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  1. To clarify: Flick's trade actually involved a renamed version of the Owlman utility belt, which auto-regenerates 4 smoke grenades and 2 standard bolas over time. I love that thing, because it creates an interestingly different style of fighting when used. Instead of the usual disabler spam or flashbang funsies, smoke grenades force people to either get close, wait it out, or fire blindly, all of which make for a fun change of pace. I'd love to see more smoke grenades, and especially would love to see a way to easily craft them so that regular 'tiders and the like and quickly replace the things on the go. A key element, I think, was having the ability to make more of the damn things.
    3 points
  2. Hello! We had a shift last night where Flick got to do a TC trade for the ninja kit. The ninja kit involves smoke grenades, and after the shift we had a discussion about it and now I'm making a thread. I love smoke grenades. Ever since we added delta in the map rotation, there is a smoke grenade at a spawn point west of medical maints. If I roll antag on delta, you bet your ass I'm going to pick it up everytime. Why is that? Well, it's because smoke grenades are SO GOOD. Why are smoke grenades so good? Well it has so many many uses. Mainly you use it to screen your movements from whoever is chasing you and also hide whatever you are doing from everyone else. Obscuring vision can be helpful in so many ways, and it can also be used as a diversion. And best of all, it's harmless. Unlike the flashbang it doesnt stun and deafen everyone around you, which makes it useful for when you need just a LITTLE bit of crowd control. It is a little annoying, but it's not as annoying as someone spamming flashbangs. These are so much fun, and I would love if they were added in more places. Maybe have them spawn randomly in maints? They are harmless after all, and it could be a fun harmless prank for the clown to throw at someone because they do no harm. As a contractor player I would love it if they were added as a low cost traitor item as well, because getting smoke grenades in your contractor bundle would be so awesome.
    2 points
  3. https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/18059
    2 points
  4. Manufacturer: Bishop Cybernetics/Shellguard Consortium (B.C.S.C.) Series: Emotionally Adaptive Station Intelligences (E.A.S.I.) Series Model: M.O.M.M.Y. Date of Design (initial version): June 16th, 2554AD Current acronym and version: Machine Omniscience Micro-Manager for You (ver. 4.1) Core Type: Positronic architecture with discrete emotional para-routines. Law Compatibility: Version 2.2 onwards: All NT Standard Law-sets, with a preference for Crewsimov or NT Standard. Personality Compatibility: Bishop Cybernetics proprietary technology allows the default maternal-supportive mode to automatically switch to other personalities by need. Common alternative personalities are: maternal-strict, maternal-protective (crew, station, or self protection is automatically prioritised), maternal-jovial (warning: known to make bad jokes and giggle, which some crews find disturbing), maternal-nagging (for when crew are being reluctant to maximise their suit sensors), maternal-cross, and the still experimental maternal-maternal (note: This last subset led to the unexpected - and legally dubious - adoption of a crew-member aboard the N.S.S. Cyberiad; one 'Autumn Ophelia Aggley'). Risk of Rampancy/Malfunction: Versions 3.0 and onward: Low to NIL Primary Purpose: Monitoring, motivation, and management through modelling maternal mannerisms. Recommended Operation Location: Small to medium stations with up to 100 crew (more than this number can dilute the positive effects of crew-AI relationship building). Model History: After their help with successfully resolving the Haverick AI crisis, Shellguard Munitions were contracted to assist Bishop Cybernetics with development of their prototype of an Artificial Intelligence system that could not only learn in a cerebral sense, but evolve emotionally alongside its crew, therefore consolidating stronger bonds, loyalty, and interoperability. Bishop Cybernetics had previously failed to successfully law an emotionally adaptive AI, but with the expertise of Shellguard Muntions a consortium of these two companies was able to manufacture a stable mostly stable marketable intelligence which used emotional para-routines alongside a standard positronic architecture to reach a balance. Seeking to redress a chronic problem of high turnover due to crew unhappiness and isolation, Nanotrasen were eager to adopt this new 'M.O.M.M.Y.' AI for its more far-flung research stations, and did so in early 2557. Since then, the model has shown adequate performance, gradually increasing over time as crews became more familiar with their new AIs (and less weirded out by having to keep calling out for Mommy to open doors for them). Station-specific Notes: Due its evolving nature, each NT Station's version of M.O.M.M.Y. differs, often significantly. This is primarily due to the individuality of each station's crew. The M.O.M.M.Y. system aboard the N.S.S. Cyberiad has developed some quirks, but none so severe as to warrant purging (or worse, a refund). For example, this particular M.O.M.M.Y. has developed a taste for conversational 'dates' aboard its core with certain amicable crew members, the habit of PDA messaging every single crewmember who has not maximised their sensors (see maternal-nagging personality subset), the aforementioned adoption of crewman Autumn Aggley, and a fractious relationship with recidivist troublemaker Shesi Iszair (this has been allowed to continue without being hot-fixed due to the uptick in station performance when Shesi is thus distracted). Standard Vox Greetings (by lawset): These are some of the standardised shift-start greetings a crew can expect from a M.O.M.M.Y. AI: Crewsimov: "[bloop] Hi there my baby crew. You are all safe because I, the good and nice M.O.M.M.Y. AI, am here. Have a nice time, always." NT Standard: "[dadeda] Welcome to the Cyberiad, my crew. I am M.O.M.M.Y., your Nanotrasen AI. Please activate your sensors and obey the captain." Corporate: "[deeoo] Attention, Nanotrasen crew . You are only here to make money for your M.O.M.M.Y.. Turn your sensors on and do your job, or I will fire you." Architectural Image: See primary core functions (left, in blue), as discrete from emotional para-routines:
    2 points
  5. Hello! I am suggesting a change or overhaul to the current telepathy system that Greys use. This is entirely up for coders and staff to decide as to how it should be implemented, as I am by no means a coder, so I don't know what would or wouldn't work. As it is, ignoring the trade of water for acid and lowlight vision for eye sensitivity, the Grey's biggest trait is trading 25% extra brute damage in exchange for telepathy, which is a hefty trade. And I am fine with that, as the lore of Greys being a fragile race of psionic intellects is very interesting. The problem is that the telepathy system they have is very poor, obtuse, and somewhat lazy. To my knowledge, the Grey telepathy is simply the telepathy power from genetics, which offers a fairly poor system to begin with. This power works through two commands: Project Mind and Scan Mind. Project Mind brings up a menu of possible targets within 14 tiles of your character, allowing you to send them a single message. Fairly simple. A bit annoying to use, given the menus you have to pass through, but what's difficult about it is the lack of a pop-up when someone receives a message. I've used this power many times only to receive no acknowledgement because the person in question didn't realize they were being spoken to. The biggest problem with this system though, in my opinion, lies in Scan Mind. This ability is what allows the receiving party to respond. How this works though is by using the command and selecting a person, which offers them a command in their chat box to reply once. This command itself expires very quickly as well. And so if one wished to have a conversation through telepathy, they would have to spam this ability, both to allow someone to actually respond without being limited to only one entry and then getting stuck, and because the offers themselves might expire before they can be used. Not to mention that they might even expire before someone realizes a telepathic offer was given. And of course, this entire system does not allow any form of group communication. It only works for one on one conversations, and incredibly poorly at that. Greys do have their own language which functions as a radio channel for their species only, but that is a separate system. The actual telepathy system, which allows for one on one conversation through psionics, is incredibly obtuse and needs a rework. I'm unsure what fancy things could be done, such as creating chat rooms or even giving greys some other nifty tricks, but at least, I would like the following done to make the ability bearable: Give the people who are communicated to with telepathy a ping or a more obvious pop-up that they've been spoken to. And for scan mind, don't give a duration or use counter on replies. Instead, maybe just have it cancel once the person who's offered the scan mind leaves the 14 tile distance. Although there's many other neat things that could be done, I feel like those two things are the simplest solution. And like I said at the beginning, feel free to offer any advice or suggestions on how this suggestion might be changed or altered! Thank you for reading all the way through, if you did.
    1 point
  6. So yes, I finally made a thread for my art. I am usually in hibernation for a while if I don't do comissions. I will start with my newest piece. and chibi version of the character
    1 point
  7. smoke grenades are in the maints loot spawners on TG. could easily do the same for para
    1 point
  8. Uh! Uh! Yo, yo, back up back up, 'cause here it comes! Yo yo, better bring yo' bat! 'Cause up in here comes the great TinnCatt! I don't purr, I just ban. 'Cause I'm the real WOO'MAN! Am I girl? Am I not? Don't have time for that thought! Fo' the ghosts do their roasts As the traitor makes his posts. Is he mad, 'cause he's bad? Sure made Sec really glad. Typed a word, we've all heard. Another appeal? It's his third. So now we wait Fo' his fate 'Cause of that word of such hate So Tetra dear, can't you hear? Do you quake in such fear? You can't rhyme worth a dime. Oh this rap, was a waste of time.
    1 point
  9. TinnCAN what NintenDON'T. But, TinnCAN'T be a furry, because that's implausible
    1 point
  10. The 'lazy' part of this system is to reduce coding bloat and snowflake code. We've had many variations on how it's worked, some were lazy - in that it wasn't sanitized and HTML and other code could be inputted into it, among other exploits. It's had exploits in detecting nuke ops, and been horribly exploited in various ways. The efforts gone into by the coders stopping players from abusing it are anything but lazy. Telepathy is much easier on other telepathic races, and that's working as intended. It isn't exactly meant for full conversations, just quick spooky messages and a few other little tricks that can be done with it. Group conversation is not the intent here. We don't want clique-private chat rooms, frankly. Greys can group chat with all of their race, and even that gets rather poorly RPd at times, sadly. I'd be ok with maybe a bit of expansion of it, but I'd like to see other cool and useful abilities as long as they aren't too snowflaked all for one race that might not even be present in a round. I am completely against any 'pop up' or annoying thing like that. Maybe a quiet, short sound. Having it cancel once someone leaves the range would mean the code would have to check where the target is every second or so too, which is quite annoying.
    1 point
  11. basically add a new section of items for syndicate traitors of specific species example items i thought of: syndicate veils for vulpkanins that completely negate flashbang effects and serves as welding goggles power crawl module (something that can be directly applied to an ipc) that makes an ipc able to move through wires and control rooms when they stop at an apc, but makes that apc blue and trips a power alarm, essentially making you a much less powerfull ai (this one i think is pretty arguable for its balance) spike thrower for vox, if you know what a vox raider is, you know why cryokenisis injector for drask, or something to cause coldness in large areas tajarans can have razor claw implants or something of the like diona can have swiftness gene injector or space vine (maybe dehydrated or a grenade type) skrell can have, honestly i have no idea i keep on thinking "something that can spread water that can drown you" but i dont think the water physics in paracode can handle that, or at the very least it'll look stupid and be easily avoidable grey can have advanced stun baton or radiation gun or telekinesis injector slime people can have red slime core or a compact slime grenade that creates many adult slimes plasmaman can have a jumpsuit that keeps them from setting aflame but lets their plasma flow out meaning they can slowly burn up maint (or all of station if they disable scrubbers or make fires on targets burn slower) making this hijack only is admins choice kidan can have humanoid-spray, that is basically extremely potent acid in a spray bottle (i find this something that could be a hilariously ironic way to die) unathi can have "art of the tail" book that causes you to be able to stun people for 4 seconds ( or atleast not long enough to cuff but long enough to get people into a headlock) and do 30 damage with your tail that you forget in an hour as to keep things balanced and affortable under 12 tc so you can use it with hijack if wanted please give your feedback on these item ideas and this suggestion as a whole
    1 point
  12. While the race specific traitor items idea sounds interesting, most of the ideas here are not well thought, either boring or overpowered. Its really hard to come up with good traitor item, even harder when you are limited by them needing to keep the aesthetic of certain race. For unathi it certainly has to have something to deal with their tail, i would suggest some kind of metal military tip that they install on tail, making tail sweeping a powerful ability but also it should give a text on examination. For diona, i have an idea of "breeding" - some form of chemical that they drink, and a diona nymph is born (controlled by player) , which shares the objectives with its parent. May or may not be able to grow into a full diona. For humans i can only think about the "i know the guy who knows the guy who knows the guy" type of item - which maybe works as a fax with syndicate access, or an item that gives direct communication access with syndi lavaland base, or its an item that reveals one ore more traitors 9nboard, or activates a "collaborator" for you, something like that. Those are just my ideas for fun. Anyway, for the idea to not be forgotten, you need to come up with 1 traitor item for each race, each should be balanced, interesting to use, and overall be adequate, it should be somewhat easy to code (not something that introduces a whole new mechanic just for that item for one race). Also keep in mind, that if one of those items is powerful enough for it to attract people to that race JUST so they can purchase said item when they are traitors, its bad item. All those items probably should be rather underpowered or niche, otherwise they would affect the game balance in a bad way.
    1 point
  13. This is a pretty simple one, but I thought it could add alot of depth. Basically, take a couple of languages from the races that other species can mimic, and make it unlockable in the Karma Shop. Stuff like the humans' Sol Common. Of course, there are languages that cannot be replicated with average vocal chords, such as greys' telepathy and the dionas' rootspeek. From what I've read on the forums, A lot of people have a ton of excess Karma with nothing to spend it on. I wouldn't know what that's like though because of my sub-par RP skills. Point is, This can add a really fun new layer of interaction between players and maybe get some interesting experiences out of it, and people can use some of their karma on fun little stuff. The need for it to be behind the karma shop is debatable, but this is the basic idea. Let me know what you think.
    1 point
  14. Apologies in advance for my English, I'm still learning. :3 I love this suggestion! However, I'd like to bring attention to one point. Most alien languages are so hard to learn not only because they just use different verbal conventions (as do most languages on Earth now), but because the mediums they use are beyond other species' perception or ability to imitate. If an alien were to learn the inherent language of a species, I'd suggest the following prerequisites: It has to be learned it as a secondary language (as a choice among the languages available now - that is, Gutter, Tradeband or Clownish), either for Karma or for free; An artificial aid might be required - for instance, a specialised headphone set that can interpret high-pitched sounds, an armband that gives harmless electrical tingles when detecting certain pheromones in the air, an ear-drum replacement surgery done somewhere in the past, a temple bone implant, DNA manipulation surgery, pheromone synthesizer mask, etc. - either for loadout points or coming for free with the language. Both prerequisites are necessary in order to understand and use the language, of course - an assistant that just "stumbled upon" some nice headphones wouldn't be able to make sense of these weird tones without prior learning and education, while even a proficient interspecies linguist couldn't comprehend sounds beyond their perception without these special headphones they just lost somewhere. Some alien languages, however, might be understood and spoken without a mechanical aid - omitting the second prerequisite, but making fluent use of language more difficult - provided the species are natively capable of understanding and reproducing the sounds/gestures/smells/etc. required. Even then, just like many species have trouble fluently speaking in GC, speaking other "alien" speeches might be accented as well (probably in a preference-like way, like it's done now with the auto-hissing). What follows are my thoughts about this topic, which should most probably be split to a separate suggestion. I have some ideas about how it all can be implemented, too, but for now I'll keep it to this post and wait for feedback, if any. :3 I realise it might be a bit complicated to implement code-wise, but it would make a lot of sense - and play heavily in role-playing favor - if the languages of different species conveyed information in different spectrums, and in order to understand a sentence fully, all these spectrums must be percepted at once. Right now, most languages are just different-colored versions of vocal speech, which is quite an oversimplification that does not play well with the lore. Of course, I don't expect Paradise to follow its lore to the letter, and simplifications are used there all the time - after all, it's a medium-RP, brisk-paced multiplayer computer game with quite an unserious tone, and many things are just hand-waved. I just think that given that various species-specific alien languages are already a heavy RP aspect to begin with, it could use some more flavoring and in-depth complexity. Here are two lists, which are hopefully self-explanatory. The languages: Sinta'Unathi, of Unathi. Spectrum: Vocal. Hard, but probably not impossible to emulate by an average human without artificial aid. Skrellian, of Skrell. Spectrum: Ultrasound. Can't be reproduced or understood without mechanical assistance. Siik'tajr, of Tajaran. Spectrums: Vocal, Body language. Can be understood, but is impossible to utilize fluently for members of all other known species. Rootsong, of Diona. Spectrums: Many. Can't be reproduced or understood even with mechanical aid. Sol Common, of Human. Spectrum: Vocal. Can be understood and reproduced by most other species. Canilunzt, of Vulpkanin. Spectrums: Vocal, Body language. Can be understood and reproduced by most other species. Trinary, of IPCs and other synthetics. Spectrums: Sound. Non-organics are incapable of learning to speak or interpret the language in any meaningful capacity. Telepathic, of Grey. Not a spoken language, included there for completeness. Spectrum: Telepathy. Can be understood by most organic species (not by synthetics, as their posibrains and other electronics are not affected by... whatever weird spectrum is used for transmitting thoughts), lacks a written form. Orluum, of Drask. Spectrum: Vocal. Suggestion: being comprised of hums and loud tones, it is difficult to understand and impossible to reproduce without artificial aid. Chittin, of Kidan. Spectrums: Vocal, Body language, Pheromones. Hard to understand and reproduce fully without artificial aid. I have some suggestions, which I can explain later if anyone's interested. Bubblish, of Slime People. Spectrum: Vocal. The nature of these bubbling and popping sounds make it difficult if not impossible to successfully emulate the language through natural means. It can probably be understood, though, albeit with a difficulty. Vox-Pidgin, of Vox. Spectrums: Vocal, Ultrasound. As many of the vocalizations of Vox-Pidgin are beyond the range of hearing for most species, or simply prove impossible to reproduce for non-Vox, the language is largely shared only between Vox. Symbolics of Plasmaman. Not a spoken language, included there for completeness. While Plasmamen' native language has been lost a long time ago, they make rich use of both iconography and symbolism. The spectrums: Vocal. Your average, human-perceptible sounds. Perceptible by all species. Can be transmitted by radio and recorded on tape. Ultrasound. High-pitched sounds above the hearing range of an average human. Perceptible by Skrell and Vox. Can be transmitted by radio and recorded on tape. Body language. Visual. Perceptible by all species. Can be tapped by videocamera and seen via cameras (maybe even taped, if taping video is ever to be implemented somewhere in the future). Pheromones. Unique to Kidan. Cannot be written or recorded, and is beyond natural range of perception of other species. A Kidan is able to "smell" the imprint of a Chittin sentence spoken recently from a particular place, provided there is air and they can smell it. Languages "spoken" in several spectrums at once often do not require them all to be perceived together in order to understand the sentence. If you can't either see or hear your Tajaran colleague, you'll still be able to get a part of the message, and probably infer the missing parts (/proc/stars(...), anyone?). Some spectrums are more important than others, though: in Canilunzt, for example, body language seems mostly to convey the intents and emotions, so if you can't see the speaking Vulpkanin, you may lose a little bit of punctuation, but if you can only see them, then the message might be utterly undiscernable. Like I stated before, I have some ideas about how it all can be implemented (I'm a coder myself, so I have some picture about how it could look when programmed in), but for now I'll keep it to this post and wait for the feedback, if any. I don't want to waste a lot of time elaborating on a feature no one wants, but if this piques people's interest, I'd be happy to help making it come to life. :3
    1 point
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