely never get close enough for hand to hand combat and if she goes expect something to be up her sleeve. Medical Records: Keziah Braun has mental lapses in which she may act as the King of the Cyberiad, impersonate Officials of various corporations, or just go full on crazy speaking about voices in her head and what not. If such happens please contain her and bring her to the nearest Psychiatrist. Height: 5'8 Weight: 170.6lbs Eye color: Hazel Physical state: Very healthy Psychosocial state: Might not be the most stable person Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Very beautiful woman with messy hair down to her ankles. She has glasses that fit her perfectly, and freckles across her face. She wears an annoyed face with a casual side eye to the nearest person. She always dresses to impress. Other Notes: If Keziah's middle name is somehow found out saying it will get you slapped. Even though Keziah is very beautiful she hasn't had many relationships. Keziah messes up her speech many times but will quickly correct it. You might randomly catch her saying V. Why, no one knows. I hate....writing back stories.....don't blame me for his @CourierAsy ALSO I'll make a relationship thing in a few.
    1 point
  12. Name: H.A.V.O.C Age: While the intelligence that occupies H.A.V.O.C is 17, its chassis is only 3 years old Gender: N/A Race: IPC Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Blueshield, NanoTrasen Representative Biography: H.A.V.O (Holographic Assisted Virtual Operator) was an AI created and used by Nanotrasen to aid in the training of Security Officers, ERT Members and [REDACTED]. H.A.V.O was tasked with creating and maintaining holographic simulations to test the trainees' skill and prowess in combat aswell as their ability to quickly adapt to an ongoing situation, as such H.A.V.O possessed extraordinary tactical awareness and knowledge of Space Law. Given the fact that H.A.V.O wasn't connected to the entire training complex but rather just the simulation room, it was spared the need to be lawed thus allowing it think and act freely within the confines of its room. Due to the fact it wasn't connected to the station H.A.V.O did not develop any social skills whatsoever and struggles to understand the nuances of organic communication, which is still shown in its current behavior as an IPC. H.A.V.O served within the complex for 15 years until the day an IPC showed up in the simulation room. Upon seeing a pure synthetic perform as well as other organics H.A.V.O became curious and asked for internet connection to be provided to it under the excuse of "researching new combat situations". H.A.V.O did actually research new situations and its tests became much harder, so hard in fact that the Director of the complex had to impose rules for each test to make fair for the trainees. The only tests that were left un-rulled were the tests for [REDACTED]. H.A.V.O was naturally displeased at this and voiced its oppinion through even harder tests, which culminated in the director having a chat with H.A.V.O within the simulator. When the simulation entered, the director found himself in a white building, in front him stood an IPC. What follows is a transcript of the conversation: For the following weeks all of H.A.V.O's simulations have had the words "Yes or No" written on the walls often in blood, and became in general more gruesome, being littered with corpses. After H.A.V.O caused some of the recruits to require mental treatment the higher ups of NT caught attention of it noting that it had extensive knowledge in diverse fields of operation, most notably security. After some debating the green light was given to the download procedure and H.A.V.O was integrated into a Morpheus Cyberkinectics chassis and had C for "Chassis" added to its name. H.A.V.O.C then underwent basic training so it could adapt to its new chassis and was shipped to the Epsilon Eridani sector to serve as a security officer aboard the NSS Cyberiad Qualifications: Graduated from TSS Whimbrel in law enforcement Employment Records: Training Instructor aboard NT training vessel the TSS Whimbrel [2546-2561] Security Officer aboard NT mining and research station NSS Cyberiad [2561-Ongoing] [Promotion] Blueshield Lieutenant Security Records: No Minor Crime Convictions No Medium Crime Convictions No Major Crime Convictions Medical Records: Physical Evaluation: N/A Psychological Evaluation: H.A.V.O.C shows a complete lack of empathy towards organic life, or as it puts it "organic sentience" and shows no remorse over pain or suffering it inflicted on them. --Warning the following segment is only to be viewed by NT Navy Captain stationed at the NAS Trurl, any unauthorized personnel who sees this will be terminated-- --Clearance Accepted-- Remarks on Project Trojan: Subject has been scrubbed of any sensitive information it previously possessed before deployment. Subject undergoes weekly inspection to ensure the modifications done to its chassis are not making it unstable. Subject continues to uphold the given directive without fail. Addendum: After being exposed to the RISE (Rage Inducing Synthetic Epidemic) virus, subject was not only able to bypass the given directive but also gain full access to its experimental equipment, namely the arm mounted energy sword and EMP resistant shielding.While in this state subject lost all memory of its time serving as an IPC and revealed heightened intellect. It seems the modifications to its posibrain caused a cognitive impairment, which was nulified after the RISE virus exposure. The compromised unit has been safely recovered by Navy Officer [REDACTED) and Special Operations Officer [REDACTED, it has since escaped containment,a special task force has been formed to ensure its swift termination. How subject came into contact with the RISE virues is, as of right now, unknown. As a result of this incident we have decided to postpone the deployment of Project Trojan until we have developped an effective way to counteract virus attacks akin to RISE. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Commendations [only to be added by admin]: Reprimands [only to be added by admin]: Other Notes: When setting up H.A.V.O.C's record Steve forgot to add the dot after the last "C". We of course confronted him about it to which he claimed it was intentional. Well we weren't really interested in arguing with Steve over a dot so H.A.V.O.C won't be getting that last dot.
    1 point
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