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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2022 in all areas

  1. BEEN A WHILE....made a new Synth ref. Felt like he needed an update for the year. He does wear a white cowboy hat but eh
    1 point
  2. First Name: Katelyn Last Name: O'Share Gender: Female Orientation: Asexual Nicknames/Alias: Kay Tea (Mime Persona) Picture Age/D.O.B: 23 years old, 22/4/2543 Place Of Birth: The medbay on the NSS Cyberiad Species: Human Blood Type: O+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: NanoTrasen/SolGov Religious Beliefs: Believes that there is something, just not for her. Character Biography Detailed Information Appearance: Katelyn has natural white hair that she gets half of dyed black, she is 5'2", slightly muscular, very pale, light hazy green eye color that kinda looks like pond water, and she has burn scars on her hands and lower arms from messing around with chemicals and welders. Family and Medical Details Psyche Evaluation Personal Relationships Faction Relations Other Info Katelyn is very easy to please, just offer her plushies and snacks.
    1 point
  3. In full agreeance with Kugamo, the newest sprites are an overall decrease in appearance and readability. Either stay with the old ones before the PR or Tau Ceti's walls. Actually something else just hit me while writing this. Why not try modern Bay wall? Although it might need some grey scaling applied to it, Bay LOVES their blueing But really though anything else is better than those ugly skyrat walls.
    1 point
  4. I much prefer the old new sprites rather than the latest version. Especially the reinforced walls, the extra stripes on top read really badly imho. Also the square pattern of dots on the latest version of the floors make it look like fabric, and is more distracting visually than the more oblique initial version. If it were up to me I'd stick with the unaltered initial versions.
    1 point
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