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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2022 in all areas

  1. Brushing off this thread, oop. I've been drawing a lot these past few months, but it's Art Fight season once again, so... let's share a few of those attacks
    1 point
  2. 2022 April Wiki Update: Happy (belated) April everyone, solid and consistent work this month, give yourselves pats on the back. Progress baby! As always, we've got a lot of work to do still. Keep writing those pages and helping me hit our development goals. Speaking of our 2022 development goals, we're really beginning to see some progress towards them. This month especially we've placed a special focus on expanding those portal pages and now expanding our wiki contributor resources. Even though I'm getting fucked exams, Buckle up for a funky fresh update! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision Requests & Changelog What needs to be done on the Wiki: Apparel needs to be expanded (We're doing such a great job y'all, keep it up) Starters Guide to Admin Tools needs to be updated (more admin stuff) Creating your own paracode server needs to be rewritten Telecommunications images need a once-over/fix Guide for beginners needs a once-over Guide to Regex needs to be expanded upon Singularity Engine is missing images and could do with a rewrite Karma System could do with a rework + it needs to be updated with the new UI & auto refund system Martial Arts is missing all other forms of martial arts such as Plasma Fist, Admin-Fu, etc Simple Mobs needs to be filled out with more simple mobs :D Heads Up Displays needs to be filled out with information about hydroponics huds Firearms ammo section needs to be finished, clarifications need to be made to guns on where to get them or if they're only admin-spawn Air Alarm needs to be reformatted (no level 1 headers) and cleaned up Guide to Atmospherics requires a rewrite, atmos shouldn't be as scary as it is, this article needs to FULLY explain atmospherics and walk the reader through the learning process rather than only throwing information at them Identifying Antagonists needs to be reformatted/rewritten Locations needs to be rethought out, now that we no longer use only the NSS Cyberiad, this page will have to be changed in both its structure, purpose, and styling. These Pages need to be written: Guide to Cleaning Guide to Command/Leadership Service Items Derelict Researcher Courtroom needs to be filled out Electrical Maintenance Needs to be filled out Meta and Delta location need to filled out and added(image files that is) Guide to Bug Fixing Guide to Making a PR Guide to TGUI Mechs Shuttles Station Economy User Interface Anomalies We need to go through all of our files and crosscheck them with the Goon .DMI file folder and apply the proper licenses other shit I can't be bothered to add or has been added since time of writing, see: Maintenance Panel Keep knocking out those revision requests mis compadres! April Change Log: Blob has new nuke blob tile added Guide to Robotics is now has info about the Cyborg Analyzer Guide to Lavaland now Lavaland loot from chests Simple Mobs has had more simple mobs added Firearms now has all guns in the game added to it Vendors now take into account new security apparel Most articles now use gender neutral terminology when referring to non-specific people Guide to Chemical Research has had a few corrections made to it regarding grenades Nian has begun being filled out thanks to our lovely @Shadeykins Advanced Songs has had more content added to it thanks to @Agatasa Cryptographic_Sequencer has been converted from tabs to just sections Template:JobsTable has been restyled Guide to Combat is beginning to see a rewrite thanks to @Generaldonothing Medical Items updated thanks to @Krossarn Job Headers now have many more relevant guides thanks to @Jonttte Songs has been updated thanks to @Aligote and @skybluegill Vampire page updated and rewritten to reflect dantalion changes Fax machine corrections on locations pages thanks to @Crazyhair Chaplain corrections made about null rod features Station Goals now has a better diagram for the BSA thanks to @Retrograde115 Barber updated to reflect karma changes Anomalies has begun to be written by @Contra Head of Personnel has had information added about account uplink terminal A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER CHANGES Thank you to all of our contributes I haven't specifically mentioned yet: @PopeDaveThe3th @Zydras @Charliminator @skybluegill@Qwertytoforty @AzuleUtama @Miraviel @BrickTheHooman @roarbark @AffectedArc07 As you can clearly see, it takes A LOT of contributors to keep the wiki chugging, I encourage all of you who have may <5 edits to continue learning and contributing! I'm always here to support and guide. Those of you who do not contribute (but still read this :D ) this is the perfect time to start learning and becoming a part of our awesome team. Soon enough it will be much easier to get in contributing, just you wait (or start now >:D) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 Development Goals - How we can/are meeting them! Alright lets revisit those development goals and see how they're cooking. Finish Every Portal Page - A.K.A Wiki Navigation So far we've been making progress. Most notably through the use of portal pages. These portal pages are the bridges between our main page and literally all knowledge on the wiki, they link together one topic and all articles pertaining to its topic. So far we have established three categories of portal pages: Contributor Portals, Game Mechanics Portals, and Department Portals. All Department, most contributor, and no game mechanics portals have actually been established. What we need to do is continue developing these and expanding them. It's pretty simple, just replicate the format of the other ones, I trust you!!! @ me if you need help or guidance. Current State of Portal Pages Job Portals General - FINISHED Service - FINISHED Supply - FINISHED Medical - WIP Security - WIP Engineering - WIP Research - WIP Command - WIP Antagonist - WIP Legal - WIP Special Role - NEEDS TO BE MADE AND ADDED TO NAVBAR Contributor Portals Wiki Contributor - WIP/FINISHED Github Contributor - WIP/FINISHED Technical Troubleshooting - WIP Hosting - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Mechanics Portals New Player - NEEDS TO BE MADE Server Systems - Mobs - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Objects - NEEDS TO BE MADE Game Rounds - NEEDS TO BE MADE Lore - NEEDS TO BE MADE Development of a Manual of Style This is a long-term project, I have made a lot more progress with it. I encourage y'all to suggest things but ultimately this falls upon me to write since it's setting the standards for our wiki writing. What you can do to help this, is start reading through them and learning how to edit articles using our standard format (it also has a couple essay-esque parts that assist with making them better for the reader). Current State of MOS: Typography - FINISHED Prose - WIP Content - FINISHED??? Layout - very WIP Templates - NEEDS TO BE MADE Files - WIP Accessibility - NEEDS TO BE MADE Wiki Team Improvement Big plans here this and next month! Here's what's done: Wiki Contributor Portal Partial Rewrite of Guide to Wiki Editing Here's what we're gonna do: Complete rewrite to our Guide to Wiki Editing Writing of an article for the sole purpose of telling contributors where and how they can contribute Looking into possible incentives for wiki contributors to encourage editing Content Expansion This has been an alright month for content expansion. As I said before a few pages have seen some increases in their quantity of content. You can all help out here by continuing to populate item/object/mob pages that are missing information. Additionally, rewriting or improving guides to be up-to-date and more user-friendly is always beneficial. Not my penultimate goal in May but I'd like to see contributors step in here and really take hold of an article as their own and completely bring it up to speed <3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conclusion if you were @'d on this post it means that you contributed meaningfully to our wiki in some aspect and I'd hope you are willing to stay around another month to keep doing so. If you want to get involved with editing the wiki and don't know how, @ me on the discord and I'll happily sit down and teach you stuff when I get the chance. I hope to continue doing this every month. Here is a syntax guide for those who are curious As always, thanks for the hard work everyone!
    1 point
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